Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Art Of Racing Essay
Denny Swift is a very intellectual human being, especially when it is go time on the asphalt racing strip. He puts his mind into race mode and lets the auto pilot take over and slide through all the corners, especially in the rainy weather that dissipates others. This complex character is a rare human being, not for the reason of being a good racer in the rain. But he takes responsibility, when something happens from a decision whether he’s wrong or right he owns up to it. Either taking the success with triumph or openly accepting the fact of being wrong. When he is wrong he try’s his very hardest to resolve the situation, and fix things rather than putting it off to others or blaming it on someone else. But no matter what in any situation he implies the thoughts of others and taking them into consideration as well for what other characters in the book have to say and how they feel. When Eve was sick she didn’t want him to see, her like that and when Eve demanded Denny to leave he listened, also leaving Enzo by her side and Zoe in the care of Eve’s Parents. The real other half of Denny is his automobile racing career. He is a very experienced and intellectual racer, Denny’s skill on the track are unbelievable especially in the rain. He is able to predict what to do in situations on the track before they happen, turning before sliding, sliding before turning. A quote he says which is â€Å" What we manifest is before us†, meaning by decisions we make affects our future turn out and relates to his racing because he makes a move before its made for him. The part about Denny’s career would be the time he has off the track because it is limited. He has to practise in order to get better, which is more and more time away from his family and his best friend Enzo. His racing can relate to his life, every choice he makes can affect his way of life. Just like every move on the track can affect your outcome at the finish line. To be a very good racer, not only do you need the skills but the will power to push the limits and be better than everyone. Denny executes dangerous maneuvers to be first to cross the finish line first. Denny try’s his very hardest to be the best guy he can be whether it hurts him or not, and couldn’t be or do what he does without the support of his loved ones, Eve, Zoe and Enzo, the most important people in Denny’s life that he cares most about.
Dover Beach
George 1 Joshua George Instructor Sarah Poffenroth EN 115 23 October 2012 Essay Two: The theme of ‘Illusion versus Reality’ in Matthew Arnold’s ‘Dover Beach’ ‘Dover Beach’ is a poem by the English poet Matthew Arnold. The locale of the poem is the English ferry port of Dover Kent, facing Calais, France. This was the place where Matthew Arnold honeymooned in 1851 (Wikipedia Contributors).In Matthew Arnold’s ‘Dover Beach’, the speaker draws visual imagery to show that what is generally perceived is false and hence an illusion, and he contrasts it using aural imagery to show what is truly real, the bitter reality of losing faith in one’s tradition, culture, and religion. The poem is unevenly divided into four stanzas. The first stanza has fourteen lines, whereas the second, third, and fourth have six, eight, and nine lines, respectively. Ruth Pitman calls this poem a series of incomplete sonnets (109).The poem has no particular rhyme scheme except for stanza four which follows the rhyme scheme- abbacddcc. The events described in the poem allude to the Victorian Era (1837-1901) (Wikipedia Contributors), which was a time of industrialization and introduction of scientific theories and ideas such as the Theory of Evolution which questioned major principles of Christianity. Some critics say that the speaker in the poem is Matthew Arnold himself because the location where the events in the poem take place isGeorge 2 Dover beach, where Arnold went for honeymoon with his wife. The poem is thought to be composed in 1851 and that is the year when Arnold honeymooned (Wikipedia Contributors). The speaker paints visual imagery of the scene in lines 1-8. Words such as ‘calm’ and ‘tranquil’ create an image of stability whereas words such as ‘glimmering’ and ‘vast’ describe the visual beauty of the scene. The first stanza also uses words like ‘roarâ €™ and ‘tremulous cadence’ to draw an aural image of the scene.Notice the contrast Arnold draws by using visual and aural imagery; the former expresses illusion (calm, beautiful, tranquil, etc. ) and the latter expresses reality (tremulous cadence) which induces sadness. The beginning of the first stanza describes the beauty of ‘Dover beach’. Midway through the stanza, the speaker invites his love (mentioned in stanza four) to ‘come to the window’ (line 6) and listen to the grating roar of the pebbles. By saying ‘come to the window’ the speaker wants his love to see things from his perspective.Alternatively, it could also mean looking at things closely as implied by lines seven and eight where the speaker mentions that ‘only, from the long line of spray where the sea meets the moon-blanched land’ (the shore) can you hear the ‘grating roar of pebbles’. The sound made by the pebbles when it is drawn and flung by waves, creates a note of sadness in the speaker’s heart. The first stanza shows the incompatibility between what is perceived and what is truly real. The material things of the world are in a way an illusion created by the world but the truth can be only known when we closely inspect everything.By introducing Sophocles (Greek playwright) in the second stanza, the speaker wants to emphasize the fact that he is not the only one to experience sadness induces by the sound of pebbles tossed about by the waves which ‘brought into his (Sophocles’) mind the turbid ebb and George 3 flow of human misery’ (lines 17-18). The speaker feels the same. This poem was written in the Victorian Era. It was a time of industrialization, economic prosperity and introduction of scientific ideas such as ‘Darwin’s Evolution Theory’ which made people question tradition, culture, and religion.People lost all their faith; though on the outside they seemed calm, happy and in control, the speaker feels that deep down inside they all experienced sadness due to their lack of faith (stanza 3). In the third stanza, the speaker talks about faith. The speaker feels that people used to be full of faith but due to the modern age and its ideas, people have lost their faith in tradition, culture, and religion. The speaker illustrates this by using the image of clothes. When people had faith in religion, the world used to be clothed (Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furled).Once they lost their faith, they were stripped of these clothes like ‘naked shingles of the earth’. Thus, the third stanza brings out the bitter reality of that time. Depressed by the condition of humans the speaker turns to his lover and wants them to be true to one another. Stanza four brings back the illusion presented in stanza one. The speaker says, â€Å"For the world, which seems to lie before us like a land of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new , hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain†(lines 30-34).Here the word ‘seems’ implies that the world isn’t what it is normally perceived (it is an illusion) as (land of dreams, beautiful etc. ) but it has bitter reality attached to it. This melancholy awareness of the poet is put perfectly by Rodney Delasanta; he wrote, â€Å"The theme of the poem (the poet’s melancholy awareness of the terrible incompatibility between illusion and reality) is supported by the use of visual imagery to express illusion and auditory imagery to express reality†(1). George 4 H.Wayne Schow points out an interesting thing; the phraseology of the poem is similar to Romans 8:38-39, where Paul writes: For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the l ove of God. This shows that Arnold knew the Bible well. He could have used it deliberately to contrast the piece of scripture from Romans to emphasize the current state of humankind (27).Arnold’s â€Å"Dover Beach†uses imagery, symbolism, and other poetic devices to reveal the theme of illusion versus reality. Throughout the poem we can see the speaker’s struggle which is well supported by the inconsistent rhythm and meter. The speaker beautifully describes it by using visual imagery to express illusions and aural imagery to express harsh reality. The speaker expresses his desire to have faith and be honest with his love but towards the end of the poem slides back to pessimism due to the realization of the reality. George 5 Works Cited Wikipedia contributors. â€Å"Victorian era.  Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 23 Oct. 2012. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. Wikipedia contributors. â€Å"Dover Beach. † Wikipedia, The Free Enc yclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 17 Sep. 2012. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. Pitman, Ruth. â€Å"On Dover Beach. †Essays in Criticism. XXIII (1973): 109-136. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. Schow, H. Wayne. â€Å"Arnold’s Dover Beach. †The Explicator. (1998): 26-27. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. Delasanta, Rodney. Explicator. XVIII (1959): 1. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. Fain, John T. â€Å"Arnold’s Dover Beach. †(2002): 40-42. Web. 23 Oct. 2012.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Nature valuable resources
RENEWABLE ENERGY IS AN EXPENSIVE DIVERSION FROM THE REAL TASK OF SECURING ENERGY SOURCES FOR THE COMING DECADES. DISCUSS.The technological promotion of the human existences enabled them to research and tackle nature ‘s valuable resources that finally led our civilisation far in front. Non renewable, particularly the dodo fuel velocity up the gait of development. But those resources, made in the geological timescale is about to be consumed within a century. Undoubtedly we need energy to force our life further and keep the gait of development ; this demand of energy compel us to happen out its options. The hunt of appropriate resources is traveling on, many people are recommending on behalf of renewable resources. Renewable energy such as solar, air current, hydro, moving ridge and bio fuel are seen as the alternate energy, nevertheless there are a scope of obstructions confronting the rapid development of these engineerings: they are seeking to set up themselves in an out-of-dat e institutional, market and industrial context. ( Elliot, D. , 2003 ) . Though these engineerings are recognised as options, none of them are free from restraints and inordinate publicity of these engineerings could impact the natural system. So it is indispensable to measure the benefits and menaces due to the application of these engineerings before their execution. The purpose of this essay is to happen out the causes behind the publicity of these energy beginnings, their restriction and impact on single footing to happen out why and how the recreation towards these energy beginnings can be expensive and to propose the better manner to conserve energy for future.Causes behind the publicity of Renewable Energy BeginningsAssorted factors are responsible for the publicity of renewable energy beginnings. The on-going concern of clime alteration and imposed compulsory rigorous dockets to get the better of it, consuming modesty of fossil fuel and the issue of energy security for the states are found to be the major causes behind it ( OECS/IEA 2008 ) . In re cent old ages, these beginnings are used to supply energy for the rural or stray communities excessively ( ITDG, 2000 ) and even to supplement the of all time increasing demand of energy. The concern over the green house gas emanation is one of the major grounds, if no alterations are made on the bing state of affairs, concentrations of CO2 could increase to every bit much as 630ppm by 2050 and 1,200ppm by the terminal of the century ( OECS/IEA 2008 ) . Many scientific surveies suggest that the net concentration of nursery gas beyond 450 ppm CO2 equivalent for good may take to a series of micro climatic displacement and put up a ego prolonging rhythm of rapid planetary heating ( Deutche Bank, 2008 ) . So this dismaying state of affairs demands for the options of this green house gas emitter and the publicity of renewable