Wednesday, October 30, 2019
First semmester in the university Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
First semmester in the university - Essay Example In the past, I had incomplete notes and often went out with my friends before studying. Now, I always take down notes during class discussions, join study groups, and do advance reading whenever I can. In addition, I also rely on my learning style to retain what I am studying. I have learned that I am a visual-auditory person. I learned from the web site that as a visual-auditory learner, I learn best by reading and listening. Thus, whenever I study for a quiz, I ask someone to pair up with me and read the notes to me. This way, I can listen to the terms and definitions I need to memorize. Likewise, I also use my mobile phone recorder to record my voice while reviewing for exams. I found this very effective especially for memorization tests. The second thing that makes this semester better is the fact that I have made some nice friends. My friends serve as my motivators and study group. Whenever I feel like not attending to classes due to colds, my friends are there to encourage me to attend. They are positive influences in my studies, and in return, I do the same kind of motivation and inspiration to them. We also conduct out-of-class sharing and discussions to analyze issues and concepts discussed in class. So far, everything is going well and we are enjoying each others’ company. The third thing that keeps me on track is the fact that I have made friends with other students internationally. I recently found some friends through social networking sites, thus whenever I have time, I communicate with them online and we exchange ideas on various topics about life. Along with the good start are some things I need to improve on in the next semester. These include getting subjects I want and having the freedom to choose my schedule. I was a bit late during the enrollment, hence I had limited choices relating to class schedule. I promise to enroll earlier next time to get the subjects I want. Moreover, I believe I need to study
Monday, October 28, 2019
Review Questions for Business Management Essay Example for Free
Review Questions for Business Management Essay 1) What is resource overallocation? Resource leveling is the project management function of resolving project resource over-allocation. By definition over-allocation means that a resource has been assigned more work than can be accomplished in the available time as dictated by the resources calendar definition. In most scenarios, over-allocations can be remedied manually by extending tasks or moving them to accommodate the resources availability 2) What is resource leveling? When performing project planning activities, the manager will attempt to schedule certain tasks simultaneously. When more resources such as machines or people are needed than are available, or perhaps a specific person is needed in both tasks, the tasks will have to be rescheduled concurrently or even sequentially to manage the constraint. Project planning resource leveling is the process of resolving these conflicts. It can also be used to balance the workload of primary resources over the course of the project[s], usually at the expense of one of the traditional triple constraints (time, cost, scope). 3) Under what circumstances would you want to manually resolve conflicts? You can resolve resource conflicts or overallocations by using the resource-leveling feature in Microsoft Office Project. Leveling works by splitting tasks or by adding delay to tasks until the resources that are assigned to those tasks are no longer overloaded. Because of these changes to the tasks, leveling can delay the finish date of some tasks and consequently also the projects finish date. When it is leveling, Project does not change who is assigned to each task 4) What would be the caution of adding more resources to a task to resolve resource conflicts? As you assign resources to tasks, Project checks the resource’s calendar to make sure that the resource is working. However, Project doesn’t assess whether the resource is already obligated when you assign the resource to a new task; Project enables you to make the assignment. Be aware, though, that the additional assignment may lead to overallocating the resource. Overallocation occurs when you assign more work to a resource than the resource can accomplish in the time that you’ve allotted for the work to be completed. 5) What would be the caution of rescheduling a task to resolve a resource conflict? To get the best performance and results from resources (resources: The people, equipment, and material that are used to complete tasks in a project.), you must manage resource workloads to avoid overallocations (overallocation: The result of assigning more tasks to a resource than the resource can accomplish in the working time available.) and underallocations (underallocation: Assigning a resource to work fewer hours than the resource has available.). If you change resource assignments (assignment: A specific resource that is assigned to a particular task.), check the effects of your changes on the overall schedule (schedule: The timing and sequence of tasks within a project. A schedule consists mainly of tasks, task dependencies, durations, constraints, and time-oriented project information.) to make sure that the results meet your project goals.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
inertia and car accidents Essays -- essays research papers
Exp # 1 Title: Inertia and Car accidents. Aim: To find out how inertia plays a part in accidents. Materials: 1.     Wooden ramp, approx 1.5m long and 30cm wide. 2.     Bricks or wooden blocks 3.     2 dynamics, trolleys or toy cars 4.     Plasticine 5.     metre rule Method: 1.     Two plasticine dummies weighing 20g each were made and placed on the trolleys. 2.     Trolley B was placed 30-40cm in front of the ramp. 3.     Trolley A was placed 100cm from the end of the ramp. Directly in line with the other trolley. 4.     Trolley A was released and was let to collide into Trolley B, observations were made on what happened to the dummies. 5.     The experiment was repeated twice making sure everything was in the same place. Results: Refer to table 1. Questions: 1.     What happened to the dummy on trolley A during the collision? Did it move during the collision? Did it move forward, backward, or stay in the same place? The Dummy on Trolley A fell forward during the collision, as the gradient increased, the dummy fell further forward. 2.     The conclusion I have drawn from the evidence suggests that the steeper the gradient, the greater the impact. T...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethical Considerations Essay
The conduct of the members of any profession must be of very high standards in professional terms. The Australian Computer Society (ACS) requires very high standards in its Code of Conduct for members so as to be able to earn the credibility as well as the prestige IT professionals deserve. The ACS Code of Conduct does not include many detailed rules as it only focuses on the most essential matters and as such it requires a much broader interpretation. It is mandatory for all members of ACS to comply with the Code of Conduct. The code bears relevance in law in terms of legislation. Awareness of the Code’s requirements by IT professionals is crucial as non-adherence by a member in their field may lead to claims of professional negligence by clients. The regulatory regime of the Internet Censorship Body of Australia gives powers to its subsidiary, the Australian Communications and Media Authority to enforce restriction of Internet Content that is hosted within the country as well as maintaining a black-list of foreign websites by using filtering software. Foreign websites which have or are likely to be refused classification in Australia are target for mandatory filtering in Internet Censorship proposal by the Australian Labor Party-led government since 2008. The import of this proposal is that providers of internet services would be forced to ensure that they block black-listed websites from reaching its customers. Two years later, the policy still awaits enactment as a result of the inexistence of legislation to this effect (Moses 2010). As expected, the proposal for the introduction of mandatory filtering has been met with considerable opposition. Some amount of tension has been generated in Australia. Its opponents have raised various concerns but a few people who are in strong support of the policy welcomed it. In Australia, Internet content is bound by federal as well as state laws on the censorship of internet content. The ACS has an internet filtering body coupled with a taskforce for E-security. The task force provides advice on technical issues and policies concerning internet content and the material that is unsuitable for the viewing by the general society. This provides the basis for the legislation on internet content in Australia. The decision by the Australian government through information minister Senator Stephen Conroy to filter the pages viewed by internet users is consistent with the requirements of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) Code of Conduct and Ethics. The ethical code, in section 4. 1, starts by clearly stating its efforts aimed at advancing the dignity, honor a swell as the effectiveness Information Technology as a profession. It states that in observance of its ethical conduct and high competence standards, every member is supposed to be honest in addition to being forthright and impartial. Members are supposed to be loyal in their service to the community (ACS Code of Ethics 1998). It further states that every member has to put all efforts aimed at increasing the profession’s competence as well its prestige. Every member is required to use the special skill and knowledge they possess towards advancing human welfare. The code of conduct is binding in its requirements. Section NR 4. 3 and section N4. 4 categorically states that the code binds all members with regard to their professional conduct. The implication of this requirement is that once the legislation for the filtering scheme is enacted, all members will have no option other than to oblige. It will automatically take effect because it is backed by both the federal and the state government. This is good news to many parents and school teachers who have always battled delinquent behavior in learners without success. Foreign and unacceptable behaviors on some web pages have been accessed and acquired by minors who are otherwise not supposed to view them and as a result the parents and teachers have been unable to control them (Computerworld Australia 2008). Learning is seriously compromised by the content of these offending websites and filtering them is the only effective solution to ensure that it does not reach the school children. The are some specific internet contents which the government has already outlawed and indeed does filtering. These are the contents that have to do with political parties, euthanasia, video games and racism. On the ethical side of consideration on the government’s decision to filter the content that the public should be allowed to view, this is actually a move in the right direction because left uncontrolled, the public can view anything, just about everything. This automatically leads to moral rot. The advent of the internet has led to a sudden decline in morals in many societies globally and the Australian government is justified in suggesting an ambitious plan to ensure that internet content that is hosted within the country is restricted. It is upon the realization of the dangers posed by overseas websites, more than anything else, that the proposals read out by the information minister were made. It will be of no benefit for the Australian Communications and Media Authority to enforce a restriction on internet content that is hosted from within the country and leave content from outside unchecked as people can always view the pages that thrill them from the foreign websites (The Sydney Morning Herald 2009. It is not surprising that the proposal for mandatory filtering of all internet content whether local or from overseas has been met with mixed reactions (ABC News 2007). The proponents of the filtering of internet content are genuinely concerned that the benefits that these internet pages have are by far outweighed by the harm they bring upon the community, not only in Australia, but in all other countries in the world. The minister was justified in bringing the filtering proposals in his genuine concern to rid the society of the moral rot that, courtesy of unrestricted internet access, has been spreading like the country’s infamous bush fires. The opponents of the proposed legislation on mandatory filtering of both locally hosted and overseas internet pages are on their part justified to object to these requirements in such loud voices as they have. Their objection to this legislation is by a very big percentage motivated by their selfish interest to continue being in the market for all the wrong reasons. Any person or a group of people in business are motivated by the sole interest of making as much profit as they can and as such what they give to their viewers does not matter as much as the profit they stand to get out of it. It gets even worse because they are prepared to go out of their way to give their viewers anything that they view most, bad as it may be (The Digital Liberty Coalition 2008). The ACS code of conduct and ethics in 4. 3 stipulates the values and ideals expected of the members. Members are expected to be professionally responsible and display integrity in their actions. They are supposed to deal with clients and the community, students and employees in a responsible way and with integrity. This requirement is good in terms of ethics and it can minimize the number of obscene and violent web content if adhered to by all internet providers. The general society needs to be protected from some pages whose influence is negative to the society. Section 4. 3. 4 further binds the members of ACS by ensuring social responsibility in their work to the society. It states that all members should make it their duty to ensure that they uplift and improve their clients’ quality of life. This is a big calling but it must be adherered to in order to preserve and improve the lives of all the people they work for. It is unethical for any IT specialist to upload a morally corrupting page on the internet to be viewed by others who would otherwise do a lot better without it. The proposal by the information minister borrows mainly from the ACS code of conduct as it spells out clearly all the rules that IT professionals should follow so that they can preserve the prestige and dignity the profession is supposed to have. This is in section 4. 