Thursday, August 27, 2020
Anger and Aggression Essay -- essays research papers fc
Everyone has felt outrage or hostility ordinarily in there life. It happens constantly. We as a whole face a similar test of attempting to remain calm. It might be simpler for certain individuals than it is for other people. Numerous examinations show that it is solid for an individual to let out their displeasure every so often. They accept that it will help in your relationship with others and that it will build your confidence. They additionally accept that holding outrage in is awful and undesirable for your body. In the event that you let the indignation develop it could go from simply being a verbal contention to a point wherein a person or thing is harmed or wrecked. To control your outrage you should discharge your animosity in a manner that isn't unsafe to other people or yourself. Individuals that investigate a difficult all the more intently can control their indignation better. These individuals get the entirety of the rea lities and settle on a proactive choice. Additionally by investigating the issue your may discover that it wasn't as awful as you previously suspected. Investigating the difficult will likewise assist you with taking a gander at the results of the activity you are going to take. Specialists likewise accept that television and motion pictures affect the manners in which we discharge our animosity. They accept that here and there we are completely impacted here and there by motion pictures and programs that we watch. In the event that we can figure out how to control our indignation we will see that our life, and every other person's life is much more secure and increasingly quiet. Some individuals may ask, "What makes an individual vibe angry?" There are two responses to the inquiry. The first is that you may feel irate with yourself or something that you may have done. The second is that you might resent someone else or object. A few people may allude to feeling furious with yourself as interior displeasure and outrage towards someone else as outside annoyance. A case of inward resentment is that you didn't do tantamount to you needed to do on your test. A case of outer annoyance is getting into a contention with a companion. There are various methods of managing your indignation. The most ideal path is to go right to the individual that you are feeling irate with and converse with them about it. Despite the fact that this is the most ideal way it may not generally be a possibility for the circumstance you are in. In the event that you are irate with yourself you should discover a companion a nd converse with them about it and get it off your psyche so you don't develop your annoyance. Bu... ...elp the youngster control their animosities and assist them with letting it out in sound manners. They can show them various approaches to manage outrage. They can utilize anticipation and attempt to stop the issue before it gets to far. They can likewise utilize emergency the board, for example, a plunking down and discussing the issue with the kid. Another technique is breaks this will help give the guardians and the youngster an opportunity to chill off. The best technique for guardians is to be a decent good example for the youngsters. In the event that they show great methods of managing outrage their youngsters may do likewise. A parent is the individual who kids turn upward to as they are growing up. List of sources 1. Dealing with outrage 2. Dealing with outrage 3. Adolescent Anger and Aggression
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Great Gatsby: “It is Nick who makes Jay Gatsby into The Great Gatsby”
The vague â€Å"greatness†of Jay Gatsby is bestowed to the peruser through the contemplations and perceptions of Nick Carraway, a character who is by and by associated with the complex occasions and connections highlighted in the plot. He is hence a great decision of storyteller as this participatory job places him alongside the ‘great' namesake of the book, which is basically how he seems to depict the optimistic, materialistic but then credulous character of Jay Gatsby. In utilizing Nick as such a gadget, Fitzgerald presents a knowledge into Gatsby which is bit by bit created from vagueness to profound respect as he refines Nick's discernment all through the ‘riotous trip'- as Nick figuratively depicts the activity of the novel †and sets up his frequently negative attitude toward the narrow-mindedness, insatiability and good defilement of American culture. Scratch is advantageously ready to get this individual information on Gatsby through his agreeability, making different characters trust in him through his tendency â€Å"to save judgement†. Be that as it may, his adverse judgment of society (from which Gatsby is ‘exempt') unexpectedly repudiates his underlying case to fairness, and Nick keeps on passing judgment on individuals from that point. This uncovers his perspective to be progressively abstract and loans his character the ideals of being practical, along these lines having human failings which summon an increasingly complete persona, and not simply a mouthpiece for Fitzgerald's contemplations. In any case, secretively, he additionally conveys the creator's judgment of 20's general public as his own, since Fitzgerald has fused such decisions into his character, making the deception of an unbiased storyteller while seeking after his humorous judgment of the Jazz Age and his obvious profound respect of the vision understood in the American Dream (spoke to by Gatsby's unthinkable positive thinking). To be sure, Fitzgerald's utilization of this â€Å"intelligent however thoughtful observer†at the focal point of occasions â€Å"makes for probably the most invaluable qualities in fiction†(William Troy, 1945). The estimations of â€Å"economy and intensity†are accomplished by his focal job in occasions, while â€Å"suspense†is accomplished through Nick's own imperfection of not completely seeing Gatsby's character, causing disclosures about Gatsby's over a wide span of time to be continuous and striking. We consider especially how Gatsby â€Å"came alive†to Nick in Chapter 4 through Jordan's thinking back, and of how, in Chapter 9, disclosures are as yet made after his passing, (for example, the timetable drew out into the open by