beginnings are being done to forestall it. An estimated $ 71billion was invested in new renewable energy except big hydropower worldwide in the twelvemonth 2007, up from $ 55billion in the twelvemonth 2006 and $ 40 billion, this addition was chiefly due to solar PV and weave energy ( REN21, 2007 ) . The graph below reveals the to a great extent increasing tendency of investing on renewable sectors.Causes of energy demand:The usage of energy is influenced by the population and economic growing. The increased population demands more energy where as economic prosperity multiplies the demand several creases. United States of America consists of 5 % of planetary population where as consumes 25 % of the planetary oil production ( Alliance to energy nest eggs, 2005 ) . In recent old ages extremely come oning states are devouring more energy. A survey shows that in the Hangzhou metropolis of China, along with the economic development, urbanisation and betterment in peoples populating status, the residential energy ingestion risen dra matically, it was increased by 93.75 % while the population growing was merely 9.22 % from the twelvemonth 2001 to 2006 ( Ouyang, J.,2009 ) . The increasing multitudes of turning in-between category in the development states are turning into energy rapacious and the states are despairing to acquire energy for their quickly turning economic system. Along with the population and economic growing, the inefficient substructure and machines besides increase the usage of energy. For illustration, the ill insulated house needs more energy for infinite warming whereas the inefficient engines use more energy even for the little end product ( Ouyang, J. , 2009 ) . Harmonizing to OECD/IEA, 2009, non OECD states account for the 93 % of planetary energy demand between 2007 to 2030, driven mostly by China and India.Restriction of Renewable Energy:Renewable energy chiefly solar, air current, hydro, wave, bio fuel and geo thermal are emerging as the new beginnings of energy but all of them have their ain restriction and the inordinate usage or extraction could take to another job. Here each of them are discussed on single footing.Solar Energy:The sunshine can be converted into energy, frequently photo Gurs cells are used to hive away energy. It is chiefly used for the intent of H2O warming and little graduated table power coevals. But it uses much infinite and produces comparatively less energy. Though there is no or really less fuelling and care cost, the initial cost is comparatively high. ( Singh, P, P and Singh, S, 2010 ) Enough sunlight hours are required for this intent and bad conditions and cloudy status can impede the entire end product ( C hen, H. , 2010 ) . Policy support from authorities, invention of new engineering and available market is indispensable to set up this energy in market, this type of energy publicity needs authorities subsidy and that indirectly increases the entire cost involved ( Reddy, S and Painuly, J, P,2004 ) . Beside the upfront initial cost there may be other cost such as to clean its by merchandise. In instance of solar energy it can be the cost to clean up the toxic chemicals like arsenous anhydride, Ga and Cd and the energy demand during the industry of immense graduated table photovoltaic panels ( Tsoutsos, T, et. Al. 2005 ) . Distinct environmental effects during the installing stage of solar panels can be seen as it requires big land multitudes of approximately 5 to 10 estates /MW of installed capacity. Huge array of stacked mirrors might do ocular blight and shadowing from the solar cells could impact the micro clime. ( Bradlely, R, L. , 1997 ) . Harmonizing to DuHamal, J, 2009, the Cato study says, A 1978 survey found that the stuffs required for thermal-solar undertakings were 1,000 times greater than for a likewise sized fossil-fuel installation, making significant incremental energy ingestion and industrial pollution. Energy ingestion associated with the large-scale industry of photovoltaic panels. So all these factors proves that beside the initial upfront cost there are other indirect costs those makes these beginnings rather expensive.Wind Energy:Wind is seen as another major beginning of alternate energy. But it has restriction, as all the topographic points are non suited for energy production. Wind power has low fringy cost and high proportion of capital cost ( Rosenbloom, E,2006 ) . The complexness of site and the likeliness of utmost burden find the building cost of air current farm. Difficult ground status like difficult stones, bog and really blowy site with high extreme tonss result in expensive civil building and higher specification of turbines. Additionally the cost of grid connexion is frequently affected by the distance of production and usage. The mean cost of air current energy per unit of production depends on cardinal premises, such as the cost of capital and old ages of false service. ( http: // ) Despite decennaries of broad subsidies, nevertheless, the cost of bring forthing electricity from air current remains pig-headedly wasteful in an progressively competitory electricity market. Many taking wind-power suppliers have encountered fiscal trouble, and capacity retirements appear every bit likely as new undertakings in the United States without major new authorities subsidy. ( Bradlely, R, L. , 1997 ) . On the environmental side, air current power is noisy, land- intensive, materials-intensive ( concrete and steel, in peculiar ) , a ocular blight, and a jeopardy to birds. ( Bradlely, R, L. , 1997 ) To get the better of those impacts and to relocate or conserve different species of birds besides needs money. So the upfront cost and such ecological job together makes it further expensive. The inter- and intra-annual variableness of the air current resource, or alter other facets of the external conditions for air current developments. It is likely that as in other constituents of clime alteration there will be ‘winners ‘ and ‘losers ‘ parts where air current energy developments may profit from clime alteration, and parts where the air current energy industry may be negatively impacted. ( Pryor, S.C. , and R.J. Barthelmie, R.J, 2010 ) . If the air current form alterations in the country of established air current farm due to climate alteration, it will non be possible to bring forth electricity and the big investing becomes worthless. Harmonizing to DuHamal, J. 2009, Denmark, the universe ‘s most wind-intensive state, with more than 6,000 turbines bring forthing 19 % of its electricity, has yet to shut a individual fossil-fuel works, so this illustration shows that it is an expensive and small end product giving procedure alternatively of big capital outgo. In Germany, Der Spiegel studies that ‘Germany ‘s CO2 emanation has n't been reduced by even a individual gm ( by constructing air current turbines ) and extra coal and gas fired workss have been constructed to guarantee dependable bringing ( Waldermann, A.,2009 ) .This illustration proves that alternatively of big outgo still they can non be proved as a beginning of dependable supply of energy.Hydro Power:Hydropower is the major renewable energy beginning. Large scale hydropower is frequently economically attractive but requires immense amount of capital. ( McCully, P and Wong, S, 2004 ) . Small and micro hydro power are emerging as new beginning of energy, but these are the scattered beginnings and requires big amount of money to link with the state ‘s chief grid. So either it needs to be consumed locally or necessitate immense outgo to link it to the chief grid. The environmental effects caused by a hydroelectric system can be extended. However, the extent differs from one undertaking to another. A reservoir-based hydroelectric system can do a figure of alterations to the ecosystem, including stratification, ace impregnation, altering H2O degrees, and deposit ( McCully, P and Wong, S, 2004 ) . The greatest impacts of hydroelectric undertakings are found in fish populations and, more specifically, pink-orange populations. A recent survey released by the World Commission on Dams, nevertheless, found that some hydroelectric systems release more nursery gases into the ambiance than make coal-burning power coevals. Disintegrating flora trapped in dead H2O produces methane, which is 20 times more powerful as a nursery gas than C dioxide ( Anderson, H, 2001 ) . The big hydro power undertaking displaces huge country of human colony and that their resettlement cost immense sum of money.Wave And Tidal Energy:Energy can be generated by utilizing the se a moving ridge or sea tides. A critical portion of this exercising is to corroborate that the degrees of energy in the sea waves around the seashore are of sufficient magnitude to do wave power echt rival as an alternate beginning of power. Wave energy produces useable electricity from the kinetic energy of ocean. But there may happen ecological and socio-economic challenges. Impacts on piscaries, marine transit, and some recreational activity and ecological branching could be expected ( COPC, 2008 ) . Those commercial activities like piscaries and marine transit could ensue economic loss thereby straight set uping people support. Frequently ecological issues emerge as major concern before or during the building of these types of undertakings. And the declaration of such issues could be either the closing of the undertaking or expensive alternate agreement. In Korea, the ambitious undertaking of building of a Tidal Power Plant at Garolim bay came under immense argument because of the possible environmental and ecological harm, decrease in the tidal flat, debasement of saltwater quality that might do and be to retrieve the harm ( Lee, J, S and Hoonyoo, S,2009 ) . Such an illustration shows that these kinds of engineerings though seems renewable and less fouling but the cost involve in the extenuation for the indirect harm could do it much more expensive.Bio Power:Bio power is either generated by the burning of biomass or liquids derived from the works stuffs can be used for the replacing of fossil fuel. Bio-ethanol, an intoxicant can be made by fermenting the sugar constituents of the workss stuffs and is made largely from sugar and amylum harvests, where as bio Diesel can be made from vegetable oil, animate being fat or recycled lubricating oil ( Guru, M. 2010 ) . The first coevals bio fuel implies intensive agricultural patterns ( e.g. the high application of fertiliser and pesticides ) ( Russi, 2008 ) progressively it besides suggests that there will be competition for land usage and natural land ( forest and grassland ) , may hence be converted into cultivable land ; it may besides vie with nutrient production, which causes increasing nutrient monetary values that will chiefly harm those on low or subsistence incomes. Large-scale energy agriculture could be damaging both in footings of land usage and the chemicals necessary to bring forth harvests. Though these produce less pollutants than fossil fuel, the demand of huge country shorten the land for nutrient production ( IEA, 2009 ) Harmonizing to REN 2007, developing states as a group have more than 40 per centum of bing renewable power capacity, more than 70 per centum of bing solar hot H2O capacity, and 45 per centum of bio fuels production. But most of these states are fighting to feed their people and unable to afford the initial upfront cost for these energies. Although biomass is a renewable resource, much of it is presently used in ways that are neither renewable nor sustainable. In many parts of the universe, firewood is in progressively short supply as turning populations convert woods to agricultural lands and the staying trees are burned as fuel. As a consequence of hapless agricultural patterns, dirts in the U.S. Corn Belts are being eroded 18 times faster than they are being formed. ( Bradlely, R, L. , 1997 ) . So if the part of biomass to the universe energy economic system is to turn, technological inventions will be needed, so that biomass can be converted to useable energy in ways that are more efficient, less polluting, and at least every bit economical as today ‘s practices.With the exclusion of bioethanol from Brazil, production costs of bio fuels are typically much higher than those of fossil fuels ( Thielmann, S, 2008 ) , this state of affairs makes it less executable economically. An survey done by Russi, D,2008, in Italy showed