3. 5 under Information Technology Profession in which every member is expected to promote the integrity of their profession. The members must do their work in respect of the profession and for one another. Section 4. 5. 1 of the ethics code makes it mandatory for all members to preserve continuity in the services of information technology as well as to put information flow in their care. This clearly means that all members are bound by the requirement to strive to ensure that the consumers of their services get only what they are supposed to get. They must give only the useful information to the general public which constitutes their client base. Material that has been refused classification by the regulatory authority should not be uploaded because of the dangers it portents (Electronic Frontiers Australia 2008). The IT profession is a beneficiary of such a move as proposed by the information minister as it would regain its name as a respectable profession and people would have more respect for IT professionals which has of late been declining due to the actions of some unscrupulous IT specialists who have made it their habit to posting pages whose content can not do any good to the society (ABC News 2007). The general society as a whole will be the overall winners from this legislation to the detriment of those who have made it their business by sending to the innocent viewers corruptible web content. The hands of the IT professionals who may harbor ill motives are tied by clause number 4. 6. 5 which clearly states that all members of ACS must bear the responsibility of their work. If any of them posts a page that is in the opinion of the ACS disciplinary board; immoral or unsuitable for viewing by the general public, then their conduct shall be found to be unethical and the appropriate disciplinary action will be carried out on them.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analysis of Film Poster for “The Matrix”
From a distance the first thing that would be noticed by a passing audience would be the title of the poster. It would catch the viewer's eye with its striking green colouration and large bold font. Its central position in the poster would draw the audience's attention and bring them closer so they can pick out the smaller information, which in turn would lead to the desire to see the film or not. The use of the upper case makes the title stand out from the rest of the poster and would act as the focal point of the advertisement. The type of font used in this case sharp and modern, would denote the genre of the movie, which again would influence the people and pick out a specific target audience. Director: The directors name on my poster is situated above the title, so presumably would be the next thing the viewer would focus upon. A famous, well-established director such as Spielberg would sell a film by reputation alone. Their previous films using various genre would appeal to a target audience that wouldn't have normally seen the film. Their success widens the target audience and draws in people outside the specified genre, making more money for the producer's etc. Images: Images are probably the most important element of most types of advertisement. The use of images gives a more interesting and less boring way of getting the same message across that text would. Also because people are more susceptible to images and remember them easier, designers use this to inform and sell films by incorporating pictures into the poster. The type of imagery used again highlights a target audience, using their likes and dislikes, to create a demand for the film and make them want to watch it. The fact that my only form of imagery is in text and the use of numbers was done purposely, as I chose to integrate the main theme of the film, which is computers and science fiction, by using what could be described as ‘computer language'. The mystery invoked by this type of imagery would entice viewers into watching the film to understand the relevance of it because they are only given small pieces of information. Also the fact that the images can only really be read from close proximity, would mean that people would have to move closer to see, meaning they have to study the poster harder, which would lead to more information being processed, meaning they will have a better understanding of the movie. Actors/Actresses: The actors and actresses are important in widening the target audience further, their past roles and performances in movies will influence people into viewing the film. Most designers would use the upper case letters to advertise the cast as it stands out and would be more noticeable, they would use a contrasting colour from the back ground and they would position the most famous star on the left of the poster as viewers read from left to right. In my poster Keanu Reeves is the first name to appear on the poster, as he is the most famous. It is important to select cast that will appeal to as wide a target audience as possible, with Reeves and Moss, it does just that. They are both younger actors that would appeal to both sexes with their looks and sexual allure. People relate to stars, they either want to be with them or want to be them. Laurence Fishbourne, however, would attract the older viewers, as he is an older more classical actor, people wouldn't necessarily want to be him or be with him, they would more likely admire him for his acting ability. Critic's Quote: The critic's quote is a significant part in the layout of a film poster as it gives the reader a supposedly unbiast opinion of the film. The critic's quote is filled with hyperbolic language and positive words that would make the movie out to be the best film ever. This would help sell the film as no one would want to see a movie that was given a bad review because people are influenced by success. In my quote I used upper case letters within the sentence because it adds to the hyperbole and it highlights the positive words in the quote. The fact that it is directly under the cast's names was done so that they would read the quote after the cast and work their way down the poster, building an opinion about the film and its view-ability. Who actually gave the quote is important too, as their success as a movie magazine, newspaper etc, would promote the movie and would again target a specific audience, in my case using Empire magazine, a ‘movie buff' type of person. Because the average consumer doesn't really know much about movies, the fact that they are being told by an ‘expert', will influence their decision to pay their money to see the film. Certificate: By putting an age limit on the film you pick out a certain target audience. With having such a certificate as 15 advertised on the poster, you appeal to a younger audience with a ‘disposable income', mainly students and adults that don't have families or money that is spoken for. A certificate is there to give the viewers a rough guess as to its violence content, the language used and to what sort of extent the film has sexually explicit scenes in it. Although by putting an age limit on the movie, it doesn't stop younger or older audience attending. Producers: This element of the film poster can be both beneficial and detrimental to its success as a film poster. By using a producer's quote you attract a target audience by association, people who have seen earlier films will make the connection with its success or with its failure. This is potentially where this piece of information can be harmful. If the viewers make the link with a prior films achievements, this can help with the advertised films selling capability. However, if people make a negative link with the previous film they are less likely to watch it, as they will be put off by the last films performance. Conclusion: Altogether I feel my poster works reasonably well, I think it uses most of the key elements that a film poster has to possess in order to inform and to sell the movie to the public. The colouration is eye catching and modern and I feel I incorporated the main theme and essential taster of the movie within it. However if I was to repeat the exercise again I would change, improve and add a few things. I would have more than one critic's quote to broaden the target audience even further, this would be achieved by maybe having a well known newspaper write a review on it, making the film review be seen by a whole range of people, as more buy newspapers than movie magazines. I would also choose to have an actual image included in the poster, as the text that is the imagery in my poster may not be as memorable as pictures may be. To show the public of this movie's success I would probably decide to have the awards, Oscars etc that the movie had won or been nominated for, as this would attract an audience that wouldn't have normally bothered.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Reflect characters in Great Expectations Essays
Reflect characters in Great Expectations Essays Reflect characters in Great Expectations Essay Reflect characters in Great Expectations Essay Essay Topic: Great Expectations How Does Dickens use settings to reflect characters in Great Expectations? The novel Great Expectations was written in 1860-70 by Charles Dickens. Charles Dickens was born in February 7, 1812 on a Friday. His father, John Dickens, was a clerk in the Navy Pay Office. In 1814 Charles Dickens father was transferred to Somerset House in London. In 1817 John and his family moved to Chatham because John had got a job in the naval dockyard. This area near the Thames Marshes is suggested to be where Charles Dickenss got his inspiration for the beginning of Great Expectations. In 1924 Charles Dickens father, John Dickens was sent to Marshalsea prison because of financial difficulties. While his father was in prison Charles Dickens had to work at Warrens blacking warehouse to support the family. This is suggested to be one of Charles Dickenss most humiliating experiences and showed him how the distinctions between rich and poor social class play an important role in his society. I believe because of this experience when Dickens creates the character Magwitch he incorporates his fathers time in jail into Magwitch. I feel Dickens makes this reference to his life through Magwitch to make the novel autobiographical not only to himself but to the older higher classed Pip. During the time when Great Expectation was being written the industrial revolution was also taking place. The industrial revolution is suggested to be the one of the inspirations for the Character Pip as he is also going through his own revolution from a poor lower class boy to a rich high class gentleman. I also think Charles Dickens life is revealed through Pip as they both have things in common such as both coming from poor families but as they grow older both rise in social status. This shows that the novel in some ways is autobiographical. In 1856 Charles Dickens bought Gads Hill. This building is considered to be the inspiration behind Miss Havishams home Satis House. This was where Charles Dickens spent most of his time editing his two journals, Household Words and All the year Round. This huge mansion in Rochester was admired by Charles Dickens when he was a small boy very much like Pip who admired Satis House as a little boy. This also proves how Great Expectations is autobiographical. In 1827 Charles Dickens went to work at a law firm and then later became a journalist. Working for newspapers which led to the publication of his first novel The Pickwick Papers (1836). This novel was a great accomplishment and was very popular. Dickens also wrote many other novels such as, Oliver Twist (1837-38), Nicholas Nickleby (1838-39), The Old Curiosity Shop (1840), Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of Eighty (1841), American Notes (1842), and many more.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Italian Adverbs - Avverbi Italiani
Italian Adverbs - Avverbi Italiani Adverbs (avverbi) are used to modify or clarify the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. The adverbs are italicized in the examples below. Ho riposato tranquillamente. - I slept peacefully.Quello scrittore à ¨ piuttosto famoso. - That writer is quite famous.Devi parlare molto lentamente. - You have to talk very slowly. Where do you place adverbs in Italian? With a verb - When an adverb , it’s usually placed after the verb (italicized): Ho fatto tardi e la segreteria dellUniversit era gi chiusa. - I was late and the Secretary’s office at the University was already closed. Depending on the context of the sentence, though, the adverb (italicized) can be placed elsewhere: Domani, se à ¨ una bella giornata, voglio andare nel bosco. - If it’s a nice day tomorrow, I want to go to the forest. With a compound tense - When the verb is a , many adverbs can also be placed between the auxiliary and the participle: Veramente non ho ben capito. - I really didn’t understand well. With an adjective - When an adverb refers to an adjective, the adverb comes before the adjective: Questo cane à ¨ molto buono. - This dog is really good. With another adverb - When an adverb refers to another adverb, those of the adverbs of quantity (avverbi di quantit), in this case â€Å"di solito - usually,†are placed ahead of the others: La mattina, di solito, mi alzo molto presto. - Usually in the morning, I get up really early. With a negation - The adverb of negation (avverbio di negazione non) always comes before the verb: Vorrei che tu non dimenticassi mai quello che ti ho detto. - I hope you never forget what I told you. With a question - Interrogative adverbs (Avverbi interrogativi) introduce a direct interrogative sentence and are usually placed before the verb: Quanto costano queste banane? - How much do these bananas cost? What kinds of adverbs are there? Italian adverbs can be divided into four groups: semplici, composti, derivati, and locuzioni avverbiali: Simple adverbs (Avverbi semplici) are formed from a single word: Mai - Never, ever, even, possibly, reallyForse - Maybe, perhaps, probablyBene - Good, well, fineDove - Where, anywhere, someplacePià ¹ - More, several, extraQui - Here, there, where, over hereAssai - Very, much, extremely, quiteGi - Already, enough, yet, previously Compound adverbs (avverbi composti) are formed by combining two or more different elements: Almeno (al meno) - At leastInvero (in vero) - Indeeddappertutto (da per tutto) - Everywherein fatti (in fatti) - In factperfino (per fino) - Even Locution adverbs (locuzioni avverbiali) are phrases arranged in a fixed order: Allimprovviso - SuddenlyDi frequente - OftenPer di qua - This wayPressappoco - RoughlyPoco fa - A bit agoA pià ¹ non posso - As much as possibleDora in poi - From now on These types of adverbs can often be replaced with an adverb: allimprovviso improvvisamente; di frequente frequentemente. Derivative adverbs (avverbi derivati) are formed from another word, to which a suffix is added, like -mente or -oni: allegro allegramente, ciondolare ciondoloni). Most adverbs are derived by adding the suffix -mente to the feminine form of the adjectives that end in -o: certa-mente, rara-mente, ultima-mente or to the singular form of those adjectives that end in -e: forte-mente, grande-mente, veloce-mente. But if the last syllable of these adjectives is -le or -re the final e is eliminated: general-mente, celer-mente. Special forms include: benevolmente (instead of benevola-mente)ridicolmente (instead of ridicola-mente)leggermente (instead of leggera-mente)violentemente (instead of violenta-mente)parimenti (instead of pari-mente)altrimenti (instead of altra-mente) The forms ridicolamente, parimente, altramente are rare or obsolete. Other categories of adverbs: avverbi di modo (adverbs of manner)(adverbs of place)avverbi di tempo (adverbs of time)avverbi di giudizio (adverbs of judgment)
