Monday, October 21, 2019
Italian Adverbs - Avverbi Italiani
Italian Adverbs - Avverbi Italiani Adverbs (avverbi) are used to modify or clarify the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. The adverbs are italicized in the examples below. Ho riposato tranquillamente. - I slept peacefully.Quello scrittore à ¨ piuttosto famoso. - That writer is quite famous.Devi parlare molto lentamente. - You have to talk very slowly. Where do you place adverbs in Italian? With a verb - When an adverb , it’s usually placed after the verb (italicized): Ho fatto tardi e la segreteria dellUniversit era gi chiusa. - I was late and the Secretary’s office at the University was already closed. Depending on the context of the sentence, though, the adverb (italicized) can be placed elsewhere: Domani, se à ¨ una bella giornata, voglio andare nel bosco. - If it’s a nice day tomorrow, I want to go to the forest. With a compound tense - When the verb is a , many adverbs can also be placed between the auxiliary and the participle: Veramente non ho ben capito. - I really didn’t understand well. With an adjective - When an adverb refers to an adjective, the adverb comes before the adjective: Questo cane à ¨ molto buono. - This dog is really good. With another adverb - When an adverb refers to another adverb, those of the adverbs of quantity (avverbi di quantit), in this case â€Å"di solito - usually,†are placed ahead of the others: La mattina, di solito, mi alzo molto presto. - Usually in the morning, I get up really early. With a negation - The adverb of negation (avverbio di negazione non) always comes before the verb: Vorrei che tu non dimenticassi mai quello che ti ho detto. - I hope you never forget what I told you. With a question - Interrogative adverbs (Avverbi interrogativi) introduce a direct interrogative sentence and are usually placed before the verb: Quanto costano queste banane? - How much do these bananas cost? What kinds of adverbs are there? Italian adverbs can be divided into four groups: semplici, composti, derivati, and locuzioni avverbiali: Simple adverbs (Avverbi semplici) are formed from a single word: Mai - Never, ever, even, possibly, reallyForse - Maybe, perhaps, probablyBene - Good, well, fineDove - Where, anywhere, someplacePià ¹ - More, several, extraQui - Here, there, where, over hereAssai - Very, much, extremely, quiteGi - Already, enough, yet, previously Compound adverbs (avverbi composti) are formed by combining two or more different elements: Almeno (al meno) - At leastInvero (in vero) - Indeeddappertutto (da per tutto) - Everywherein fatti (in fatti) - In factperfino (per fino) - Even Locution adverbs (locuzioni avverbiali) are phrases arranged in a fixed order: Allimprovviso - SuddenlyDi frequente - OftenPer di qua - This wayPressappoco - RoughlyPoco fa - A bit agoA pià ¹ non posso - As much as possibleDora in poi - From now on These types of adverbs can often be replaced with an adverb: allimprovviso improvvisamente; di frequente frequentemente. Derivative adverbs (avverbi derivati) are formed from another word, to which a suffix is added, like -mente or -oni: allegro allegramente, ciondolare ciondoloni). Most adverbs are derived by adding the suffix -mente to the feminine form of the adjectives that end in -o: certa-mente, rara-mente, ultima-mente or to the singular form of those adjectives that end in -e: forte-mente, grande-mente, veloce-mente. But if the last syllable of these adjectives is -le or -re the final e is eliminated: general-mente, celer-mente. Special forms include: benevolmente (instead of benevola-mente)ridicolmente (instead of ridicola-mente)leggermente (instead of leggera-mente)violentemente (instead of violenta-mente)parimenti (instead of pari-mente)altrimenti (instead of altra-mente) The forms ridicolamente, parimente, altramente are rare or obsolete. Other categories of adverbs: avverbi di modo (adverbs of manner)(adverbs of place)avverbi di tempo (adverbs of time)avverbi di giudizio (adverbs of judgment)
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