that the little benefits from the bio fuel would non be plenty to countervail the immense costs in footings of land demand: if the mark of the European Directive 2003/30/EC were reached ( 5.75 % of the energy used for conveyance by 2010 ) the equivalent of about tierce of the Italian agricultural land would be needed.Geo Thermal Energy:Geothermal supplies more than 10,000 MW to 24 states world-wide and now produces adequate electricity to run into the demand of 60 million people ( Jonathan, D, 2008 ) . Iceland is widely considered the success narrative for this energy, this state is to the full powered by renewable energy with 17 % of electricity and 87 % of warming demands is provided by this energy. ( Blodgett, L. and Slack, K. , 2009 ) Despite of these successes, this energy beginning is limited to some location of the Earth merely and it is non ever found economical and is unable to give end product as predicted antecedently. Production had fallen far short of projections made in the 1980sand even worsening because of the fickle end product from the figure of California belongingss and nationally, geothermic end product in 1995 was 14 per centum below 1994, a bead of 2.4 million kWh ( Blodgett, L. and Slack, K. , 2009 ) . They farther mentioned that geothermal has turned out to be â€Å"depletable, †with limited capacity, falling end product, and modest new investingWhat could be the solution?There can non be a individual solution for this job. As the dodo fuel is consuming, it is indispensable to seek for another beginning for its replacing. It is non possible to trust wholly on a individual beginning of energy. Mixing of energy beginnings and debut of energy efficient engineering could assist a batch to get the better of this crisis.Mix of energy beginningsAll the energy types can non be available everyplace, solar energy requires adequate solar radiation hours, wind energy demands adequate wind speed and land, geothermic energy is confined on really few location of the Earth, moving ridge and tidal energy demand suited coastal country, bio fuel demands for immense land area of land. So it is indispensable to blend up these renewable energies with the conventional 1. Countries with adequate coastal country should underscore on air current, wave or tidal energy and blend up this energy with the conventional 1. The states which are rich on peculiar types of energy beginnings should advance that energy beginning. Though inordinate publicity of a individual type of energy beginning could be counterproductive. Excessive edifice of air current farm could impact on avian motion and even ensue the decease and monolithic graduated table air current farm can change or divert the air motion. Source Promotion of immense graduated table of bio- fuel can alter the natural ecosystem and the full cropping form taking to mass scale famishment. The economic and societal impact that cause may overweighs the benefit of bio fuel. Blending up of these renewable beginnings with conventional one, in fact, lengthen the life of dodo fuel where as supply more clip for the development of cheap and efficient more alternate beginnings of energies therefore procuring energy for future.Energy efficiencyEnergy demand is the effect of population growing and rapid development aided by inefficient usage of energy. Quickly turning in-between category prosperity is further striving the already overstretched energy substructure. Huge scope of electronics and vehicles are now within the budget of new emerging in-between category of developing universe, those are increasing the energy demand in that country. Not all the vehicles and electronics are good energy efficient, the less efficient these mer chandises farther spoil the energy usage. Change in consumer behavior could be another of import facet in this respect. For illustration, alternatively of promoting people to purchase their ain vehicles, policy should promote utilizing public transit and for that it is indispensable to do the public transit efficient. Alternatively of doing capital intensive immense undertaking to bring forth energy, authorities should advance energy efficient engineering. The increased income and altering life manner is found as one of the of import implicit in causes of energy demand. The illustration of Hangzhou metropolis of China shows how the energy demands additions with economic prosperity, but it was non merely due to the economic betterment. Actually the state of affairs was farther worsen by the hapless thermic quality of the old bing edifice ( Ouyang, J, 2009 ) and that survey suggested to the redevelopment of bing old edifice for energy economy and less CO2 emanation of the metropolis. Improvement in bing old edifices and building of new high acting edifices and houses are critical. In United States, the residential and commercial edifices together consumes 39 % of the primary energy that state consumes and 70 % of the electricity ( NERL, 2005 ) . High acting edifices are designed to supply superior degrees of indoor comfort and buoy uping while devouring important less energy than those run intoing minimal criterions for energy efficiency. In add-on these edifices incorporate energy- bring forthing engineerings such as photovoltaic ( PV ) solar electric system. Harmonizing to NREL, 2005, mid- term option such as cellulose based ethyl alcohol and stopper in intercrossed electric vehicles are engineerings in the ulterior phase of development, but they are still excessively expensive to vie in the market place. Though the engineering can turn low value works stuffs, such as maize chaffs, saw dust, waste paper and fast turning trees and grasses into ethyl alcohol and other valuable fuels and chemicals and could assist to cut down dependence on fossil fuel and nursery gas emanation but it is still excessively expensive ( NREL, 2005 ) and merely the publicity of such engineering can non assist ordinary people. A survey done by Michael, A, et. al. , in 2009 on Potential benefits from improved energy efficiency of cardinal electrical merchandises ( family iceboxs, window air conditioners, motors and distribution transformers ) estimate that betterments to the four merchandises studied could cut down electricity ingestion in India by 54 TWh, or about 4.3 % of entire electricity demand in that twelvemonth. This is an of import consequence in itself, and suggests that several times this economy is accomplishable sing all merchandises. This survey proves that energy efficient engineering helps to procure energy for future in existent sense.DecisionThe development of scientific innovations changed the human civilization to greater extent. Discovery of fossil fuel and development of vehicles and industries together catalysed the procedure of development. But the inordinate and inefficient usage of these fixed stocks are now consuming quickly coercing us to happen out the option, beside this, the c oncern over the green house gas emanation is farther obliging us to deviate from the dodo fuel. Increasing population, particularly the turning in-between category of developing states are famished to energy as they are now able to afford most of the energy intensive engineerings. The inefficiency of those engineerings has farther additions the demand of energy. The quickly depleting beginnings of dodo fuel and environmental concern has diverted towards the renewable beginnings of energy, but most of them need upfront capital and more or less makes environmental harm and that increases the entire cost of the undertaking doing it further expensive. Assorted undertakings on renewable energy are unable to bring forth the adequate energy, sometimes non even the jutting one doing it undependable beginnings of energy. So it can non be possible to trust on merely one type of resource. Energy commixture, i.e. commixture of conventional and renewable could assist to give the best consequence, increasing the life of fossil fuel stock to some extent and leting clip to develop energy efficient renewable engineerings. Introduction of energy friendly engineerings in industries, concern, transit and family could significantly conserve the energy. Simply the recreation towards renewable energies becomes extremely expensive and merely the usage of dodo fuel could heighten planetary heating, so in my position it is much more indispensable to blend up these energies to do it low-cost and chair the cost of energy.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Evolution and Natural Selection Lab Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Evolution and Natural Selection Lab - Coursework Example Archaeologists found that there were fossil remains of extinct animals as they dug deeper into the strata. They could see similarities in the different fossils but could not comprehend why or how they existed. Darwin influenced the theory of evolution in his study of finches and tortoises of the Galapagos Islands. Though different, Darwin could note similarities that converged the different birds to the same ancestors. The tortoise in the different islands though seemingly similar, Darwin noted that they had distinct variation. His breakthrough was in 1859 when he published the book On the Origin of Species (Evolution and Natural Selection, 2010). First, Darwin views a species as organisms that can vary over time and space. He says that the equivalent of today’s organisms that existed earlier in life varied in form and behavior from those of today, as do those in distanced geographic regions today. Fossils also differ thus supporting the claim (Evolution and Natural Selection, 2010). Second, he says that all organisms have shared common ancestors. The relations can be traced over millions of years ago. Different organisms diverged from their common ancestry to form their own independent species. Sharing of common ancestry is manifested by the similarities that different species share today e.g. we share common ancestry with chimpanzees dating back around eight million years back. Lastly, Darwin puts forth that evolution is steady slow process. Fossil records showed this form of process plus the emergence of unprecedented novel organisms in Darwin’s time (Evolution and Natural Selection, 2010). Natural selection entails variation, inheritance, excessive speed of population growth and differential survival and reproduction. Related organisms vary in form and behavior and include variations in body size, facial markings, hair color and so on. Inheritance involves passing of certain traits
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Analysis of American Gun Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analysis of American Gun Culture - Essay Example There is too much violence today; people everywhere they go are rightly concerned of their safety at school, at the mall, at the office, at the church, at a parking lot, at supermarkets, and even along the country’s highways when simple traffic altercations can turn violent in a sudden manner as people vent their road rage on innocent fellow travelers who might cross their path unwittingly. While the debate on guns continues to rage seemingly without an end in sight, politicians, academicians, and concerned citizens who worry about the state of civil society in America today argue for stricter gun controls to reduce this violence. On the other hand, supporters and advocates of the Second Amendment assert their own right to carry guns for protection but unfortunately, this had also bred a culture of violence in which simple arguments can escalate into the use of guns. Further, a permissive gun culture is contributory to the proliferation of guns almost everywhere to the point even people who are supposedly not qualified to have guns carry these guns around with them. This situation is now spinning out of control and so many people argue for more gun regulations. This paper takes this view and argues violence can be reduced through stricter gun control laws. The right to bear arms contained in the Second Amendment has outlived its usefulness as people today now live in a modern and civilized society. This means people need not resort to the use of guns or any other form of violence to settle certain disputes. Moreover, the police are the ones who are properly deputized by law to protect citizens from harm and the Second Amendment is actually an anachronism today because it transfers responsibility of protecting the citizens from the police to the citizens themselves. In other words, the right to bear arms needs to be amended through stricter gun control laws or even rescinded