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Amide Definition and Examples in Chemistry
Amide Definition and Examples in Chemistry An amide is a functional group containing a carbonyl group linked to a nitrogen atom or any compound containing the amide functional group. Amides are derived from carboxylic acid and an amine. Amide is also the name for the inorganic anion NH2. It is the conjugate base of ammonia (NH3). Examples of Amides Examples of amides include carboxamides, sulfonamides, and phosphoramides. Nylon is a polyamide. Several drugs are amides, including LCD, penicillin, and paracetamol. Uses of Amides Amides may be used to form resilient structural materials (e.g., nylon, Kevlar). Dimethylformamide is an important organic solvent. Plants produce amides for a variety of functions. Amides are found in many drugs. Sources March, Jerry (2013). Advanced Organic Chemistry, Reactions, Mechanisms and Structure (7th ed.). Wiley. ISBN 978-0470462591.Monson, Richard (1971). Advanced Organic Synthesis: Methods and Techniques. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0124336803.Montalbetti, Christian A. G. N.; Falque, Virginie (2005). Amide bond formation and peptide coupling. Tetrahedron. 61 (46): 10827–10852. doi:10.1016/j.tet.2005.08.031
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Managing Employees performance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Managing Employees performance - Assignment Example Some of the most commonly used ‘traits’ include ‘dependability’ ‘attitude’, ‘attendance’, ‘initiative’, ‘cooperation’, ‘overall output’, etc. The employee could be given a rating on a scale of one to five for each of these traits. Here, 5 could represent ‘excellence’ and 1 could represent ‘poor’. 3 stands for acceptable but not outstanding standards. The total attained by the employee is a good indicator of his/her overall utility for the enterprise. The graphic rating scale can either be continuous or discontinuous. The forced distribution appraisal method is a modern management concept. It is more formal and structured compared to traditional models. It differs from traditional models in that it takes into consideration numerous employee performance parameters. The objective is not merely to find ‘justifications’ for an employee’s remuneration structure, but also to constructively identify weak and strong areas. In this manner an employee is offered a feedback for all-round development of skills. For example, the forced distribution appraisal method will grade employees across performance scales. This will help the management to offer inputs on their career development, training needs and optimal reward structures. There are several principles that make forced distribution methods successful. Firstly, the evaluator is given a predetermined distribution scale to fill up. ‘Job performance’ and ‘eligibility for promotion’ are given special attention. A five point performance rating scale is the norm, where employee traits are assessed only quantitatively. The worker can come out as ‘good’, ’bad’ or somewhere in between with respect to the traits. A graph can then be constructed with the rating designated to X-axis and’ number of employees’ to the Y-axis. What usually transpires is a Norman distribution curve with a majority
Project governance structures and leadership Essay
Project governance structures and leadership - Essay Example Rio Tinto shares were listed in the ‘Australian Securities Exchange’, ‘London Stock Exchange’ and ‘New York Stock Exchange’. Headquarter of the company is situated in the UK and it was operating in 40 countries with around 71,000 employees. The main objective of the business is undergo the operation of ‘finding’, ‘mining’, and ‘processing mineral’ of the global resources. Furthermore, the company is engaged in the production of ‘metals’ as well as ‘minerals’ that includes ‘copper’, ‘gold’, ‘diamonds’, ‘uranium’, ‘aluminium’, ‘coal’ and other industrial minerals (1Rio Tinto, 2014). The aim of the essay is to analyse the current business model in terms of the project governance structures and leadership approaches of Rio Tinto Group. In this regard, an assessment is conducted with the aim of having a better understanding about the procedure based on which the company businesses approach in the global context. . The organisational structure of Rio Tinto Group is based on the hierarchical pattern i.e. top-down structure and the overall job role of the group is sub divided into separate departments. These departments are centrally accountable for the functional management linkage with the corporate management that consist of board level. The corporate management of the company includes the chairman, two executive directors and eight independent non-executive directors and presidents (2Rio Tinto, 2013). The company board regulates and evaluates the opportunities that need to put forward and strive to keep a balance between expenses and income of the business. The 2013 strategic report of the company reveals that board evaluates the planning reports and plays a supportive role to approve such plans. Sam Walsh is the chief executive of the company decision during the year 2013 is highly supported by the board level of implementing
Friday, October 18, 2019
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words
Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Essay Example A colored compound having a chromophore is known as chromogen. 2. Give an example of an auxochrome and explain how it influences the absorption spectra of the molecule. If we change the pH of the solution how will that influence the spectrum, explain for full credit. In a molecule of nitrobenzene, –NO2 or nitro group is the chromophore. Nitrobenzene absorbs at 400nm and is pale yellow in color. When nitrobenzene is conjugated with the amine group, it froms nitro aniline. The amine group is the auxochrome. Nitroaniline absorbs light at 450nm and is a yellow compound. The longer resonance system decreases the energy gap between the ground state and excited state transition, thus producing visible color. This displacement to longer wavelength is known as bathochromic shift. The auxochrome (ie. amine group), is basic; it will gain a proton and will have a positive charge (electron withdrawing). That positive charge may activate the chromophore for a facile nucleophilic addition of hydroxide (or water) thus converting one pi orbital to a sigma orbital (loss of conguation and less stable pi system/more energy in that pi system) or the electron withdrawing effect pulls electrons away from sparsely populated pi-star orbitals (increases their ener gy) so the energy gap between pi and pi-star orbitals is larger. Larger energy, means larger frequency, means shorter wavelength (red shift or shorter wavelength). At alkaline pH, the absorbing system may be intact and will show red shift, but in acidic solution the amino - H2N group is replaced by - +NH3, which is considerably less efficient as an auxochrome. Thus in acidic solutions, a hypo chromic effect occurs resulting into a blue shift and the solution would appear light in color. 1. Verify the UV/VIS spectrophotometer is in the spectral wavelength range of the analytical method for
Choos a topic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Choos a topic - Research Paper Example At present relations of people and animals are influenced by peoples intellectual values, their moral characteristics, eagerness to take care of another living being, feeling of responsibility for those, who are weaker etc. All these factors show the ethic relations of the human beings and animals, and govern the main issues of a mans behavior towards animals. Bernard E. Rollin states that the problems and issues of animal ethics are often ignored, though the theory, which deals with human-animal relations, has developed significantly (Rollin Animal Rights as a Mainstream Phenomenon). The issues, which deal with animal ethics, are really controversial. Some of the important questions are (Palmer and Sandà ¸e): The animal ethics issues and controversies deal with the rights of animals, animal welfare, animals need in protection, killing animals for obtaining certain goods (food for people, leather, decorations, fur, medicine, cosmetics, food for other animals), killing animals for entertainment (hunting, safari, cockfighting, corrida), performing euthanasia, using animals for testing new medicine or holding other experiments, using animals for entertainment (keeping pets, circus, zoos) ("Animal ethics", Rollin Ethics and euthanasia). There are several theories, which describe a persons ethical behavior in his day-to-day and working life (utilitarianism, deontology, ethical intuitionism, virtue ethics, ethical noncognitivism, ethical contractarians by M. Boylan (Boylan) or personal virtue, religious injunctions, utilitarian benefits, universal rules, distributive justice, contributive theory by L. Hosmer (Hosmer)), which can be also applied to their behavior towards animals. C. Palmer and P. Sandà ¸e (Palmer and Sandà ¸e) suggest the following theories, which correlate with the general ethics theories, mentioned above: contractarianism, utilitarianism, an animal rights view, contextual views, and a respect for nature
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Strategic Management for the International Business Essay
Strategic Management for the International Business - Essay Example Global strategy can be stated as the way a particular business organisation views the global marketplace. The success or failure of global strategy depends on various interrelated factors. The factors include activities like sourcing, research and development, marketing and manufacturing, etc. All this factors are now incorporated in a global organisation strategy direction. In the present business context, every organisation tries to be responsive to the local market condition. Their strategies are incorporated in such a way which firstly is looking for being successful in local market then venturing in the global market. The Coca Cola’s strategy can be stated as an example in this case. The business organisations at present follow the motto of â€Å"Think global but act local†(Zou & Cavusgil, 1995). Global competition has increased the competitive edge in every strategic decision that a company takes in any organisation. Global competition is a phenomenon which occurs when various companies’ cross-subsidies market share on a national level and then it battles for being successful as a global brand and also acquiring global distribution positions. Global business looks towards acquiring economies of scale and cost efficiency in their business by venturing outside of their homeland. As a global company, an organisation tries to acquire international retaliation, world scale volume and also enabling cross-subsidisation. Global companies try to establish their strategies by fixing their locus of responsibilities mainly away from the country organisation (Hamel & Prahlad, 1985). Global market and corresponding strategic decisions are the main focus areas of any business organisation in the present scenario. This has brought in a new phenomenon called global markets which is made especially for standardised consumer
Islamic Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Islamic Banking - Essay Example Islamic Banking is a type of banking that is constantly based on the Islamic or Shariah law and its implementation is through the growth of Islamic economics. This type of banking system prohibits the fixed payment interest on loaned money and it also shuns the investment in the business that cater goods and services that are considered unlawful in Islam. Today more than 200 Islamic financial institutions exist around the world (Iqbal and Llewellyn, 2002). Ahmad El Najjar pioneered the first Islamic bank that came into existence in Egypt, in 1963. Thus, when 1976 ended, there were nine banks in the country that were established on the same concept; however, previously in 1974 the Organization of Islamic Countries had established a bank called Islamic Development Bank that purely ran on the principles of Islam. Although the bank was not a commercial one, it did provide funds for the businesses in order to encourage economic growth. After recognizing the Islamic banking system, several banks came into existence, such as Dubai Islamic Bank, Faisal Islamic Bank of Sudan, and the Bahrain Islamic Bank (Shariah-Fortune, 2012). Despite the growing trend in the Islamic banking system, unfortunately the inception of Islamic Banking in Pakistan did not survive. ... The banks previously were more focused on interest free banking; however in 1985, the Organization of Islamic Conference affirmed takaful, or Islamic insurance, as Shariah compliant. Thus, this gave the Islamic banking sector a wider tangent that now covered capital markets, capital formation, and varied financial instruments and intermediaries (Shariah-Fortune, 2012). The development and growth of Islamic Banking has always been experimental. The pioneers of the Islamic Banking have faltered, failed, and learnt through mistakes over time. However, the system has been prolific to the economies. Several empirical studies entail that the performance and efficiency of Islamic banking are significantly good. One of the studies conducted by Iqbal in 2001 drew a sample from countries that had Islamic and conventional banking; he took 12 Islamic banks and 12 conventional banks from 10 countries in order to find out the productivity of the banks using a comparative framework. His study concl uded that the Islamic banking displayed higher rates of growth in key variables in comparison to the conventional banking system. It also highlighted that the Islamic banks apparently performed well and generally they yielded good profits and well capitalized; another factor that surfaced was that Islamic banks used resources more effectively, which were available to them. Moreover, when the conventional banks were studied alongside Islamic banks as a group, it turned out that they outperformed the conventional system in all areas. However, there were certain variations among the Islamic banks that surfaced during the studies in terms of growth and performance (Iqbal, 2011). Nevertheless, Samad in 1999 compared