Gatsby's dad) which merge Nick's regard for his broad desire. Scratch's impression of Gatsby is constrained in specific angles as the last is an equivocal character, however this inadequate information doesn't deflect Nick's sure view, which creates from not knowing Gatsby at all to respecting him for his peculiarly honorable, if deceptive, dream. Gatsby's vagueness just energizes interest in Nick, who utilizes the adulatory descriptive word â€Å"gorgeous†to depict him, and continues in his story to look for the explanation behind this fascination in the secret of Gatsby. The obvious predisposition introduced in Nick's portrayal may likewise be because of numerous associations felt with Gatsby because of likenesses between both their characters and Fitzgerald himself: huge numbers of Gatsby's attributes are frequently Fitzgerald's own, consolidated into his character nearby Nick's. Similarly as the creator had battled in the war, so have his characters, a reality which had removed Daisy from Gatsby and energy away from Nick's life as he â€Å"came back restless†. The two of them look to recover these things, Nick by coming East and Gatsby by reacquiring Daisy's affection. Scratch relates to Gatsby's yearning, and here maybe Fitzgerald joins his own understanding of losing the expressions of love of his first love, Ginevra King, this disappointment in accomplishing his own fantasy uncovering inclination in the creator himself. This might be the explanation behind the creator setting that Gatsby is â€Å"great†while likewise dazzling his negative sentiment on the reasons for the two his and Gatsby's disappointment †for this situation society, and the class contrasts which blocked Fitzgerald's relationship with the wealthier King. In the more extensive setting of social parody, this complexity among dreams and disappointment is undifferentiated from the rich and poor inside American culture, and is depicted through the somewhat evident imagery of the â€Å"Valley of Ashes†whose awkward nearness to the higher class Eggs frontal areas the immense dissimilarity among rich and poor in the Roaring Twenties. At first Nick just sees the noticeable side of Gatsby †his material belongings and his gatherings where visitors â€Å"came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars†in Chapter 3. He depicts the gatherings as fanciful, maybe mirroring Gatsby's point of view, and enticing, as riches was in 1920s America. Fitzgerald's likeness of the visitors being creepy crawly like communicates Nick's perception of the shallow realism and indecency of American culture (underscored in the previous citation by the sibilance of â€Å"whisperings†), as they are just enticed by Gatsby's riches, attracted like moths to his light, while making Gatsby appear to be by one way or another convincing and better than them as they rotate around him In direct difference to such shallowness, Fitzgerald uncovers Nick's profound respect for Gatsby's â€Å"romantic readiness†, and his â€Å"infinite hope†in his optimistic love of Daisy, to additionally assemble the â€Å"great†component of Gatsby's character as it is found. This part of Gatsby, when presented, additionally makes him â€Å"more real†(EK 1925) and sympathetic, than American culture of the time, as his fantasy is uncovered to be for affection, not material status. These lovely portrayals, however additionally utilized ‘in request to convince us that Gatsby is a man of graceful sensibility†, don't infer that â€Å"Fitzgerald takes the perilous, no-hands course of essentially saying so†as Kenneth Tynan (1974) states. Indeed, Nick's sure assessments of Gatsby are grown unpretentiously and suggested all through occasions in the plot. These bit by bit construct the impression of Gatsby's creative and wonderful reasonableness, for example, Nick's disclosure of his vision in regards to Daisy's adoration. On occasion, such utilizations of graceful account delineations balance pointedly with the dull, exposed depiction of the more unfortunate areas of society. To this end, light is utilized by Nick in positive depictions all through the novel, his own and Fitzgerald's interest with current advancements of his time anticipated through Nick's attentive and appreciating documentation of spots lit by electric lighting, for example, Gatsby's home which was ‘blazing with light,' and the significant image of Gatsby's â€Å"hope†for Daisy's adoration †the emblematic green light toward the finish of Daisy's dock, eventually portrayed, with feel sorry for, as a â€Å"illusion. Light is along these lines utilized in an image of both Nick's adoration felt at Gatsby's â€Å"hope†, and his compassion all things considered for a unimportant sentimental objective (love), which dismisses Gatsby's material conspicuousness. Scratch additionally well looks at Gatsby to a seismog raph; a ‘intricate' gadget driven by obscure/seen powers which mirrors Nick's own impression of him. This similarity isn't simply a â€Å"apt†¦ image for the human reasonableness in a motorized age†(Edwin S. Fussell 1952), demonstrating Nick's attention on material turns of events; it is likewise obviously used to emphasize his conclusions on how praiseworthy Gatsby's â€Å"heightened sensibility†is. Scratch's utilization of such correlations additionally proposes the uncertainty in his rendering of Gatsby. Scratch just makes us mindful of Gatsby's character in deliberately positioned account components. These arranged disclosures, however uncovering parts of Gatsby that indicate guiltiness (like his exercises in Chicago and different bits of gossip) at the same time accentuate his honorable characteristics, for example, his prizing of Daisy's affection. In reality, Nick's portrayal progressively disregards Gatsby's imperfections, the two his and Fitzgerald's perspectives progressively shading the story and throwing Gatsby's fantasy in a positive light. By making this compassion with Gatsby, Fitzgerald viably conveys the serious frustration felt at the interruption of reality on optimism in the last sections of the novel, and compassion toward the disappointment of Gatsby's fantasy is summoned. Plainly, however Maxwell E Perkins (1924) feels that Gatsby's equivocalness is â€Å"mistaken†as it makes his character increasingly undefined, Fitzgerald really utilizes this as a primary technique