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Management - Report on RSE plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Management - Report on RSE plc - Essay Example After the evaluation, it has been concluded that the marketing division is mainly responsible for the overall planning, promotion, and sales of RSE products. In addition, the responsibility of the human resource department in making necessary changes has been indicated. The following set of recommendations is given to address the current management problems of RSE: take advantage of large opportunities for overseas expansion minimize the threat of economic crisis and trading costs launch an integrated marketing system create general integration and linkage across organizational systems enhance communication networks address organizational weaknesses employ an IT-based human resource system 1. Introduction In the face of the economic crisis, the Strategic Operations of Richard Shaw Enterprises (RSE) could only see the light in the future through expanding the business overseas. Over the last years until its initial public offering in 2006, RSE has been faring well in the UK Stock Exch ange market -- trading at 233p per share, and maintaining a decent profit margin. It had also significantly improved its brand image -- the company is increasingly acknowledged. In fact, its owner and founder, Richard Shaw, was recognized as the â€Å"Businessman of the Year†by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) in 2000. However, like any other businesses, RSE is not spared from the threat of the economic crisis. Along with this, company is also experiencing serious problems in its business processes primarily in the Marketing Division. In addition, there is also an ongoing problem with regard to the integration and information linkage between the domestic and foreign offices, as well as across the major divisions in the organization. With these issues, this paper seeks to accomplish three things: (1) to report the current status of RSE’s business processes and its emerging business needs, (2) to present detailed information systems solutions that would addre ss such needs, and (3) to explain the relevance of implementing information systems and Internet applications to current business operations of RSE. 1.1 Background (Current Business Processes) Richard Shaw Enterprises (RSE) was founded in the year 1994, and was named after its owner Richard Saw. The company went public by the year 2006, and it has remained competitive in spite of the recession, and the high costs involved with the organization's trading operations. At present, RSE is situated in different locations, namely: Maidstone (Kent), Rome, Paris, as well as in Lagos, Nigeria. It is currently operating in two main trading strands: (1) buy and sell, and customization of shop fixtures, fittings, business machines, and other company equipment, and (2) auctioning of bankrupt office equipment, fixtures, and fittings. To top it all, RSE is equipped with technologically innovative information systems. In order to assist marketing managers in carrying out their functions, particularl y in closely monitoring product selling and distribution, the collateral reporting systems was installed. Moreover, in 1995, a computerized system for the payment of staff salaries was also installed. This was followed by the computerization of sales and purchase order processing in the year 2003. 2. Findings (Current Business Processes) Data used to present these findings were obtained from RSEs strategic review of operations in
Friday, July 26, 2019
Evolution and Triumph of Roman Civilization Research Paper
Evolution and Triumph of Roman Civilization - Research Paper Example Initially, the Roman civilization had a leap from a monarchy to an aristocratic republic and later into a Roman empire. â€Å"During its twelve-century history, the Roman civilization shifted from a monarchy to an oligarchic republic to an immense empire†(â€Å"History of Rome†). This paper will mainly focus on the distinct religious, political, military, economic, language and artistic structures of Roman civilization, which were the main factors that acted as the effective pillars in building up an effective empire. While focusing on the religious structure of the Roman civilization, it emerges that it mainly resembled the Greek gods. The religious practices of the Romans can be divided into three main phases. The first phase of the religious structure encompassed the three main gods namely Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus collectively known as Archaic Triad. The intervention of Greek influence in the Roman religion ultimately led to the transformation from the Archaic wor ship to more Greek dominated Captioline Triad. In this way of worship, Mars and Quirinus were replaced by Minerva and Juno. Next came the third phase, during which there was gradual diminishing of the triad worship, which was further accentuated due to the emergence of Christianity with the birth of Jesus Christ. â€Å"The beginning of the third phase and the adoption of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman empire occurred in 312 BC, upon conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great†(â€Å"Roman religion†).Thus, it was from this Roman Empire, Christianity spread all throughout the world, and evolved through ages thereby becoming one of the prominent religions of the world. This part of the paper will discuss the political and military structures of Roman civilization. Initially, the Romans formed a government called ‘Republic’ where people elected the officials who governed the state, and they took care of the welfare of the voters. Furthermore, they framed their constitution popularly known as â€Å"The Constitution of Roman republic†which ensembled a complex set of unwritten laws and other traditions that depicted the political setup of ancient Romans. â€Å"Romans created their first legal code by formally writing down some of their laws, which collectively became known as the Law of the Twelve Tables†(â€Å"Rome influence Western civilization†). The essential political bodies of the Roman Republic included the highest-ranking officials called Consuls. Then the Senate which consisted of nearly three hundred men who had control over the foreign and other financial policies. Finally, the Assemblies, consisting of the Centuriate and the Tribal assembly, which performed numerous roles in the Roman Republic. The paramount feature of the Roman political structure was that women were excluded from the political activity and only men participated in the government and took over the welfare ac tivities. The other important aspect of the Roman civilization would be its military structure with the Roman legions being the key driving force behind the expansion of the Roman Empire. Well trained and disciplined military men known as the legionaries fought with both military and strategic advantage. They had sound organization capacity and the troops were well equipped with effective weapons which were quite advanced in those times. The other vital element to be discussed would be the economic structure of ancient Romans.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
New Technology in the Medical Field Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
New Technology in the Medical Field - Essay Example many healthcare organizations have come up with privacy and security policies that govern the access, use and exposure of organization’s information in order to minimize such risks. An analysis of the privacy and security policies of three recognized healthcare organizations namely Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), Mayo Foundation and Georgetown University Medical Centers reveals some themes that are among them. For all the three healthcare organisations unauthorised access of the organisation’s information is not allowed. This could be those that are stored in computers or those produced as hard copies. In relation to this, there is no unauthorised alteration, revision, transmission or modification of the organisations information or other information within the organisation’s system (Georgetown University Medical Centers, 2007, Mayo Foundation, 2002 and BIDMC Technology Resources Policy, 2007). For all confidential information or programs installed in the organisation’s computers, the staff must get authority from the organisations information officer or office in order to access, delete or modify them. All information deemed to be confidential is protected from external access and their release or exposure constitutes a breach of the security and privacy policies. All staff are not allowed to use the organisations IT for activities that are not related to the organisation’s business activities so as to limit the availability of the network resources to other people. Remote access to organisation’s information is not allowed except for selected workstations or persons authorised by the chief information officer. There are some security and privacy policies that differ significantly between the three healthcare organizations. An example are policies relating to personal privacy when using the organization’s computer information or technology resources. In Mayo Foundation, no one has the permission to access a computer using another
Preparing Facilitators Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Preparing Facilitators - Essay Example Facilitative training is a closely controlled information passing technique with defined participant roles (facilitator and trainees). Training sessions are typically held in a seminar format with multiple participants guided by a succinct agenda under the direction of a facilitator. This method is most effective for introducing new material to learners operating from the same knowledge base - for example, reviewing workplace policies with newly hired employees. Facilitative training begins with an overview of its purpose and a clarification of the training goals. The subject matter is then presented to participants and includes opportunities for discussion or question and answer periods which validate learning and goal achievement at an established pace. The role of the facilitator, who may or may not be a subject matter expert, is to clarify and attain learning goals, maintain order, create a comfortable environment that encourages open communication, ensure accuracy of information provided, gather information from learners and provide closure on punchlist items (those issues that arise which cannot be addressed during the session). Unlike facilitation, coaching is generally a more informal, individual and hands-on method, which involves a learner and a mentor. Research by Eraut et al (1998, p.48) has shown the importance of informal learning in the workplace and highlights that knowledge is "held by individuals" from whom other people need to learn. The coaching process entails defined goals, explicit step-by-step instructions given by the coach to the learner, technique demonstration by both coach and learner, review of the instructions followed by organized practice and concludes with feedback from the coach regarding learner's goal attainment. The role of the coach, who is likely to be a subject matter expert, is to ensure that each learner grasps both the subjective and objective aspects of the training. This ensures that when necessary, critical methods are employed by the learner (for example, patient case records are accurately completed) but individual work preferences can be recognized (for example, patient records may be completed during the course of treatment or after treatment is concluded). Behavioral rehearsal training is designed to be a simple, short, structured and skill-specific process that applies Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory through peer observation, feedback and practice. Social learning Theory focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context and considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning, imitation, and modeling. (Ormrod, 1999) That is to say, people can learn by observing the behaviors of others and the outcomes of those behaviors. The process of behavioral rehearsal entails: stating a purpose, describing a skill and scenario,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Ed Sullivan Show Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