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Strategic Management for the International Business Essay
Strategic Management for the International Business - Essay Example Global strategy can be stated as the way a particular business organisation views the global marketplace. The success or failure of global strategy depends on various interrelated factors. The factors include activities like sourcing, research and development, marketing and manufacturing, etc. All this factors are now incorporated in a global organisation strategy direction. In the present business context, every organisation tries to be responsive to the local market condition. Their strategies are incorporated in such a way which firstly is looking for being successful in local market then venturing in the global market. The Coca Cola’s strategy can be stated as an example in this case. The business organisations at present follow the motto of â€Å"Think global but act local†(Zou & Cavusgil, 1995). Global competition has increased the competitive edge in every strategic decision that a company takes in any organisation. Global competition is a phenomenon which occurs when various companies’ cross-subsidies market share on a national level and then it battles for being successful as a global brand and also acquiring global distribution positions. Global business looks towards acquiring economies of scale and cost efficiency in their business by venturing outside of their homeland. As a global company, an organisation tries to acquire international retaliation, world scale volume and also enabling cross-subsidisation. Global companies try to establish their strategies by fixing their locus of responsibilities mainly away from the country organisation (Hamel & Prahlad, 1985). Global market and corresponding strategic decisions are the main focus areas of any business organisation in the present scenario. This has brought in a new phenomenon called global markets which is made especially for standardised consumer
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Good Deeds by Tyler Perry Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Good Deeds by Tyler Perry - Movie Review Example He has been pulled over in many instances by the police found driving under influence of alcohol. In the afternoon, he and his brother meets their mother, Wilimena (Phylicia Rashad) over lunch at a local restaurant to sort out family issues, she is not happy with what Walter is turning out to. The marriage arrangements continue with the mother heading to meet her daughter in law at a bridal shop, Wilimena suggestively asks Natalie to act as a bride already, by planning with her husband for future family size. However, things do not go as planned since Wesley and Natalie are not compatible, he is not happy in the union. The story is believable in some instances as there are cases of influential members of the society who despite their achievements, look into other areas for emotional fulfillment. Wesley is engaged to Natalie, who is just another symbol of their family business as she focuses on driving him to higher success levels, pushed on by their parents. Lindsay (Thandie Newton), a struggling single parent living in deplorable parts of the town, comes in to give Wesley a new experience. She is a janitor at Wesley’s corporation who heads home to find that her door will be locked by the landlord if she does not pay her rent soon. As she goes to her workplace to pick her cheque so she settles the bill, a confrontation with her boss over parking space gives her an opportunity to meet her boss over dinner a few days later, when he opted to quell their past differences over a meal (Baumgarten, 2012). In realistic terms, it is difficult to find a business executive sincerely dedicating part of his busy schedule to for less fortunate people unless it is a public relations gimmick. During this time, Wesley is introduced to the other side of life when he learns that Lindsay and her daughter Ariel (Jordenn Thompson) have nowhere to go after eviction from their rented house. She lives in area where families are torn, living in deplorable conditions. He gets emot ional when empathizing with the family for the state they are in; this created a bond between them. He helps Lindsay get back on her feet by renting for her and her daughter an apartment. This quality depicts Wesley as a family man who takes his time to listen to the less fortunate members of the community, and decides, within his ability to help out. A union that threatens his marriage gradually develops as he learns more about this interesting family. He and Natalie then realise they cannot make their marriage work and should stop pleasing their parents by calling it quits. In realistic instances, chances of a business executive marrying a janitor is almost negligent, the rich tends to associate at their level, and marry at family interests. It goes to extreme levels when Wesley, with his stature and business commitments, resigns from family business and places it under a new chief executive to travel abroad and live a low key life. Compassion and care is a central theme, Wesley, despite his brother’s frequent misbehavior, goes ahead to make sure he lives a fulfilling life. The family did not throw Walter to the dungeons due to his excessive drinking. He picks him daily as he heads to work; this is despite his tight schedule. He also recognizes him as an integral part of his family unit; this is seen in the way he is invited in family discussions and they intervene by advising him to change his ways. Wilimena urges him at a family lunch
Monday, October 14, 2019
Energy drink Essay Example for Free
Energy drink Essay Energy drinks should be regulated due to the fact that they cause health problems and the consumer is not aware because there are minimal, if any, labels. They claim to have some nutritional value in them said to give a â€Å"quick burst of energy. †In today’s market, there are so many different types of energy drinks that teenagers consume like Monster and Red Bull. Within these drinks there are numerous ingredients that may lead to some health risks. It has been requested from the Food and Drug Administration to regulate these energy drinks by enforcing stricter labeling methods of the ingredients and possible side effects (Farley 1). Since consumers do not know what they are consuming monthly, or even daily, they later face health problems like caffeine intoxication, which may lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure (Farley 1). Energy drinks are composed of several different ingredients, but the main ones are B-vitamins, guarana, taurine and caffeine. The B vitamin, a ready source of energy, is added to the energy drinks to make up for a dietary deficiency. Guarana comes from the seeds of the guarana plant whose seeds contain high levels of caffeine. Guarana can contain â€Å"three to four times the amount of caffeine as coffee beans†(Sabbah 1). Taurine, an amino acid that the body produces naturally, is responsible for regulating your heart beat, muscle contractions and energy levels. When all of these ingredients are lavished, it causes great harm to the body and consumers need to know this. Few energy drinks include warnings about the possible health risks they might contain like caffeine intoxication. It can raise heart rate and blood pressure while dehydrating the body. When there is an excess of caffeine intake, an individual may notice disrupted sleep, dehydration, kidney damage, and high blood pressure (Sabbah 1). In addition to the overwhelming amount of caffeine in these drinks comes an absurd amount of sugar. An eight -ounce can of an energy drink contains thirteen tablespoons of sugar. Energy drinks are unhealthy because they can create long-term health problems for people when taken in large amounts.. College students are more prone to drinking energy drinks to due fact that they stay up late to study. A survey of 496 college students found that 51% of those surveyed regularly consumed more than one energy drink per month. Most of them said it was a common element consumed every week because of insufficient sleep and the desire to increase energy (Seifert et al. 516). It is highly looked upon energy drinks to help students stay alert and focused in their studies, but they need to know the effects of drinking too many of them. The FDA should require manufacturers to put warning labels on their energy drink cans, list their caffeine content on the cans, and limit the amount of stimulant they contain. The FDA has not done anything but impose limits because energy drinks are not classified as beverages, but are labeled as â€Å"dietary supplements†(Seifert et al.520). Therefore, companies have no restrictions on the amount of ingredients or even which ones they choose to place in their products. Consequently, the public cannot be assured of its safety. In order to emphasize the fact that these drinks are â€Å"healthy†for the consumer, the companies include ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, and herbs. They may not understand what the ingredients do to their body, but seeing the ingredient â€Å"vitamins†automatically makes them feel like it is good for their health. A vital part of energy drink advertising is the slogans they use which must be catchy and memorable. For example, Red Bull’s slogan is â€Å"Red Bull gives you Wings,†and Monsters slogan â€Å"Unleash the beast. †These slogans are obviously directed toward a younger crowd. Those teenagers seeking for acceptance will do anything possible to raise their popularity level, so they drink them constantly. Energy drink companies understand the psychological aspect of advertising, which is why they are becoming so successful. When caffeine is taken in moderation, it is not harmful. Caffeine is comparable to sugar in the sense that it will only cause harm when consumed in large amounts. That is just the problem. Energy drinks do not have a moderate amount of caffeine in them, they have way too much. The fact that young adults do not know moderation, leads them to drinking ten energy drinks just to impress their friends without knowing the consequences. Energy drink companies do not provide the public with enough information of what their products contain and do to the body. They manipulate customers into believing their drinks will help improve their life by saying vitamins and minerals are included. These companies do not tell their buyers about the possible long-term effects these drinks can have on their bodies. Energy drinks have absolutely no health benefits to a person’s body when taken in moderate amounts, but the potential dangers outweigh anything that might possibly be gained. They give a quick burst energy, which is quickly followed by a power lapse. In conclusion, FDA regulation in energy drinks should enforce labels to include ingredients, possible effects towards the consumers’ health, and health risks when too many of them are being consumed. Works Cited Farley, Kate. â€Å"Energy Drinks May Pose a Health Risk. †The Dartmouth; 13 January 2009: p1-2. Access World News. Web. 1 February 2013. Sabbah, Jessica. â€Å"Experts Say Energy Drinks Need Regulation with Increased Consumption. †The Northern Star; 13 April 2009: p1-2. Access World News. Web. 1 February 2013. Seifert, Sara M. , Schaechter, Judith L. , Hershorin, Eugene R. , Lipschultz, Steven E. â€Å"Health Effects of Energy Drinks on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults. †Pediatrics; March 2011: p511-528, Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 February 2013.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Trail of Tears Essay -- American History
