Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Toll Left by Hurracens Katrina and Hugo - 836 Words
Over the past few centuries, the natural disaster of hurricanes has had a huge impact on the land around us. It could cost millions, or even billions of dollars in repairing the damages done by hurricanes. These natural disasters can not only result in property damage but also many lives lost and injured victims. Hurricanes usually leave many without homes, forcing victims to find shelters or relocate to a different city or state for safety. A hurricane is a violent, tropical, cyclonic storm with sustained winds of at least 64 knots (74 miles per hour: 119 kilometers per hour) that are extremely large, powerful, and destructive. Hurricanes usually start to occur over large areas of warm water, such as the Atlantic Ocean. They generally form during the hotter months due to the fact that it gets energy from the heat off the water. One of the major hurricanes that made headline news was Hurricane Katrina. It was said that Hurricane Katrina was one of the most deadliest hurricanes to ever hit the United States. The damages done by Katrina was absolutely devastating. Costing at about an estimated $75 million dollars in repairs, Hurricane Katrina is one of the most costliest hurricanes in the history of U.S. hurricanes. The disaster lasted about eight days, starting on August 23rd and ending on August 31st of 2005. On August 28th, 2005, the tropical storm turned into a category five hurricane with winds of 175 miles per hour. The storm took away the lives of approximately 2,000
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The s Behavioral Problems With Adhd - 1041 Words
Mitchell is a boy in my class who is 12 years old and in Year 7. In the first week of term 2, his parents notified the school that Mitchell has been diagnosed with ADHD. In the previous term, he had behavioral issues in classroom. As his class teacher I choose four conceptual models to work with his behavioral problems. First one the board is Biological Model where behavior is viewed in medical perspective. Mitchell is prescribed with Ritalin by his doctor. This approach helps treating the biological medical (disease/disorder) with medication, vitamins, diet etc. (V.Duckett,1997,p.104) . This indirectly benefit him learning gradually and balancing his behavior. Consuming this medication may cause lower expectations of Mitchell from†¦show more content†¦IEP ( Individual Lesson Plan) can be designed for Mitchell. Accomplishing the target in such programmes needs consistency as it is vital where undoubting feedback and follow-up that matters, not the severity (SEN,2012,p.2). In order to balance teachers teaching and behavior modification strategies in classroom, I will assure my team to execute relevant academic activities and instructional interactions. In 2004, Rosenberg et al., viewed that â€Å"students disruptive behavior and non-academic engagement should alert teachers to assess the ap propriateness of academic materials as a first line of intervention rather than simply implementing behavior modification strategies on their own†(p.105). Labelling and exclusion will be avoided. Thirdly is the sociological model. In the readings of V. Duckett (1997), Morgan Jensen (1988) explained teachers have been actively using the ‘level’ system to motivate and handle children and teenagers with behavior and emotional disorders (p.108). A level system will be structured for Mitchell’s class as whole class approach to comfort him indirectly . Rosenberg et al. (2004) outlined that sociological model gives educators crucial ground rules for classroom organization and quoted from Paul Epanchin (1982) stating how social institution have significant impact on the style of a classroom microsociety is sorted out (p.24). For this reason, I will reorganize and refine the classroom microsociety management system to accommodateShow MoreRelatedThe Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on ADHD1064 Words  | 5 PagesThere are limitations to this study, such as this study only considers the effects of ADHD on children and not on adults. The reason th at the author decided to focus the research on children is because, as stated before, ADHD is a childhood disorder that should be diagnosed before reaching adulthood. The author of this work believes that if the disorder, and the effects thereof, are addressed during childhood there will be less of an impact on adults, increasing the importance of treatment duringRead MoreEssay On Adhd In Different Genders1124 Words  | 5 PagesEffects of ADHD in Different Genders Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder involving behavioral and cognitive aspects of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity (Ciccarelli, S.). This disorder is most common mental disorder in children. ADHD gets diagnosed at a young age and continues in some cases into adulthood. Although in most cases children who are diagnosed with ADHD in childhood, normally grow out of it by the time they become adults. It is estimatedRead MoreAdhd And Its Effects On Children Essay1588 Words  | 7 Pagesdiagnosed with ADHD, 60 million children and adults in the U.S. who struggle with learning and attention issues as reported by the National Center of Learning Disabilities. Approximately 5% of school-aged children and adolescents are highly affected. Currently, medication seems to be the first line of treatment for ADHD and there are many side effects that go along with that because it is a stimulant medication. Stimulant medicines do not help with all behaviors and signs of ADHD. ADHD is the most commonRead MoreGuidelines For Students With Adhd1405 Words  | 6 PagesProspectus: Using Whiteboards with Instructions to help Students with ADHD to Close the Gap. Problem Statement In this section I will be focusing upon some the important concerns that prevent students with ADHD from achieving success in closing the gap. 