The Ed Sullivan Show - Assignment Example Bob Dylan’s song ‘Talkin’ John Birch Society Blues’ was viewed as potentially controversial and unacceptable song to the John Birch Society therefore it was pulled out by CBS Television. Dylan’s motivations to appear on the show could be seen as political and playing this song was considered to mock the extreme right wing that was viewed as anti-Communist organization and its policies were compared to those of Hitler. Mike Jagger’s insistence that he said â€Å"mmmmm†instead of â€Å"time†in his song that was subject to censorship in Ed Sullivan’s show suggests that performers surely felt subdued to the pressures of censorship but at the same time they wanted to maintain a status quo amongst their followers who appreciated and accepted their songs. Despite of CBS’s attempt to censor some of the lyrics of The Door’s the band went on including them in their song assisted them in affirming the provoking nature of their music and their band. This helped the band build reputation of being a notorious band who later achieved greater success. Inglis states that context and consequences in terms of individual acts of censorship are related to each other. The relation between context and consequences with regards to censorship is based upon the evaluation of context in which the censorship occurs that is out of blasphemy, sexual contents etc. Moreover, this relation is also established within the prospect of censorship of on the basis of consequences that would be noted as a result of imposition of censorship. By calling controversial groups to perform in the show, Sullivan considered controversies as a motivation to make his show successful. Rolling stones and other popular groups greatly marked their mixed impressions on public and therefore audiences wanted to know every update of such groups. This was an ultimate motivation or Ed Sullivan show for allowing
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Homework Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Homework - Case Study Example In contrast, bottom up planning relies on administrators to provide the guidelines to manage projects. When both planning styles are compared, top down planning is far more efficient as a security mechanism. Top down planning ensures interdepartmental coordination, allocation of adequate resources as well as support from the all the required ends. 3. The SecSDLC deals risk management better compared to the SDLC. It relies largely on precise risk and threat measurement along with the execution of specific controls to deal with such problems through active risk management. In contrast, SDLC relies on generalized information system design and implementation in any organization. 4. Anything that provides an unvarying danger to an asset can be classified as a threat. Threats are further categorized as human actions that result in malfunction, intentional harm, intentional disruption and wreckage, purposeful software assault, negative variances in quality provision from service providers, technical let downs in software, downbeat actions in intellectual property domains, purposeful information extortion, intentional theft, force majeure, technical let downs in hardware and outdated technology. The CSI security study is one of the most comprehensive reviews regarding cyber security. The survey is carried out independently and the report is adopted in a similar manner. The key economic impacts of cyber crime are looked into including estimated damages. For the year 2010-11, the CSI report outlines a number of key areas for security failures. These were: The measurement for the current survey took place between July 2009 and June 2010 and consisted on responses from 351 information technology and information security personnel from various fields across the United
Monday, July 22, 2019
Nha trang station Essay Example for Free
Nha trang station Essay ?Unfortunately, at the time when the train came at nha trang station, its machinery was damaged. All of passengers on board received notice from the commander of the train is to stay in this city 2 days for them to repair machinery because no train to replace. Staffs at station guided passengers on board to the hotel to rest. Fortunately, I was visited one more a beautiful beach city on my travelling. First day, I woke up early and explored this city on the map. My family decided to travel by self-sufficiency. I went a round the city to watching the beach, it was so pretty and agreeable with fresh sea atmosphere, cool. The people are also very friendly and welcoming when I asked for directions or tourist places, even they willing take my family to tourist place and eating. My family started to go around to visit these beautiful islands by boat. I was so excited to be sitting on the boat for travel around of the islands. I was feeling like I mixed with the nature. Finally my family decided to stop one islands nearby for swimming and eating. An island was very beautiful with caves was created by natural. I went to swim and have fun with my family. I participated in these games service on the island such as diving or Jet Ski and eat seafood with my family on the coast. The whole day for swimming on the island, my family was so tired when we came back to the hotel. At night on this beach city was so dreamy with a lot of colorful brilliant. Everybody came to the coast for relaxing with the cool air, coffee, dinning and sing a song. I walk to coffee shop near the hotel to sit and watch the beach and living of the people present at night while my family was resting at the hotel. Nightlife here is very lively and fun. After that I returned to take a rest at my hotel. A second day, my family took a tour to seafood super market, temple, and some nice place. In the afternoon, my family came to the train station for continuing the journey to Hanoi.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Impact of Immigration in America
Impact of Immigration in America Brach Hadean Immigration in America The most vital and maybe special historic components adding to the personality for the US system is the range of backgrounds from where the nation’s resident come. Immigrants from nearly every spot associated within the globe have actually been determined enough to leave their particular ancestral houses and work out a brand new life in the US. Except for the American Indian, Eskimos and local Hawaiians, every American is both an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants. The circulation of individuals to what is today the United States Of America started in the the sixteenth century. Information technology proceeded mostly unrestricted until 1921, till congress enacted legislation establishing quotas for the wide range of the individuals that could enter the United States Of America. Most importantly, this continuing immigration made a great and remarkable jump in populace in the United States Of America. However, the influence of immigration and the growth of the United States Of America goes far beyond its influence on the dimensions of the population. The wave of immigrants that started to enlarge within the 1840s and crested at the conclusion of nineteenth century made feasible the impressive commercial and industrial development of the United States Of America, as well as territorial development. Another influence function of US immigration happens to be the ethic, financial and spiritual range associated with immigrants. Various other countries can track their particular development to size influxes of immigrants. Circumstances overseas as well as in the United States Of America triggered these individuals to show up here in great waves. Nearly all African immigrants arrived prior the Civil War, but unlike most various other immigrants, they didn’t come by their own accord. Chinese workers, recruited to aid creation of the railroads, set roots in huge numbers in the western Coast within the 1850s and 1860s. A lot of men and women from north and west Europe emerged before 1880. At the conclusion of the nineteenth and start of the 20th century, various others from Southern, Eastern and Central Europe came in bigger quantities for a number of years. Hungarians and Cubans have actually fled their particular homelands to escape communist regimes. Politics and Immigration The cultural range made possible by immigration in the United States Of America has enriched US songs, literary works, art, etc. This has additionally had an apparent influence on the United States political system. The most significant facets for the US for many immigrants happens to be a practically endless chances to take part in the American community despite their particular novice standing. After five year’s of good standing residence together with the passing of a number of exams in the concepts of federal government and legislation in the US, any person may become a US resident. The needs and requirements of the naturalized residents have actually supplied inputs for the United states political system. Once the wide range of possible immigrant voters increased, politicians started looking for techniques to win their particular electoral assistance. One particularly efficient means would be to spend even more effort looking into the happenings in nations from where huge figures of immigrants had come. In an effort to charm brand new voters throughout the nineteenth century, the nations government started to support issues associated with certain circumstances in various other nations. The Emergence of Ethnic Politics Much more essential, had been the influence of immigrant groups in the United states governmental system as they became involved in the government procedure. Many of these immigrants were indeed peasant farmers from their particular country of origin . They had little to no formal training education in crafts, investments or careers. The very first immigrants attracted from many nations had been in most cases apathetic and highly dubious of politics, and they regarded this a regulating device. It was in the nations hubs of towns and cities that the immigrants initially became linked with politics. Sooner or later they became linked, mastering all that politics could offer their particular passion by assisting to supply them with tasks and neighborhood solutions. They discovered furthermore that politics supplied networks of development for the highly motivated people in the immigrant group, which discovered their particular place in the government it self, either becoming a frontrunn ers or serving frontrunners on their own. Numerous immigrants shortly discovered that, when they ran for a particular office, they could bring in a considerable wide range of ballots from member of votes from people in their particular immigrant collective. As immigrants made up bigger and bigger levels of voters within the metropolitan areas, they became more and more effective in electing their particular people to general public positions. The immigrant politician tried to discover tasks for people in their own cultural group. Just as crucial, he aided them withe guidelines, legislation and obligations of citizenship in positions where in the vocabulary ended up being unknown and hard to learn. In return for these favors, the immigrant voters added to continued governmental help. This design, which appeared in the last half of the nineteenth century, profoundly affected the nature associated with the US governmental system. The design ended up being private and individual instead of focused toward wide problems of general public plan. Certainly, it had been focused toward getting the financial protection of immigrants in a realm of uncertainly. No matter what appeal might be presented to immigrants to become part of the modern or maj or governmental movements, the device that opened the doors to immigrants ensured their loyalty because of the opportunity originally given. Immigrants thus never ever became an essential power in reform politics. The very early individualistic and personal direction of immigrant politics ended up being changed with 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants. Politics based on favors