Trail of Tears Within United States History, there has been some horrible discrimination upon certain races of people. At the trail of tears native Americans were persecuted against heavily. Until 1828 the federal government had Cherokee rights to their land and in that same year Andrew Jackson was elected president and this all ended. On September 15, 1830, at Little Dancing Rabbit Creek, the Chiefs of tribes and representatives of the United States met to discuss a bill recently passed by the Congress. This day started with all the same good intentions of those today but ended with only a few Native Americans signing the treaty which allowing for the removal of all Indian peoples to the west of the Mississippi River. ( Brill, The Trail of tears: The Cherokee journey from home.) The Choctaw were told that the Americans in Washington cared little for the situation. They wanted the Choctaw moved on their own, or by military force. The Indians were believed to be ignorant savages, but they were industrious farmers, merchants, and businessmen of all types. Some were educated people, many were Christians. They even had an organized system of government and a codified body of law. Some of these people were not even Indians, some were strangers and orphans had been taken in over the years. These were people who did not deserve what they went through. When the Chiefs and Warriors signed the treaty, they had come to the realization that they had no option. For doing this the government officials guaranteed to the Indians the body of the treaty, safe conveyance to our new homes. (You cannot forget that in this treaty, the Choctaw traded 10.3 million acres of land east of the Mississippi for 10.3 acres in Oklahoma and Arkansas that we already owned under previous treaties.) Further, it included provisions and monetary annuities, to assist the people to make a new start. One half of the people were to depart almost immediately, the rest the next year. On March 27, 1838, congress did not accept the request for the relief of the Cherokee. Many then saw their land and property sold before their own eyes. The "conveyances" promised turn out to be a forced march. it was said that " thousand soldiers swooped over the nation causing the Cherokees to suffer greatly" and also the troops were ordered "To use guns and swords if necessary to punish any Cherokee who t... ... and then were treated unfairly by the government. Jackson spiced everything up for the people in his speeches but in real life ironically forgot that if it were not for an Indian he would be dead himself. ("Andrew Jackson's case for removal of the Indians). Really the only thing that Jackson wanted was manifest destiny and more land for America. He was simply an opportunist given a chance and he took it. Everyone believed that the trail of tears, the Indian removal or whatever other name that you can give to it was something good for America. A land based on freedom and equality but something like this can happen. For the "good" of the Indians, Andrew Jackson humbly believed, but was it truly for the profit of himself and the country first before the "good" of the Indians ("Andrew Jackson's case for removal of the Indians). Works Cited Ellis, Jerry. Walking the trail: One man's journey along the Cherokee Trail of Tears. New York: Dell Publishing, 1991. "Andrew Jackson" Andrew Jackson's Case for the Removal of Indians. Online. America Online. 20 March 2001. Brill, Marlene Tars. The Trail of Tears: The Cherokee Journey from home. Connecticut: The Millbrook Press, Inc., 1995.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Caffeine in Athletics Essays -- Nutrition Sports Health Essays
Caffeine in Athletics The world’s most popular drug is legal, inexpensive, and believed to amplify workouts. It supposedly motivates athletes and helps them stay alert and focused while also boosting physical endurance by twenty to fifty percent. This stimulant is found naturally in sixty-three plants and is consumed by eighty percent of Americans. This white, bitter, crystalline substance is known as caffeine, and is commonly consumed in efforts to enhance athletic ability ( Caffeine is a very popular stimulant among athletes because most believe that it provides energy, increases alertness, and quickens reaction time. When in beverage form, caffeine reaches all body tissues within five minutes of ingestion. However, peak blood levels are reached in thirty minutes. Therefore, many cyclists consume a cup of coffee half an hour before short races begin. Others drink a bottle of coke diluted with water during the last half of longer races ( The use of caffeine is controversial in the sports world, because it is a stimulant. In fact, the UCI forbids drinking caffeine in large quantities prior to competitions. But, why is there such a desire amongst athletes to consume this drug? Are its results really that effective? To answer these questions one must investigate how caffeine works. How does it affect the body? The exact process by which it affects the body is unknown. It is suspected that caffeine affects the nervous system by altering the perception of effort and exciting the neurons responsible for contracting muscles. It may also be accountable for causing more fat and less... ...1. Kaminsky, Martin, and Whaley (1998) Caffeine consumption habits do not influence the exercise blood pressure response following caffeine ingestion. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 38, 53-8. Pasman, van Baak, Jeukendrup, and de Haan (1995) The effect of different dosages of caffeine on endurance performance time. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 16, 225-30. Tarnolpolsky (1994) Caffeine and endurance performance. Sports Medicine, 18, 109-25. Wemple, Lamb, and McKeever (1997) Caffeine vs caffeine-free sports drinks: effects on urine production at rest and during prolonged exercise. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 18, 40-6. William (1991) Caffeine, neuromuscular function and high-intensity exercise performance. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 31, 481- 9.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Recording, analysing and using HR information Essay
Recording, analysing and using HR information GFM needs to collect and record data for legal and internal reasons. Legally we need to ensure that we are complying with the â€Å"Working Time Regulations and pay rates for the Minimum Wage Act 1998 and tax and national insurance obligations†, we also need to be complaint with the data protection and freedom of information act. We need to ensure that employees know why we are holding this information and how we secure it. Internally we use the information to send reports to managers on absence, performance, salary, leavers and joiners, recruitment and health and safety. We also use this information to help us communicate any necessary information regarding themselves or company policies to individuals. The following data is collected from an employee either prior to their commencement of employment or the day that they start with us: CV / Application form New employee form, on this form it asks for personal information i.e. name, dob, contact numbers, address, marital status, national insurance number, next of kin details, bank details (sort code, account number and bank address) P45 or P46 Health and safety questionnaires Equal opportunities data Valid UK passport or full birth certificate Signed contract The reason the above information is collected is to support the HR function in the following ways: Legal / Compliance – with WTR, MWA, DPA and FOI Communication – To keep in touch with employees, address for written communication, phone numbers for verbal communication and next of kin details in case of emergency. We need to inform employees of any contract changes and policy and procedure changes Payroll – to ensure that we have the correct details on file so we can pay staff for the hours that they have worked in line with the Minimum Wage Act 1998 and tax and national insurance obligations Data capture – to produce accurate reporting on absence, recruitment, equal opportunities and health and safety, findings are presented to line managers for effective management of their teams This information we hold is stored on our secure HR electronic system and manually in a locked filing cabinet. Holding this information electronically means that the information relating to any employee or former employee can be accessed quicker and the management of employee documents is easier. Another benefit of this is accuracy, easy to search for items contained within some ones file and less chance of someone else’s details being stored in another personnel file. It also requires less physical storage space, so if you are a company with limited storage space then this is a very effective solution. A benefit to having manually locked filing cabinets would be that it is less expensive to set up , if the computer systems were to fail you would still have access to all employee records and information, there would also be less risk of corrupted files and or loss of data should the electronic system fail. At all times any personnel or data capture information relating to an employee or organisation must be compliant with the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act. The Data Protection Act â€Å"gives individuals the right to know what information is held about them, and provides a framework to ensure that personal information is held correctly.†To HR this means that information must be held securely, protected and that only relevant information relating to that employee is held on their file. The Freedom of Information Act is the request for public records relating to something specific. In HR if we were asked to release information, specifically related to our head count or equality information we would be obliged to make this information available to the public.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Examine the Characteristics of Mystical and Conversion Experiences Essay
wo well-known categories of religious experience are Conversion and Mystical experiences. Throughout history there have been many reports of people having these religious experiences, and not all of the recipients are necessarily Christian in belief. Famous examples of conversion experiences include St Paul on the road to Damascus, and an example of a mystical experience could be the story of Theresa of Avila. Firstly I am going to look at the characteristics of mystical experiences, followed by an example of a mystical experience that I shall analyse before moving on to doing the same for conversion experiences. A philosopher called William James has designed a series of tests to see if a mystical experience conforms to a pattern that has arisen through the history of these experiences. William James said that the receiver of the religious experience should be passive, i.e. does not go out of his or her way to trigger the experience, it happens to them without their provoking it. The experience should be ineffable in that in the aftermath the receiver finds it very difficult to describe what had happened and how they had felt in normal communication, thirdly that there is a noetic quality to these experiences, meaning that some truth or great fact is revealed to the recipient of the experience. Finally the experience should be transient, this means that the actual experience should not take very long at all, perhaps a few hours, but afterwards it has a very long, if not lifelong impact on the person who had the experience. Mystical experiences often have an example of the defying of the laws of nature and physics, for example the hearing of voices or seeing of visions, or receiving of the wounds of Christ, the Stigmata, that came from nowhere and have no rational explanation. An example of a mystical experience, as I mentioned earlier, is the story of Theresa of Avila. Theresa was a Carmelite nun who had been raised as being deeply religious; when her mother died she turned to the Virgin Mary and became a nun. Throughout her life she was often seriously ill and during these bouts of illness she claimed to have experienced religious ecstasy, in which she saw a cherub repeatedly stabbing her in the stomach with a fiery spear, and where he stabbed her she felt bliss and pain equally. In one bout of sickness she lost the use of her legs for three years, and during this time she stopped praying until she was convinced by a priest to start again. Not long after she began praying again she experienced holy delights from God, which were moments when her senses were overwhelmed by the presence of God. Alongside this she experienced the levitation, meaning that she claimed to have had her body raised off of the ground by the Holy Spirit. The levitation is the main mystical experience of Theresa’s life; this is a very clear example of how the laws of nature are defied by the power of God. The experience is passive as she was ill in bed at the time, it wasn’t ineffable however as she could clearly explain what had happened, however the experiences of having her senses overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit that accompany the levitation certainly were ineffable. There was no great truth revealed directly but there is a lesson in her story. And that is that the Lord will watch over and take care of us when we are sick. It is hard to tell whether or not the experience was transient, as while the levitation took place over just a few minutes, we cannot know how deep an impact it had on Theresa, as she was already deeply religious, we cannot easily see how she changed as a person. Now we move onto conversion experiences, the most key characteristic of a conversion experience is that the recipient of the experience has a complete switch around of their religious beliefs, they are converted. This conversion stays in place for the rest of the experiencer’s life, the religious experience is transient. Conversion experiences can be either gradual or sudden, meaning that a person’s beliefs can change over time due to different stimuli or events, or they can change swiftly as a result of an undeniably holy action. An important fact to remember when discussing conversion experiences is that they can occur not just in regards to an individual’s religious beliefs, they can also impact on political and social ideals as well, and these kinds of conversions follow the same pattern as that of religious experiences. The example of a conversion experience I am going to talk about is the conversion of St Paul on the road to Damascus. Before his conversion Paul, or Saul as he was known, was a Pharisee who harshly persecuted the early Christians and was not in any way inclined to believe in the teachings of Jesus. One day Paul was riding down the road to Damascus, as he drew near to the city a light shone down from heaven and Paul was cast down to the ground, then he heard a voice saying â€Å"Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me†? The voice identified itself as Jesus and instructed Paul to go to the city where he will be instructed further. The men accompanying Paul were amazed, as they had heard the voice, but had seen no man or any vision as Paul had. Paul opened his eyes, but found that he had been blinded, perhaps by the brilliant light, his men led him to the city and there he stayed, blind, not eating or drinking for three days. After the three days his sight returned, and he was convinced that he had seen the resurrected Christ. After the experience Paul could be found in the company of the disciples that were in Damascus, which shows a very large turn around in his ideals, because before the experience he would have arrested and persecuted those men. This story is a good example of a conversion experience as it shows a very big contrast in the subject before and after the experience, which is as I said previously, the main characteristic of a religious experience. To conclude the essay I would just like to summarise the characteristics of both mystical and conversion experiences, mystical experiences are most easily identified when evidence of supernatural even ts take place, such as the levitation, while conversion experiences are clearly shown in the change of the recipients religious or political ideals.