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However, in the world of mental health and its’ disorders, a â€Å"quick-fix†is usually not the best approach. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among these mental health disorders that should not be resorting only to a â€Å"quick-fix†, such as a stimulant medication, to effectively manage the disorder. This is especially true for ADHD among the pediatric population, as this is a time of rapid behavior and personality growth, as well a high-stress time for parents of children with theRead MoreThe Effects Of Adhd On Children With Adhd1603 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION ADHD is a very common neurodevelopment disorder of childhood. It is usually diagnosed in late childhood, around the age of seven by the teachers. The symptoms are typical during ages 3-6 and if not treated properly becomes chronic and persists even after entering adulthood. Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, staying organized and controlling impulsive behaviors. It is very difficult to diagnose and when undiagnosed the children can grow to be mislabeled as troubleRead MoreBeing Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay1706 Words  | 7 PagesAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But what a lot of us don’t know is that it was always with us. Lack of knowledge is a part of the reason for our debate over medication. In this review we will look at the pros and cons to medicating children. Before we liked to label them as bad children exhibiting behavior problems. Child psychologist, Harvey Parker, who founded Children and Adults with ADD (CHADD), a nonprofit organization says, now we see that it s genuinely not under their controlRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1411 Words  | 6 Pagestime, students with EBT have problems with interacting and keep attention on tasks, as a result of the rate of such behaviors, teachers usually become frustrated when dealing with difficult situation (Salmon, 2006). Due to their frustration, teachers frequently deliver less instruction for those who are disturbing rather than helping them manage and succeed in school. When working with emotional and behavioral disorder, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conduct disorder (CD), and OppositionalRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) And Language Impairment Essay981 Words  | 4 PagesCSD 318, 26 October 2016 Redmond, S. M. (2016). Language impairment in the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder context. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 59(1), 133-142. doi:10.1044/2015_jslhr-l-15-0038 The connection between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and language impairment (LI) in terms of both disorders sharing symptoms has been problematic from a stakeholder standpoint. There are many cases where the symptoms of ADHD are over diagnosed due to the aforementioned
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Oedipus the King Character Analysis free essay sample
Oedipus life was wonderful until the plague hit Thebes and there forth the cookie crumbled. â€Å"The point of many of our tragedies seems to be that, since the character cannot escape his or her fate, that each of us, given a set of circumstances, would do the same thing. †( Jon Blackstock ) I believed should have sympathy because were many pieces in the story that he did not know but his character of anger, overreacting, teasing Tiresias, and fate is what brought Oedipus down to an ugly fate. Oedipus themes and ideas of irony and fate happened over and over numerous times throughout the play. He believed in fate like the entire Greeks society does but he mostly believes in his own capital ability and action to seek out and determination of his future. Irony can have so many forms it is evident that irony is situational, verbal and dramatic. In the story of Oedipus on relies on really himself because he believes in his own mind first to support his decision of wisdom making were made by his analyzed thoughts. We will write a custom essay sample on Oedipus the King Character Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sophocles was always a very strong believer of destiny, but in the story of Oedipus the King he had different alternatives. While the onion layer of the harmartia start to unfold Oedipus anger to really come full force and start to call everybody to palace to discover the truth. Sophocles in generally express concern through protagonist in Oedipus the King. Oedipus anger and arrogance leads him to a lot of red flag and more. Which cause dissatisfaction in all men such as Creon in the chorus. In the begging Oedipus tries to pin Creon as his enemy and for trying to devise a plan to overthrow Oedipus thrown. He tries to demand for his right hand official Creon to be killed as you can see this is where Oedipus judgment is really clouded. You can also really can see the emotional response of a lot of dissatisfaction as the result of anger that shows his inability to be patient, listen, or reason. Tiresias had many roles in the Oedipus play. He was like a father figure , wise old man, and a oracle in the Greek tragedies. Tiresias is the oracle that reveals the truth to Laius and Oedipus. â€Å"Tiresias also acts as a foil to Oedipus, revealing characteristics about him that we would not see otherwise by (Uthinker). In they play Tiresias serve like a father fiquere to Oedipus. But Oedipus being so overreacting shows a lot of hostility towards him and ofcoarse accused him like he did Creon for being a traitor and being influenced by Creon and also teasing and making fun of his blind vision. Oedipus should have never showed animosity towards Tiresias who was the truth oracle and also a person in authoritative