started steadily to minimize as second-generation immigrants at the conclusion of the nineteenth century reacted to the increasing failure of urban area employers to provide all their particular requirements. Second generation immigrants had additionally an even more extended consciousness of this opportunities of politics than their particular forebears. The cultural groups within the urban centers started to join modern and liberal governmental motions and by the time the New Deal contract came into existence in the 1930s they constituted a crucial base of help for the democratic party. Cultural Politics and American Pluralism Possibly, one of the most essential results of immigration in American governmental life happens to be the extension of ethic identification in American politics. This respect to nationwide beginnings is of good relevance whenever a possible prospect is selected for public office. Additionally, it influences the casting of ballots, the framing of problems, the filling of community tasks and a lot of other issues in the government. The continuation of ethic identification is particularly significant because it reinforces the pluralistic personality associated with the United states political system. It adds to the complexity of causes affecting the tasks of federal government and it will help to make sure that governmental aid is going to be extensively provided. Since there are incredibly numerous ethic distinctions, no one group is in a position to obtain control of the equipment necessary for control of the US federal government. In spite of the perseverance in maintaining ethic identification, many ethic groups have grown to be adequately assimilated into American culture to subordinate this identification for their identification as US citizens. This is because of the capacity regarding the governmental portions of this culture to take the newcomers into the governmental and social procedure. The Ebony in the American Situation Unlike various other ethic groups, black American, whove been here prior to the creation associated with the republic, havent been in a position to take part completely in the government. Despite their expertise aided by the vocabulary or their typical values with bulk of People in America, they are held outside the framework of the United states culture. Rules, statutes and customs had been piled against them, preventing them from voting, from equal education and the right to live in an area of their choosing if affordable. Even after reformation, numerous blacks continue to be annoyed at their particular incapacity to play a role in the inputs of governmental system. They think there are no particular officials through who they may be able channel their needs or who can express their issues adequately. Some black colored individuals believe that aggression and violence may be their only way to counteract this ineffectiveness within the governmental system. Cultural variety can be both a benifit and a hindrance. In a lot of instances, it has a tendency to deteriorate and prevent a person or group from obtaining control, therefore permitting most of the groups to take part in the democratic processes. Conversely, like in the scenario of black colored United states, whenever any solitary group is not incorporated into the procedure, the democratic beliefs are not satisfied. Altering Patterns of Immigration In the past years remarkable modifications have actually taken hold within the diverse populace of immigrants who are assimilating into America. Whereas within the past, many immigrants arrived from Northern Europe, nowadays practically one 3rd of all of the immigrants come from Asia. This development reflects an improvement in the immigration legislation in 1965, that Eastern Hemisphere and Europeans nations are placed on equivalent ground; not more than 20,000 immigrants per 12 months from each nation are permitted to enter the United States Of America. Of certain importance would be the fact that immigrants these days are attracted through the elites of the local nations, instead of through the lower classes. It has triggered a mind drain who has badly crippled a lot of Asian nations. The issue of Illegal Aliens By the conclusion of the 1970s the United States Of America had been confronted using the uncommon issue of coping with millions of unlawful aliens. Its impossible to acquire a precise count of illegal immigrants, the Immigration and Naturalization division places the cumulative figure at 6 to 8 million. The issue is especially in the Southwest, in which happens to be an apparent intrusion of Mexicans, looking to escape the extensive impoverishment in their own personal nation. It was projected that huge numbers of unlawful Mexicans cross the country’s borders looking for employment, that a few of the United states companies provide due to the lower wages. The issue of illegal aliens reflect change in the immigration plan that today significantly restrict immigration. Whereas previous immigrants established the anchor for the current work force and the literal feeling they created a great deal of America, the descendants regarding the initial immigrants today start to see the increase of individuals from overseas as a risk for their jobs in a nation of lower than filled national employment. Sources;jsessionid=f8302211001397524805099?bhcp=1
Emotional Intelligence Ei And Burnout Among Nurses Psychology Essay
Emotional Intelligence Ei And Burnout Among Nurses Psychology Essay This study examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and burnout among nurses working in private hospitals in Malaysia. Theoretical literatures related to this relationship are presented in the first part of this chapter. The existing literatures on the topics were examined and key pieces were brought together to establish a foundation for this study. While for the second part of this chapter, it discusses about the theoretical framework of this study and finally, the research hypotheses are developed based on the theoretical foundations and empirical evidences from the existing literatures. 2.2 Burnout The term burnout has its roots in the medical and nursing disciplines. It was first defined by a psychiatrist, named Herbert Freudenberger in 1974. The theory of burnout was developed through his clinical experience by exploring the turmoil that people experience every day. According to Maslach and Jackson (1981a), burnout occurs in the helping professions, such as nursing due to the chronic stress associated with doing work that involves people. Basically burnout occurs as feelings of emotional exhaustion, negative feelings, and attitudes within the job and the increase of negative self-concept. The earliest use of the burnout term in nursing literature was found in the articles published by Seymour Shubin in 1978. Shubin described burnout as hazardous to nursing and all other helping professions. The study of burnout, although not exclusive to nursing, continues to be an important occupational issue for the nursing profession. 2.2.1 Definition of Burnout There are many definitions of burnout, however most definitions share a view of burnout as a state of fatigue and emotional exhaustion, as a result of emotional depletion and loss of motivation. The term burnout that was first coined by Freudenberger in 1974 refers to wearing out from the pressures of work. It was used to describe the experience of employees in professions that needs high degree of people contract. Freudenberger in 1975 further defined burnout as wearing out, failing, becoming exhausted, and it occurs when excessive demands on energy, strength or resources are made. Cherniss (1980) was among the first to describe burnout within human service field who defined burnout as a process that leads to an individuals attitudes and behaviors change in negative ways in response to work stress. On the other hand, Maslach (1982) who had extensively researched about burnout has provided the most commonly accepted definition of burnout as a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment that can occur among individuals who do peoples work of some kind. Maslach identified three related themes: (1) painful emotional experiences often resulted in clinical practitioners feeling emotionally exhausted and drained; (2) as a result, they developed negative and cynical attitudes towards their clients; and (3) personal competence suffered resulting in feelings of failure about their ability to work in the healthcare profession. These three themes were summarized as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal ac complishment and later operationalized to measure burnout using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) (Maslach, Jackson Leiter, 1996). Garrosa, Moreno-Jimenez, Liang and Gonzalez (2008) indicated that burnout is a specific form of chronic and occupational stress in the professional social services. According to Westman and Eden (1996), studies have shown a strong relationship between work stress and burnout in many occupations. Especially, burnout has been repeatedly linked to job stress in the human service field due to the frequent and intense interactions with clients (Cordes Doughery, 1993; Lee Ashforth, 1996). Additionally, studies have also shown that nurses who experience occupational stress experience greater burnout (Stechmiller Yarandi, 1993). Thus, burnout is related to stress whereby burnout is a reaction to stress. Prolonged and unrelieved work stress often leads to burnout which results in negative attitudes towards work. Freudenberger (1975) postulated that burnout involves physical and behavioral symptoms. Behavioral consequences of burnout include decreased interaction with care recipients, ineff ective absenteeism, and high levels of job turnover (Maslach, 1982; Maslach Leiter, 1997). 2.2.2 Models of Burnout The burnout literature provides several models of burnout. This section describes three models constructed in the early eighties which proceed from the simplest to the most complex model. Cherniss transaction model of burnout Cherniss (1980) was a significant figure of the first wave of burnout researchers and offered a burnout model that articulated transactional imbalance between the personal resources of the giver and the demands of the recipient or situation. Cherniss described burnout as a transactional stress process that involves three stages. The first stage is stress whereby demands placed exceed individual resources for coping. The second stage is strain, the initial emotional response to stress which usually includes feelings of anxiety, tension, fatigue, and exhaustion. Finally, defensive coping occurs which leads to changes in attitudes and behaviors such as the tendency of burnout individuals to treat clients in depersonalized way. Two years later, Cherniss modified his model and elaborated on the model that the causes of stress can either be internal or external demands. Additionally, the limited resources contributing to stress can also be external (e.g. availability of time, work space, a nd equipment) or internal (e.g. skills, knowledge, energy, and personality). In summary, Cherniss theorized that burnout is a coping response in a transactional process that begins with excessive and prolonged exposure to job stress. The uncontrollable stress causes strain in the individual which influences the coping process. If the stress is prolonged or becomes more intense, it will deplete the coping resources of an individual and force the individual to withdraw psychologically. Edelwich and Brodsky: Five stages of burnout Edelwich and Brodsky (1980) suggested five stages of burnout: (1) enthusiasm; (2) stagnation; (3) frustration; (4) apathy; and (5) intervention. At the first stage, employees have great enthusiasm for their new jobs. They do not know much about their job and have unrealistic expectations about outcomes of their effort. Therefore, when the outcome is not as expected, they become disillusioned. During the period of stagnation at stage two, realities of the job become evident. The job is no longer satisfying as it first appeared. Employees are now more concerned with meeting personal needs, working hours, and career development. The third stage is called the period of frustration. Employees begin to question their job effectiveness and the value of their job. The limits imposed by bureaucracy