Biology – Patterns in Nature
Biology – Pattern in Nature 1. Organisms are made of cells that have similar structural characteristics 1. 2. 1Outline the Historical development of the cell theory, in particular, the contributions of Robert Hooke and Robert Brown. †¢1665 English scientist Robert Hooke used microscope to examine thin slices of cork and saw small box-like compartments he called cells. He was first to realise plant material had organised structure at microscopic level. (compound microscope) †¢1831 Scottish Botanist Robert Brown was involved in a dispute about how pollination and fertilisation occurred in plants.During his study with orchids, he noted that ‘Each cell has a spherical structure’. He named it the nucleus of a cell. First to introduce the concept of a nucleated cell as unit of structure in plants. 1. 2. 2Describe evidence to support the cell theory. †¢Cell theory evidence accumulated over 600 years with advancement of technology with the microscope and le nses. †¢14th century Italian monks invented magnifying glass spectacles. †¢1590 first two lens/ compound microscope made by Hans and Zacharias Janssen. †¢1676 Leeuwenhoek (Dutch) saw micro organisms under a microscope in a drop of pond water. 1824 Henri Dutrochet (French) suggested that all organisms are composed of cells. †¢1838 Schleiden and Schwann (German) further advanced idea that all organisms are made of cells.Increasing evidence. E. g. first researcher to view single yeast cells budding and producing new cells. From that time on, cells regarded as building block of life. †¢1859 Rudolph Virchow (German) stated that all cells divide and that is how new cells are made. †¢1879 Walther Flemming (German) used biological stains to view cells dividing and verified the ideas of Virchow. 1. 2. Discuss the significance of technological advances to developments of cell theory †¢Middle ages- Spontaneous generation- meat + maggots, tadpoles/frogs in H20 . (Living matter arises from non-living matter. Problem= the source of new life/ eggs could not be seen, too microscopic. †¢Magnifying lens made in 1300 but not used in astronomical instruments and microscopes until 1600’s. †¢Earliest microscope was single lens. Compound was developed soon after, had 2 lens, objective and an ocular- mounted in a tube. It wasn’t until 1660’s before developed enough to be useful. †¢Eye can only be 10cm close to an object to be able to see it in focus.Closer than that the eye cannot resolve or separate small objects so blurred. Resolution= to see objects as separate and distinct. Magnifying lenses spread light rays so they strike the eye lens at a much greater angle of incidence than unaided eye. Magnification= to make things appear bigger. †¢Not much development happened for 200 years in microscope advances due to problems with chromatic aberration. †¢Schwann helped to dispel theory of spontaneous generati on by magnifying 400 times meat extracts through which hot air had passed. It was found meat was sterile. Also used microscope to trace presence of yeast in grape juice and beer.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 6
Communication - Essay Example They are still trying their best to recuperate in the wake of the troubles times that they have gone through and are still passing to this day. The information control and diffusion is an important aspect which must be understood from the social change perspectives, more so because the society on the whole has not improved drastically to counter any apprehensions which it had in the times of the colonial rule. Social change has to come from within the people themselves but the fact that change is difficult to assess under such settings compounds the whole dilemma that these developing nations face. Thus information control and diffusion seems difficult to be attained in the true sense of the word and any form of control that has been achieved thus far is due to the hard work and commitment of the people who are directly or indirectly involved with the social change processes, activities and tenets. Communication in such nations is hard to reach towards the benchmark levels because th ere are other problems which must be addressed first and the governmental regimes are trying their best to allocate more resources towards such issues and matters. Hence the aspect of information control and diffusion in a proper and adequate manner takes a back seat since the more pertinent issues are discussed in a thorough fashion. The colonial system has not helped much in the understanding basis of the information control mechanisms and the phenomenon of diffusion as well. This is because the colonial system did its trick when it was present in the olden times. But with the changing epoch, the perspectives have taken a U-turn and there is more room for comprehending the different facets, aspects and sides of a particular issue that comes from the domains of the communication tenets. This warrants attention on the part of the diffusion circles and information control hierarchies and hence the need to discern and comprehend the growth mechanisms which are
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Continental Airlines Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Continental Airlines - Research Paper Example Part of this success is attributed to the huge investment in employee management and training. This, in turn, leads to better customer care management realized from the employees of the organization. Introduction The story behind Continental Airlines is inundated with many successes and challenges that have characterized the company since its formation. Like any other operator in the turbulent airline industry, these challenges have, over the years, affected the operations of the company and often became the basis for the strategies that have enabled the company to sail through. In any case, Continental Airlines is today regarded as one of the best performing airlines not only in the United States but across the world. Founded in 1934 with a single aircraft in Texas, Continental has grown to become the fifth largest airline in the United States and the seventh largest in the world. This is realized through an annual passenger figure of 50 million across five continents. Presently, th e airline operates over 2,300 daily departures to over 200 destinations across these continents (Burlingham, 2005). Indeed, Continental operates in an industry dominated by several market players which are always on the watch for any strategy to outdo their competitors. The company has faced several financial quagmires over the past few years but has always managed to sail through these challenges. Through continual fleet modernization and an effective employee management program, the company has always been at the forefront in the provision of quality services that transcend the very borders of culture and distance. Although the company has faced bankruptcy twice in its turbulent history, these downfalls have acted as an impetus for success and triggered a new wave of novel strategies that define the company’s overall success. Continental’s Business Strategy At the dawn of this century, Continental was normally ranked in the tenth position among the major airlines in the United States. The major focus of the management was, therefore, to create a new business strategy that would shift the fortunes of the organization. This led to the adoption of a new series of business strategies that were focused on improving industry performance through improved customer service. The first strategy was labeled Fly to Win and was meant to ensure that all the employees in the organization clearly understood what the customers actually wanted in terms of service. This would facilitate an effective response mechanism in order to avail the right products to the right clients. Secondly, Fund the Future strategy was intended to relook into the cash flow and costs incurred by the organization, in order to bail it out of its financial quagmire. The focus in this case was cost management as a way of eliminating some of the unnecessary cost centers previously realized by the organization. The third strategy, Make Reliability a Strategy, was geared towards ensuring that customers were delivered to their destinations safely and without any delays (Ray, 1999). This was also to limit any loss of luggage that was often realized in the company. In a way, reliability was seen as the best way to create customer confidence which would ultimately enable the airline to widen the customer base. The fourth strategy, Working Together, was mainly focused on employee managemen
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Creative assignment in historical imagination founded on historical Essay