position. Tiresias was a truth blind prophet who saw into the future from the divination from the Gods. Oedipus teasing Tiresias for being blind and when he does this cause a serious downfall and truth comes out spiraling out of control. â€Å"And Oedipus jealousy towards Tiresias serves as a reminder that Oedipus is not the king that he pretends to be. He is merely a child in an adults body. He has never grown up and cannot possibly hope to keep the title of king. (Uthinker)†When Tiresias tries Oedipus patients Oedipus tease him about being blind. Tiresias tells Oedipus that he can see quite clearly but Oedipus is the one who is very much blinded about the truth of his own life situation. An Tiresias was right when Oedipus finally accepted the truth he ended up stabbing his own eyes out some say that maybe blinding his own self Oedipus thought it will gain him wisdom of foretelling the future sight that Tiresias had. To conclude Oedipus dopes deserve sympathy because were many pieces in the story that he did not know but his character of anger, overreacting, teasing Tiresias, and fate is what brought Oedipus down to an ugly fate. His anger and arrogance was the big red flag that made Oedipus go spiraling downhill. For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. †(Ralph Waldo Emerson) I strongly believe in this quote because in a matter of hours Oedipus lost everything he dearly loved. His throne, wife, sight, and all he had left was his children but he had to leave and go off to banishment. If Oedipus what have just listened to the truth his life would have not been so bad he could keep his family and took over another kingdom but as you can see when you are overreacting everything goes for the worse.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Peter And Lost City Essays - Fishers, Saint Peter,
Peter And Lost City Last year, Peter looked for a lost city. It was in the Amazon jungle. He didn't fly. The plane was too expensive. He took a bus to Spain and a ferry to Africa. He crossed the dessert by camel. He did not find the lost city. He looked at his map and saw a mistake. The Amazon wasn't in Africa. It was in South America. So he decided to take a boat to Brazil. The boat was old, but it did not sink. The weather was bad. It was very windy and Peter was sick for two weeks ,but he was able to arrive to Brazil. Peter's vacation was almost over, but he decided to find the lost city. He took the hovercraft up the Amazon. The hovercraft stopped. ''The river is shallow,'' said the captain. Peter stepped off the hovercraft. The river was deep and he almost drowned. He walked through the jungle for two weeks and crossed rivers. He also climbed mountains, but he was not able to find the lost city. Then he got lost and didn't know were he was. Suddenly, Peter saw some Indians. They were very fierce. But he was not afraid. ''I am not afraid of anything,'' said Peter. ''Where is the Lost City? Peter asked. ''Go straight ahead,''said the Indian. He was very friendly. ''Take the second path on the left. The lost city is on the right.'' Peter traveled through the jungle for three days. He did not find the lost city. He came to the sea and looked at his map. He saw his mistake and took the second path on the left. He had lunch at a hotel and swam in the pool. Then he bought some provisions, and went back into the jungle. He met the friendly Indian again. ''Straight ahead,'' he said,''second path on the left.'' Peter finally found the lost city. It was night, and the moon was shining. The lost city was beautiful in the moonlight. He camped for the nigh and put up his tent. He cooked dinner. ''I'll be famous,'' he thought. ''People will remember Peter Robert's- the man who found the lost city.'' The next morning, he woke up at five thirty. He wanted to explore the lost city and found treasures. Peter came out of his tent . The lost city was full of people and he met a tourist from California, whose name was Sam Thomas. They started to talk about the life in the Amazon River and its people. Sam's opinion about this subject was that the Amazanian's were not friendly, but Peter totally disagreed. Peter claimed that he had had very good experiences with the Indians. He said ''When I was traveling throughout the Amazon, looking for the Lost City, I got lost a couple of times, and the Indians were very friendly and gave me some directions to get there. They told me that if I ever needed their help to count with them all the time. This wasn't enough for Sam's opinion to change. Suddenly Sam grabbed Peter's suitcase and ran away with it. Peter was shocked and became very worry, because he had in the suitcase his medication for diabetes. Time passed, Peter kept walking for hours, but he became very sick. He stopped and laid down under a tree. Peter rubbed his eyes and wondered where he was. After a couple of hours Peter saw the friendly Indian passed by, Peter told the Indian what had happened and agreed to help him right away. The Indian called out his tribe and they decided to take Peter to the house and take care of him, while the other half left looking for Sam. As time passed, Peter was becoming very weak. The Indians came back the next morning, they were very upset, because they didn't find Sam. After one week, one of the Indians came with good news, because he had found Sam. He was 200 miles away from the Lost City and at the beginning , when the Indian tried to talk to him, Sam thought that he was going to be assaulted. However, the Indian was able to explain to him the health problems that Peter suffered. This changed Sam's opinion about the behavior of the Indians, since they were trying to help Peter by finding the suitcase that contain Peter's medication. Sam realized how important was to bring the medicine back to Peter, and decided to rent a private air plane
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