frustrate the individuals and they become dissatisfied with the job situation. At this stage, employees begin to develop emotional, physical, and behavioral problems. Proceed to stage four; employees frustration turns to apathy because individuals feel trapped. On one hand, they feel frustrated by the job situation but on the other hand, they need the salary. The emotional and physical responses of individuals become worse whereby they would avoid clients whenever possible. The final stage is intervention. Nevertheless, it cannot be determined whether this stage would occur in an organization or the individual who is experiencing burnout would recognize their psychological state as undesirable. In summary, Edelwich and Brodsky viewed burnout as an evolutionary process that begins with idealistic enthusiasm and commitment. Subsequently, the loss of idealism, vigor, and purpose are triggered largely by work conditions (Edelwich Brodsky, 1980). Maslach: Burnout caused by social interaction Maslach, a social psychologist, who became a stellar figure in the emerging research of burnout, has provided the conceptual definition that begun the second wave of research. Maslach (1982) described burnout as a three-dimensional syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Another specific contribution Maslach made was the theoretical emphasis on the relational causes of burnout which linked to the social roots of emotional expenditure (Leiter Maslach, 1988; Maslach Leiter, 1997). Maslach (1982) saw that emotional overload and subsequent emotional exhaustion are the heart of the burnout syndrome. Thus, the first response to a stressful interaction with other people is emotional exhaustion. As people become emotionally depleted, they cope by cutting back on their involvement with others. This detached response which called depersonalization is the second aspect of burnout and leads to various negative attitudes and behaviors. At this stage, individuals who experience burnout feel more emotional distress and guilt about how they have treated those that they are trying to help. Finally, the feeling of reduced personal accomplishment which is the third aspect of burnout appears. At this point, the individuals feel inadequate about their ability to treat or help others. They tend to believe that they have failed professionally and chosen the wrong profession. A major contribution by Maslach was the development of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Maslach and Jackson (1981a, 1981b) developed the MBI, which was one of the first reliable instruments for valid measurement of burnout. MBI is still the most widely-used measure of burnout in current research. MBI assesses psychological burnout and has three different versions, which include one general survey, one for human service professionals, and one for educators. The most commonly used measure of burnout is the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey or MBI-HSS (Maslach, Jackson Leiter, 1996) which was developed to measure occupational burnout among people working in the field of human services. 2.2.3 Burnout and Nursing Employees in general experience burnout on the job, especially those in jobs with high contact with people. Nevertheless, nurses are considered at high risk of work-related stress and particularly susceptible to burnout among the different healthcare providers (Keane, Ducette Alder, 1985; Kilpatrick, 1989; Schaefer Moos, 1993; Schaufeli Janczur, 1994; Duquette, Kerouac Sandhu Beaudet, 1994; Farrington, 1995; Decker, 1997; Marsh, Beard Adams, 1999; Koivula, Paunonen Laippala, 2000; Taormina Law, 2000; Shimizu, Mizoue, Kubota, Mishima Nagata, 2003; Jenkins Elliott, 2004; Piko, 2006). This is also proven by the fact that burnout in nursing has received world-wide attention (Demerouti, Bakker, Nechreiner Schaufeli, 2000). Several studies have identified nurse burnout rates are as high as 40-50% (Hapell, Martin Pinikahana, 2003; Vahey, Aiken, Sloane, Clarke Vargas, 2004). Nurses are particularly susceptible to the development of burnout, mainly because of the nature and the em otional demands of their profession. Nurses experience considerable stress in their job because they have long working hours, a wide range of tasks, interpersonal conflict with patients and their families, doctors, and other co-workers, exposure to death and dying, and noise pollution (Schmitz, Neuman Opperman, 2000; Maslach, Schaufeli Leiter, 2001; Shimizu et al., 2003). Studies have also confirmed that stressful circumstances for hospital nurses are escalating (Foxall, Zimmerman, Standley Bene, 1990; Healey McKay, 2000; Koivula et al., 2000). Basically, nurses are subjected to many demands in the workplace which include physical demands as well as the psychological/emotional demands. The physical demands are related to the physical energy required to perform the daily duties of nursing such as transferring patients in and out of bed and lifting patients onto a bed. On the other hand, psychological/emotional demands are related to the emotional energy required to care for patients with chronic illness (Van Servelle n Leake, 1993). Therefore, nurses who feel overloaded perceive a lack of meaningful connection with the patients. 2.3 Emotional Intelligence (EI) Emotional intelligence (EI) is complementary to cognitive abilities (IQ) (Devrim, Nadi, Mahmut, Mustafa Mustafa Kemal, 2005). Goleman (1995) stated that EI is significant to success. Goleman further explained the difference between people with high IQs who experience difficulties in their personal and professional lives and people with moderate IQs who are very successful in all their endeavours. Emotions are separated from that of the rational mind by having independent views and a mind of their own (Freshwater Stickley, 2004). Therefore, one has two minds, a rational mind that thinks and an emotional mind that feels. In conclusion, both the rational mind and emotional mind, store memories and influence our responses, actions, and choices. Furthermore, EI such as academic intelligence can be learned and developed with age (Mayer, Caruso Salovey, 2000). Research has shown that people with high EI understand their own and others feelings, know how to manage themselves, deal successfully with others, and respond effectively to work demands (Dulewicz Higgs, 2003; Goleman, 2005). Cooper (1997) stated that people with high levels of EI experience more career success, build stronger personal relationships, lead more effectively, and enjoy better health than those with low EI. Hence, developing EI competencies in existing employees or finding individuals who posses these skills will enhance the organizations bottom line (Goleman, 1998a, 1998b) and ensure long-term success for the company. 2.3.1 Background and Definition of Emotional Intelligence (EI) The idea of EI has its roots in the social intelligences. EI was first proposed by Thorndike in 1921, who noted that it was of value in human interactions and relationships. Gardners (1983) multiple intelligence theory later also contributed to the theory of EI through the identification of intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences. Interpersonal intelligence comprised of the ability to understand others and to co-operate with them, whereas intrapersonal intelligence comprised of the ability to be self-aware, to recognize ones own feelings, and to use this to operate successfully in life. However, the term EI was not brought into mainstream psychology until 1990s (Mayer, DiPaolo Salovey, 1990; Salovey Mayer, 1990). Hence, EI is a new construct since the first peer-reviewed article that was published in 1990 (Salovey Mayer, 1990). The concept is also described as a new theory which is still in the initial stage of development and testing (Ashkanasy, Hartel Daus, 2002; Cherniss , Extein, Goleman Weissberg, 2006). As a result, definition of EI varies. Salovey and Mayer (1990) first coined the term of EI and defined EI as the ability to monitor ones own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide ones thinking and actions. Mayer et al. (2000) further defined EI as an ability to recognize the meanings of emotions and their relationships, and reason and problem-solve on the basis of them. EI is involved in the capacity to perceive emotions, assimilate emotions related feelings, understand the information of those emotions, and manage them. However, the concept of EI was popularized by Goleman (1995) through his book Emotional Intelligence, which became the best-selling book for business and education leaders. Goleman (1998a) identified EI as the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships. In addition, Bar-On (2005) defined EI as a cross-section of interrelated emotio nal and social competencies, skills, and facilitators that determine how effectively we understand and express ourselves, understand others and relate with them, and cope with daily demands. In conclusion, recognizing feelings and controlling emotions are described as the core competencies of EI. Individuals who are emotionally intelligent can understand one another and each others views to overcome conflict and avoid damaging the relationship. Therefore, EI is about sensing what others are feelings and handling relationships effectively (Dulewicz Higgs, 2000). Previous research also addressed the relationship between EI and work outcome variables such as stress perceptions in the workplace (Bar-On, Brown, Kirkcaldy Thome, 2000; Nikolaou Tsaousis, 2002), job satisfaction (Wong Law, 2002), job commitment (Nikolaou Tsaousis, 2002), leader effectiveness (Higgs Aitken, 2003), and performance (Lam Kirby, 2002; Van Rooy Viswesvaran, 2004; Lopes, Grewal, Kadis, Gall Salovey, 2006). 2.3.2 Theories of Emotional Intelligence (EI) Many theories have been proposed since the emergence of the concept of EI in 1990s. Nevertheless, three theories have gained acceptance among scholars and practitioners (Dulewicz, Higgs Slaski, 2003). These three major theoretical constructs each focused on understanding the roles of skills, traits, and abilities in EI (Emmerling Goleman, 2003). EI has been defined as an ability (Salovey Mayer, 1990), a set of traits and abilities (Bar-On, 2005) or a combination of skills and personal competencies (Goleman, 1995). The ability model is based on an individuals ability to use emotions as part of the reasoning process (Mayer et al., 2000). Mayer et al. asserted that EI depends on the ability to process emotional information and to use core abilities related to emotions. Bar-On (2005) conceptualized EI as a set of personality traits and abilities that predict emotional and social adaption within environments. Bar-On also affirmed that EI is teachable and learnable. According to Goleman (1995), EI is a set of learned skills and competencies and this conceptualization is most widely accepted outside academia. Golemans ideas have contributed to the development of leadership models that outline skills and competencies related to emotionally competent leadership (Emmerling Goleman, 2003). Apart from that, the literature has evolved into two main categories of EI models: (1) ability model; and (2) mixed models (Feyerherm Rice, 2002). The Salovey and Mayer theory is considered as an ability model of EI, while the Bar-On and Goleman theories are considered as mixed models of EI (Mayer et al., 2000). Basically, the ability model encapsulates EI as a skill and the mixed models go beyond ability by including additional personality characteristics that lead to certain behaviors. Ability Model The ability model of EI is the Salovey and Mayer (1990) model which officially launched the field of EI. Salovey and Mayer viewed EI as an ability that exists, interacts, and complements an individuals cognitive capabilities. Ability theory promotes the relationship between cognition and emotions based on mental abilities (Mayer, Salovey Caruso, 2004). Salovey and Mayer conceptualized EI as a set of interrelated skills composed of four branches of abilities, which include: (1) perception and expression of emotions; (2) using emotions to facilitate thought; (3) understanding and analyzing emotions; and (4) managing emotions (Mayer et al., 2004). The four branches can be described as follows: (1) the perceiving emotions branch relates to the ability to detect emotions in oneself and in others; (2) the using emotions branch