Creative assignment in historical imagination founded on historical research - Essay Example On arriving in America, zuli found out that life was different from what she expected. English was the national language in the country yet she did not know how to speak or write even a word. This factor limited her chances of getting a job, and she had to stay at her friend’s place. Zuli explains how she subjected herself to discrimination and pain in order to feed her mouth despite the hopes that she had before leaving home. The pain includes engaging in prostitution in order to eat and pay rent. The woman says that obedience is the essential factor to a successful life, and she advises the youth to learn to uphold the moral. This is because her disobedience bore bitter fruits, and she lost everything that she had hoped for in the end. Aunt chingcha was my role model from when I was a kid because of her hard-working character. Chingcha grew in Hong Kong, the same town where I grew up, but she moved to the Gold Mountain when she reached twenty in 1845. The gold town was a pla ce where people got well-paying jobs and owned land (Ahmad 95) contrary to my country. These are the characteristics that made people from my country call it the Gold Mountain. Everyone in my town was interested in moving to America to get rich and come back. The road to America was, however, not easy because only few people managed to go there and bring richness to their families. The journey to the land used to take one month, and on arrival, some immigrants, especially women would be sent back for reasons such as sickness (Spickard 102). Aunt Chingcha was among the few that managed to land in America, and she used to send us some of the money that she earned as a sewer in San Fransisco. I was interested in moving to the Gold Mountain just like other people, but I was scared. One of the factors that scared me was my family. My father said that he would not allow me to leave because I had to take care of my younger brother while my mum worked. He also said that he wanted me to lear n art as it was a tradition in my country. My aunt also told us that there was discrimination in America despite the high income and freedom. I could hear a voice inside my heart telling me that I would be successful like my aunt, only if I overcame my fear and went to the Gold Mountain. My friend Zuela helped me to overcome the fear inside me, and soon we escaped and went to America in 1855; by then, I was twenty years old. I did not care whether my parents would be worried about me neither did I mind the discrimination in America. All that I wanted was to work and send my parents money to pay my brother’s school fees. I also knew that I would come back and die in my country so that I would be buried near my ancestors (Lakos 35). When I arrived in America, I found out that I could hardly read or write English, which was the main language in America. This meant that I would not get employed easily like my friend Zuela, who got employed at a garment factory in California. We l ived in a shanty room that Zuela rent for five dollars a month as I searched for a job. One day as I went out searching as usual, I found a Chinese woman who I talked to, and she asked me to follow her because she would help me find a job. Her name was Chungxi and she came from Hong Kong, but her parents sold her in America so that they would get income to purchase necessities. Chungxi fled from Kansas where she was sold and became a prostitute in
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Media and Government Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Media and Government - Assignment Example The companies moved away from publishing sexually sensitive paper with images of masculine men and half-naked women. They adopted a new policy that aimed at penetrating the whole market. The periodicals majored on stories of interest such as celebrity stories and general stories about fashion. In addition, they provided information on current happenings. In order to make the magazines attractive, the companies printed the publications on high-grade glossy papers. Fejes argument on gays and lesbian spending habits is still valid today. Majority of them spend a tremendous amount of cash on classy and sophisticated products in the market. They embrace new products and, as a result, producers and marketers exploit this. The auto industry is a perfect example of the industry that has realized this and works hard to satisfy gay consumers’ needs. Subaru is one of the companies that has successful exploited gays’ desire for classy products. This company has designed an expensive gay-friendly car. The fact that the vehicle is gay-friendly alone does not improve sales. Thus, the company has invested in advertising their new arrival in gay periodicals such as Advocate and Out. The sales returns are encouraging with the Subaru company claiming that gay men are 18 timely more likely to afford and own this car than other
Friday, October 4, 2019
Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Global Warming - Essay Example Sun is a continuous source of energy for our earth and its energy reaches the earth in form of electromagnetic radiations. A part of these radiations is absorbed by the outer atmosphere of the earth while the remaining is allowed to enter the lower atmosphere where life exists. The radiations reaching the lower atmosphere are the main source of energy for the organisms living here. Plants absorb this energy and convert it into chemical form which then supports the entire food chain. Humans have also learnt various methods to harness this energy to fulfill their requirements. The part of energy not utilized by humans or plants falls on different parts of dry land and oceans around the world. A very small amount of this energy is absorbed while most of it is reflected back into the atmosphere. The 30% of total energy is reflected back to the sun by the atmosphere and land. The remaining 70% which is initially absorbed by earth either leaves through direct radiation or through conductio n and convection of adjacent layers of air or through the latent heat of vaporization absorbed during cloud formation. Hence almost all the heat absorbed initially by earth is reflected back to the atmosphere. This heat energy which enters the atmosphere should ideally leave the atmosphere through radiation into the outer space. This natural process keeps the temperature of the earth stable within a certain range. Recently, due to human activity, the amount of gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides and hydrocarbons in the atmosphere has increased substantially.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
The Birthmark as a Symbol Essay Example for Free
The Birthmark as a Symbol Essay In Nathaniel Hawthornes, The Birthmark, the symbolism is quite evident of the birthmarks upon Georgianas face. It represents Aylmers struggles with nature and science, through his repeated attempts of the removal of it. This clash between science and nature illustrates the concept of man versus woman, through the femininity of nature and the masculine traits of the world of science. Throughout the story, nature is portrayed as feminine and is even present through Georgiana. This is in the same way how science is show as masculine and symbolized through Aylmer. The conflicts between science and nature are symbolic of mans need to control women. Eckstein say, modern science is basically a masculine endeavor (p512), as well as, Nature ismetaphorically female (p513). All through history, people have referred to nature with the preceding word of nature, leading one to the belief that nature is in feminine. Mary Rucker sees how Aylmer is intimidated by Georgiana, Aylmerfears sexuality (p445), specifically feminine sexuality. Aylmer is concerned with controlling his wife, and her appearance. This shows the theme of men versus women. Aylmer saw Georgiana as an object of perfection, with the exception of the birthmark. Before he met her, all of his heart went towards science, and the art of perfecting nature, possessed this degree of faith in mans ultimate control over nature (p 29). This illustrates his obsession with perfecting what was already to be had. Soon after he married Georgiana, he became bothered with the mark upon her face. He allowed his fascination with science to become intertwined with his love for Georgiana, Aylmer, elevat[ed] his wife into a scientific problem to be solved (p366). In this way the birthmark seems to be almost mocking his attempts at changing nature, which is representative of Georgiana s femininity, Attempting an operation for the removal of the Birthmark. But the deeper the knife went, the deeper sank the hand (p 31). This represents the constant struggle for science to overcome nature, for mans need of control to be satisfied. For men of science, nature is an enemy, just as Aylmer the birthmark becomes a rival. His hunger for perfection was so great, and it upset him that his wife was perfect in all respects except for the mark upon her cheek. The mark of imperfection nature gives us, fatal flaw of humanity, which Nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffaceably on all her productionsto implytheir perfection must be wrought by toil and pain ( p30). This shows how the birthmark was a way for Nature to put up a fight against science. That, perfection, is not what Nature intended, and the only way to achieve perfection was not going to be easy. Georgiana, with the birthmark, says in Natures defense, It is terrible to possess such power or even to dream of possessing it (p34). It is almost as though she is speaking for and possibly being one with Nature. She does not wish to rid herself of her imperfection. This is also one way in which her being symbolic of nature, and thus creating the suggestion that Na ture is feminine. As the story continues, she is more and more swayed by Aylmers attempts at the removal. However, nature stands strong and the mark remains. The struggles between science and nature go back and forth, matching each other in strength throughout the story. It begins when Aylmer (representing science) marries Georgiana (representing science), and the battle for dominance commences. As he battled with her birthmark, nature would not let it go, and the birthmark remained on her face. He was not content with the idea that he (science) could not control everything. As the last of his potions is tested upon his wife, the birthmark finally begins to fade. As Aylmer is becoming excited about his apparent success, his assistant, Aminidab (who represents Nature as well, Vast strength, his shaggy hair, his smoky aspect, indescribable earthinessrepresent [ed] mans physical nature (p33).) laughs. He realizes that you can not overcome all of Nature and is mocking Aylmer this way. As the birthmark completely disappears, Georgiana dies. This shows how the birthmark representing Nature in essence wins the battle against science, the gross fatality of earth exult in its invariable triumph over the immortal essence (p40). Although, the science was correct, and she was rid of the mark, it mattered no longer because this perfection was no longer living. The Birthmark portrays how although man and science may always try to overcome nature and imperfections, Nature will always win out in the end. Hawthornes, The Birthmark, is a perfect example of the struggle between science and Nature. It represents how man will always try to find something to fix with science, so as to overcome nature and our natural imperfections.
Examination Of The Organization Of Islamic Conference Politics Essay
Examination Of The Organization Of Islamic Conference Politics Essay The main purpose of these paper is to analyze the performance of the Organization of Islamic conference and find the way forward for the problems existing within the organization . In these paper I would take the prospect of being in charge of the organization of Islamic conference. These means that i will presuppose the position of the secretary general of the organization of Islamic conference ( OIC). While taking that imaginary post , ill be briefly discussing on the origins of the international relations, what were the main reasons for its establishment . In addition, ill be engaging in an in-depth analysis of its achievements , drawbacks . Subsequently, ill develop an practical and implementable solution on three major important arenas The International politics and diplomacy, the educational arena and economical and financials spheres. Introduction: Islamic Thought on International Relation. Its undeniably true that the concepts of politics, diplomacy and international relation realms can be traced back to the ancient Islamic history. Its clearly evident such phenomenon existed during the prophets (p.b.u.h) reign when he had treaties with the Jews, Christians from Najran [1] and Aqabah [2] , these continued to the times of the four rightly guided caliphates to Umayyad dynasty to Fatimid Dynasty and so on. Also these was under the Islamic concept and umbrella of ummah, which means the community of believers that consists of all Muslim nations and races. The fall of the Ottoman Islamic empire and other many different dynasties across the globe, paved a way to the adoption of the European and western ideology of the state system. Nationalism became the frontier which defined a nation rather than their religious affiliations. The belief and principle of the Islamic ummah was gradually vanishing from the Islamic Nations. Its irrefutable that this was orchestrated by the west for the primary purpose of stopping the dominance of Islam as religion. So by introducing these new concept of state system, it will divide the Islamic ummah into different countries and their citizens would pledge their allegiance to the state rather than the Islamic Ummah. These caused tensions, divides, competitions amongst Muslim nations hence resulting into current unfortunate situation. On the occasion of rising of the modern state system, many Muslim scholars argued back and forth on whether the concept of a nation come to blows with the universality and the unity of Islamic ummah. Many have provided evidence in support of the assertion they can co-exist while many have refuted and give a counter arguments on that case. Muslim thinkers, such as Allama Muhammad Iqbal argued on the basis that Islam provides with the model for human unity and so long as the Muslims believe in the oneness of Allah (Tawheed) ; then, nationalism can co-exist with the principle of Islamic Ummah. Origin of the Organization of Islamic Conference ( OIC). With the modern world order resulting to a rapid rise and continual impact of the western political and economic dominance throughout the muslim nations, some of the muslim thinkers and scholars developed the theory of Pan-Islamism. [3] These started from early nineteenth century with scholars such as Mohamed Abdou, Jamaldin Al-Afghani and similar like them. Many attempts of instituting an International islamic body failed miserably. However, it came to fruition in the 1960s and this was through the tenacious adherence and firm believe by the different muslim leaders in that era in having a united front of Muslims. Despite the difference and the existence of the fundamentalists, socialists , nationalists and secularists in the muslim states this was finally achieved. The establishment of the organization of Islamic conference came shortly after the historic event of the Arab-Israel conflict of 1967. Israel as a very small nation was able to crush bigger Islamic and Arab nation such as Jordan, Syria and Egypt. These sent shockwaves through the entire muslim world. The Israelis were able to occupy and take over the third holiest site of Islam, masjid al-aqsa. Afterward this was followed by the criminal and despicable event of blazing down some part of the holy mosque on 21st August 1969. Immediately the muslim leaders called for a quick historical summit which took place in Rabat, Morocco on the 25th September 1969. Ever since the formation of the OIC, it became the second largest inter-governmental organization after the United Nation with fifty seven member states around the world. These was true success and the organization became the voice of the muslim through the world and it ensured to uphold and protect the interest of Islam and the muslims in the firm believe and spirit of promoting peace, harmony and unity among the various diverse people in the world. In March of 1970, the first Islamic conference of foreign ministers was held in Jeddah and through this meeting Jeddah was selected as the headquarters of OIC, pending the liberation of Jerusalem which would be the permanent headquarters of OIC. As well, the role of permanent general secretariat was set up which the main is to ensure an effective cooperation among member state and to co-ordinate their actions. Two years later, the Islamic conference of foreign ministers meeting for the third session adopted the charter of the institute whose main aim was to strengthen the cooperation, smooth cohesion and solidarity amongst the member states in the political, economical, scientific, social and cultural grounds. Objectives of Organization of Islamic Conference ( OIC) Under the Charter, the organization of Islamic conference aims to achieve the following ; Strengthen the Islamic solidarity among member states. Coordinate action to safeguard the holy site of Islam. Strengthen cooperation amongst member states in the political, economic, scientific, social and cultural fields. Strengthen the struggle of all muslim people to safeguard their dignity, independence and national rights. Coordinate action to support the struggle of the Palestinian people and assisting them in recovering their rights and liberating their occupied territories. Work to eliminate racial discrimination and all forms of colonialism. Work to create a favourable atmosphere for the cooperation and understanding between member states and other countries, parties, and organizations. The charters also spells out some fundamental principles which governs the activities of OIC. To name a few are the full equality amongst member states, the non interference with the internal affairs of member states, the observation of independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of each state. And also a major Islamic principle that exists and is clearly stipulated in the OIC charter is the settlement of any dispute that might arise between the member states by peaceful means such as negotiations, mediation, conciliation and arbitration. This mentioned in the holy Quran in surratul hujjarat [49:7-10] But Allah has endeared the faith to you and has made it seemly in your hearts, and He has made hateful to you unbelief and transgression and disobedience; these it is that are the followers of a right way. By grace from Allah and as a favor; and Allah is Knowing, Wise. And if two parties of the believers quarrel, make peace between them; but if one of them acts wrongfully towards the other, fight that which acts wrongfully until it returns to Allahs command; then if it returns, make peace between them with justice and act equitably; surely Allah loves those who act equitably. The believers are but brethren, therefore make peace between your brethren and be careful of (your duty to) Allah that mercy may be had on you. (49:7-10) Structure and Organs of the Organization of Islamic Conference The organization consists of the followings. The Islamic Summit This the highest decision and policy making organ, its attended by the heads of states of governments and usually they met every three years. The Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers During the three year interval between the summits, these organ members meet to watch over the implementation of decisions taken by the head of states. The Permanent Secretariat These is the executive organ of the OIC which is delegated to handle the day to day activities of the organization. Standing committees. In furtherance of coordinating and boosting the organizations action and bring into line to its view points and stands, the organization has created different standing committees which are chaired by the heads of states. i.e Al-quds Committee, Islamic committee for economic, cultural and social affairs etc. Subsidiary Organs These include the statistical, economic and social research and training center for Islamic countries etc. Specialized Institutions. These includes the Islamic development bank (IDB) , Islamic states broadcasting organization (ISBO) etc Affiliated Institutions These includes the Islamic chamber of commerce and industry (ICCI), Islamic committee of the international crescent (ICIC). C ) The Achievements and Drawbacks of Organization of Islamic Conference One of the major strengths of the OIC is the institutional architecture and the charter itself. With that being a strength OIC was able to achieve a lot of success despite their dormancy in the last fifteen years. With the new general secretary Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu of Turkey who came in by a voting system. Some of the recent achievements done by organizational Islamic conference is initiating the goldstone report which in turn lead to the international condemnation of the Israel government assault on Gaza .Politics is about perception and the organization of Islamic conference must be credited for putting forth the truth of the matter in Palestine and thus wiping off the perception of Israel the occupier as being innocent. A second major achievements was initiation of the Islamic conference humanitarian affairs department in 2008. During the tsunami disaster they extended help to more than 10,000 orphans. And even before the inception of this department some of the philanthropic work they did can be traced by during the end of Balkan war. Many muslim Bosnians were uprooted from their country of birth and were homeless. The OIC setup a fund named the fund for return of the Bosnians refugees which was located in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Also in june of 2007 it jointly organized with the state of Qatar an international donors conference for the republic of Niger to help and beef up the food shortages suffered by the muslim in that state. Also they engaged extensively in other poverty alleviation programs in countries such as Somalia. Despite these achievements, the organization of Islamic conference has had a lot of drawbacks and short comings since its inception. A major weakness is the running of the organization with a short-string budget that comes from mandatory payments from some of the member states. The budget isnt enough for the scope of activities which is to be done and its numerous committees. These is majorly caused by the poor state of the majority of the OIC members states whereby almost half of them are ranked the in lower position in the GDP [4] per capita and GNP [5] per capita indexes. The lack of enough fund has crippled the OIC in terms of helping to develop the educational standards amongst its member states, the funding of research and developments programs. Early, I mentioned that the institutional architecture as being impressive and as a major strength but I have to point out that still there is insufficiency in it. A main point is the lack of any kind of representative form of leadership and this one echoes the deficit of democracy in the muslim states. A disappointing record mainly characterized by infighting, power struggles and failure to articulate a clear and consistent policies. Further another core problem came from the highest decision making organ named the conference of kings and heads of state. In every summit their work was opaque to the public scrutiny. Furthermore, not until recently the organization had a little contact or cooperation with other nongovernmental or inter-governmental organization in the world such as the united nation. Organization of Islamic Conference has failed miserably on their initial objective of coordinating actions to safeguard the holy site of muslims and Islam. Also one of the founding directives they failed is in the strengthening the struggle of all muslim people to safeguard their dignity, independence and national rights despite it being This hasnt been the case with Afghanistan, Iraq and mostly Palestine. Verbal condemnation is not enough but a rather action is required on these cases. The concerns has been reiterated and the main objectives have been reaffirmed countless times at different meeting forums but the organization has achieved little in the way of material change. Practical and Implementable solutions to the advancement of OIC. If you want to achieve and reach at a desired goal and you havent done it after some period of time has elapsed. Then first you need urgently to revise yourself, your actions, study your surroundings, admit any flaws and mistakes, highlight the drawbacks. Only then you can find solutions as to what has made you deviate from your path of reaching your desired goals. With these done you can formulate a better strategy to attain the new desired targets. Same is the case with the organization of Islamic conference, if I was in charge I would do similar steps in finding the solutions to the current existing problems and then i can achieve the envisioned better future. In these part of the paper, I would be discussing on the possible solution on three dimension, the educational, economical and the political arenas. Firstly, the economical arena is a major issue for the OIC member states. Almost half of the member states in OIC are performing badly in all indicators of economy. There are several propositions that can be done for the member state in order to shoot up their economy. Financial sectors, tourism sector, increasing multilateral trades, and allowing foreign direct investments. To start with the tourism sector, the diversity around them and their rich geographical and cultural heritage makes them bear up a remarkable tourism potential. Planning and organizing these sector will play a very considerable role in advancing the socio-economic development in these states. The challenges such as lack of technical know-how, poor promotional activities, lack of investment in the tourism sector in terms safety and diversification would be tackled by two way which are at a national level and organization level. At the national level sustainable tourism development should be included in their framework, while at the organization level joint programs and data networks should be established to reveal the opportunities and be made available for the member states. Another aspect of the economical arena is the financial and investment sector, as the general secretary I would encourage and initiate the establishment of Islamic an Islamic security exchange to be located in Istanbul, Turkey. This would help in intensifying the cooperation of their stock exchanges and also partly encourage foreign direct investments. Furthermore, this will create a common market for introducing and trading Islamic financial instruments and also increasing the participation of muslim countries in the international markets. Hence this will in turn increase the multinational trade amongst the member states. The direct impact of this will be the boost up in the gross domestic product of the countries invested in and the gross national product of the investor country. Secondly, its noticeable in the educational arena of the OIC members state thats their exists a very wide gap on the literacy level in the OIC member states compared to the other developed nation. They are lagging behind in terms of curriculum setup, the research and development, innovation and technology advancement. These can be related to the economical aspects but at the same time these countries are rich in resources and energy. And as earlier discussed, developing the tourism sector, increasing the multinational trade, and boosting of the economy would generate a great revenue for the member states. This can be channeled to the education sector especially to increase the number of institutions of higher learning whilst improving and reforming centers in preventing brain drains and also revising the curricula in all levels. In addition, encouraging the states to fund the research and development opportunities at the institutions of higher learning, muslim researchers and technicians should be employed. This will increase the chances of scientific breakthroughs from the muslim world through journals articles and high technological exports and imports. Additionally, there will be a review for all affiliated universities with the OIC. Lastly, the international politics and diplomacy strategies will be reviewed in order to match with the current politics. Developing a regional security that protects the interest of muslim nations is a must in the current times. Events of striking Gaza, Iraq, and Afghanistan has occurred in front of the Muslim eyes and yet nothing concerete has been done. Power matches power and as much as we want freedom, security should come along with. Finally binding all the muslim leaders and kings into one platform of accepting unity through diversity should be established. This would help in getting rid of sectarian divides and divides in ideologies.
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