relates to the ability to use emotions in cognitive activities such as problem solving; (3) the understanding emotions branch relates to the ability to comprehend t he complexity of emotional languages and emotional relationships; and (4) the managing emotions branch relates to the ability for one to regulate emotions in oneself and in others. The ability model of EI is different from other theories because the model is the only one which utilizes an instrument designed to measure ability (Dulewicz et al., 2003). This model operationalizes EI using ability-based measures: the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MECEIT) (Mayer, Salovey Caruso, 2002) and its predecessor, the Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale (MEIS) (Salovey Mayer, 1990). The ability tests measure how well people perform tasks and solve emotional problems, as opposed to other EI scales which rely on the individuals subjective assessment of his or her perceived emotional skills. However, ability tests are expensive and require more resources to administer and score. MSCEIT instrument is difficult to score and lacks workplace applicability (Brackett, Rivers, Shiffman, Lerner Salovey, 2006). Consequently, self-report assessment outnumbers ability tests are more widely used in the mixed models. Mixed Models EI mixed theories highlight the emotional and social functioning of individuals (Goleman, 2005; Bar-On, 2006). Therefore, Bar-On categorized his model of EI as a key of emotional-social intelligence (ESI). Bar-On (2005) asserted five key competencies are associated with ESI, whereby the five domains of these mixed models are: (1) intrapersonal capacity (the ability to be aware and understand ones own emotions and to express ones feelings and ideas); (2) interpersonal skills (the ability to be aware, understand, and appreciate others feelings as well as to build and maintain effective and satisfying relationships with others); (3) adaptability (the ability to adapt to various situations by effectively managing personal, social, and environmental changes by employing various skills such as problem solving, reality testing, and flexibility); (4) stress management strategies (the ability to manage emotions and to use those emotions to stay motivated and persistent); and (5) motivational and general mood factors (the ability to be optimistic, to enjoy oneself and others, and to maintain positive feelings) (Bar-On et al., 2000). The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i), a self-report measure is considered as the most widely used measure of ESI (Bar-On, 2005). The EQ-i analyzes the concept of emotional and social functioning by measuring a persons ability to deal with daily demands and pressures. People who are taking EQ-i answer questions based on five competencies: (1) intrapersonal skills such as emotional self-awareness, self-regard, self-actualization, or independence; (2) interpersonal skills such as interpersonal relationships, empathy, and social responsibility; (3) adaptability, including problem solving, flexibility, and reality testing; (4) stress management, including tolerance and impulse control; and (5) general mood of optimism and happiness. Goleman developed his mixed models theory of EI by building on the work of Salovey and Mayer, in addition to other researchers in the field (Emmerling Goleman, 2003). Basically, Golemans model of EI can be grouped into personal competencies and social competencies that affect personal success in the workplace. Goleman (2005) stated that a personal competence is the ability to keep self-awareness and manage ones behaviors while a social competence is the ability to understand the behaviors of others and manage relationships effectively. These competencies are described in detail as: (1) self-awareness (knowing ones internal states, preferences, resources, and intuitions); (2) self-management (managing ones internal states, impulses, and resources); (3) motivation (emotional tendencies that facilitate reaching goals); empathy (awareness of others feelings, needs, and concerns); and (4) social skills (adeptness at inducing desirable responses in others) (Goleman, 1998a). Based on the emotional competencies identified by Goleman (1998a), the Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI) was designed to assess EI. ECI is a 360-degree scale which gathers self, subordinate, peer, and supervisory ratings on social and emotional competencies of individuals in organizations. Subsequently, Boyatzis (2007) designed Emotional Social Competency Instrument (ESCI), a multi-rater assessment in real organizational contexts which comprised of four emotional and social competencies, which include: (1) self-awareness; (2) self-management; (3) social awareness; and (4) relationship management. In general, EI mixed models stress performance based on behavioral competencies and personality traits suitable for a wide range of work contexts, job roles, and job levels (Petrides, Furnham Martin, 2004; Goleman, 2005; Boyatzis, 2007). The mixed models are also comprised of other measurement instruments. For examples, measures such as the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) (Schutte, Malouff, Hall, Haggerty, Cooper, Golden Dornheim, 1998), and Wong and Laws (2002) leadership-focused measure of EI. Many studies in the literature utilize self-report measures of EI based on mixed models perspective that incorporates both disposition and ability (Chan, 2006). According to MacCann, Matthews, Zeidner and Roberts (2003), mixed models scales vastly outnumber ability tests at the stage of EI development, meaning that EI is more commonly assessed as a disposition, rather than as an ability. Additionally, self-report or peer-report measures require less amount of time to complete and are most cost-effective than the ability based measure. 2.3.3 Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Nursing There is a large body of knowledge related to EI exists outside nursing whereas EI theory and research within nursing is scarce and a more recent phenomenon (Akerjordet Severinsson, 2007; Smith, Profetto-McGrath Cummings, 2009). Smith et al. (2009) conducted a literature review related to EI and nursing during 1995 to 2007. Smith et al. found only 21 theoretical and 9 empirical articles related to the subject and concluded that although the body of theoretical literature in nursing is growing, scientific research about EI and nursing is just beginning. Apart from that, researches that link EI and nursing are mostly correlation designs using small sample sizes. Akerjordet and Severinsson (2007) asserted that EI has significant implications for nurses quality of work in healthcare. Therefore some qualitative studies have been carried out to explore the concepts and ideas of EI in nursing (Akerjordet Severinsson, 2004; Freshwater Stickley, 2004; Kooker, Shoultz Codier, 2007; Hurley Rankin, 2008). Akerjordet and Severinsson (2004) used qualitative interviews to gain insight into mental health nurses emotional experiences in practice and sought to understand the connection between nurses articulations of emotions in practice and EI concepts. Four main themes emerged from the study, which include: (1) relationship with the patient; (2) the substance of supervision; (3) motivation; and (4) responsibility which are related to different aspects of EI. For instance, relationship with the patient which was a central research finding is linked to EI through the ability to interpret and communicate emotional information. Akerjordet and Severinsson concluded that EI implies important personal and interpersonal skills in nurses therapeutic use of self, critical reflection, and stimulates the search for a deeper understanding of professional nursing identity. In another study, Kooker et al. (2007) used the conceptual framework of EI to analyze nurses stories about their professional practices. The stories reflected evidence of EI competencies that could provide fresh insights into ways to keep nurses engaged in practice and to improve nurses retention and patient/client outcomes. The domains and competencies of EI identified across the stories include social awareness, the most common one, followed by social management, self-awareness, and lastly self-management which was represented less frequently than the other domains. In summary, EI concept is increasingly recognized and is making an appearance in nursing journals (Cadman Brewer, 2001; Evans Allen, 2002; Freshman Rubino, 2002). The literature revealed EI is important and relevant to nursing from both an empirical and a theoretical perspective. EI influences emotions within quality of care and stress management, thus influence employees retention, quality of patient care, and patient outcomes. Therefore, further research that investigates potential uses for EI theories, skills, and competencies related to nursing practice and patient care is warranted within the healthcare environment (Akerjordet Severinsson, 2007; Smith et al., 2009). 2.4 Relationship between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Burnout Emotional Intelligence (EI) expressed in the ability to recognize, understand, control, and utilize emotions may have impact on the perceived job stress and the consequences of experienced stress. Many empirical studies have shown that the relationship exists between EI and burnout syndrome (Reilly, 1994; Duran Extremera, 2004; Gerits, Derksen, Verbruggen Katzko, 2005; Chan, 2006; Duran, Extremera, Rey, Fernandez-Berrocal Montalban, 2006; Benson, Truskett Findlay, 2007; Rimmer, Bedwell, Bay, Drachman, Torey, Foster Caruso, 2009; Brackett, Palomera, Mojsa-Kaja, Reyes Salovey, 2010). These studies also proved that there is a negative correlation between EI and burnout syndrome. For instance, Reilly (1994) in a study of hospital nurses identified that nurses who scored higher on EI experienced fewer symptoms of burnout. Apart from that, other empirical studies have shown that the components of EI are correlated with the components of burnout (Mendes, 2002; Farmer, 2004; Palser, 2004; Potter, 2006; Froese, 2009). Farmer (2004) conducted a study to examine the relationship between EI and burnout using a sample of 169 newly graduated nursing students in practice. The results showed significant correlations which included a negative relationship between using emotions to facilitate thinking and depersonalization (DP) (r = -.240, p Palser (2004) investigated EI and burnout among ministerial workers. The researcher utilized bivariate analysis and produced two significant correlations. Firstly, an inverse relationship between emotional exhaustion (EE) and using emotions to facilitate thinking was presented among the 101 pastors sampled (r = -.25, p < .05). Secondly, a positive relationship was identified between personal accomplishment (PA) and understanding emotions (r = .21, p < .05). In another study, Froese (2009) examined whether the four abilities of EI predicted the components of burnout among 57 professional caregivers after accounting for the contribution of caregiver's demographic characteristics, which were licensure level, age, and ethnici
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Life in Terry Kays To Dance With the White Dog Essay -- To Dance With
Life in Terry Kay's To Dance With the White Dog    The voice of Terry Kay relays to his readers a story of life through death in this short novel, To Dance With the White Dog. This novelist writes the story of an elderly man, recently widowed and dealing with everyday occurrences while also battling the inevitable effects of old age. Sam Peek, the elderly main character, tends to get fed up with his overprotective family. During this, Peek begins seeing a white dog that no one else seems to be able to see. Although Peek's family thinks he's losing his mind, in the end the dog turns out to be very real and even seems to everyone as if it were sent there just to take care of the old man.       Throughout this novel, journal entries written by Sam Peek appear for the readers in order for us to get a closer look on exactly who Peek is. Deep emotions for his late wife and son, struggles in his life, his thoughts about White Dog, old memories and events from his past, and opinions about each of his children and himself appear through these entries. The touch...
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