for bringing the peruser into an unmistakable subject of fantasy, a definitive deception being love itself. The obscurity of Gatsby is likewise used to empower Nick's â€Å"growth in moral perception†(Troy 1945) which Troy depicts as a â€Å"necessity†in such a storyteller; Nick progressively sees Gatsby's â€Å"moral†side-his â€Å"innate purity†, and society's absence of this in correlation, consequently preferring Gatsby and giving some validity to EK's assessment of Gatsby being â€Å"more real†than different characters because of the incomprehensibly unadulterated nature of his fantasy. In this regard, Chapter 4 is utilized to additionally Nick's, and the reader's, sure impression of Gatsby. It highlights Jordan describing a â€Å"romantic†memory of Daisy's previous relationship with Gatsby, Fitzgerald viably diverging from Nick's portrayal so as to confer a conscious and significant disclosure from quite a while ago. It is this relationship which Gatsby looks to recover by methods for his riches, and is the premise of the â€Å"romantic readiness†respected in him by Nick. Scratch hence hues his story with the new mindfulness and says that Gatsby â€Å"came alive to me, conveyed s
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write a Nova Lesson on Samples of Cause and Effect Essay
How to Write a Nova Lesson on Samples of Cause and Effect EssayIn this lesson, you'll discover how to write a Nova lesson on samples of cause and effect essay. You'll learn how to keep things interesting without resorting to tedious exposition.For starters, it's important to remember that the best, most effective way to learn is by actually doing it! I do think that taking notes can be somewhat effective at times, but without actually doing it, it's hard to really gauge how good it is for you. So, my approach to writing Nova lessons on samples of cause and effect is to simply use them as references for various types of essays that I will end up writing in the future.This also means that you need to understand that these notes are not meant to be read very carefully; rather, they are meant to be tossed out and forgotten as quickly as possible. On the other hand, I do encourage you to read everything carefully before doing so. Indeed, you should also make sure that you understand it th oroughly. That way, you will not have any problem with remembering what you read when you need to reference it later.Now that you know how to write a Nova lesson on samples of cause and effect essay, let's move on to the actual topic. The main goal here is to come up with an essay that discusses both the extremes. We're going to look at both causality and consequences, and the best way to do this is to start from the bottom and work your way up.Actually, it's more accurate to begin with the top of the scale. You may say that this is a stereotype, but since all events at the very top of the scale are usually sudden and unexpected, it's not as hard to draw conclusions about them. Then, you may want to start getting into more details of each of these levels. Keep in mind that you should keep these details general enough so that you can go back and revise them in the future.It's possible to move down the scale and discuss less extreme causes and effects. This should be done as you conti nue your journey. So, this will be your homework assignment for your Nova lesson on samples of cause and effect essay.After completing this part of the homework, you should then begin to develop the general type of example that you will use for your examples. That means that you should pick a situation that is typical of the one you plan to study. Then, you should focus on a particular aspect of that particular example and be careful to make certain that the example is good enough. That way, you can use the samples to create an effective Nova lesson on samples of cause and effect essay.If you haven't already done so, now is the time to review your assignment for your Nova lesson on samples of cause and effect essay. Check your work carefully, revise the examples, and rewrite the assignments and study materials as necessary. It's important that you follow through with this assignment, so that you have a well-written, accurate lesson that contains the kind of information you need to p repare for that test.
Monday, May 25, 2020
What Is IT Outsourcing - 1086 Words
India is facing competition from other countries around the world in IT outsourcing. China, Ireland, The Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Poland, and Egypt are just some of the countries that are aggressively looking at IT outsourcing for growth. Over the years, these countries have been developing their country to be able to provide IT outsourcing and lay a strong foundation to sustain this new idea. According to KPMG (2016), some of the investments these countries have done are build a huge market share by delivering a wide-range of services across their products line, insights across industries, investments in industry specific offerings and intellectual property tools/templates and accelerators. KPMG (2016) states that the main reasons†¦show more content†¦As per the NASSCOM report, recently there were about 200 Indian companies offering BPO and related services looking for buyers. According to the Asia Pacific Journal of Research, bills have been tabled in five states, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut, Washington and Missouri where there is a ban that you cannot transfer data processing contracts to developing nations. Below is a table that shows the strengths and weaknesses for the top five countries that pose a risk to India according to the Asia Pacific Journal of Research (APJR, YEAR). Country Strengths Weaknesses Poland -High quality workforce -Location to western central Europe -Top choice for back office data support -High costs Egypt -Language skills -quality of graduates -Social political environment China -Business friendly -Have made fast strides to learn the English language -Strong infrastructure -Not the number one choice yet for voice work -low English proficiency Malaysia -Strong infrastructure -Favorable business weather -Talent pool is small -Less outsourcing experience The Philippines -Has the most developed outsourcing industry in terms of maturity, capability and range of service -Weak infrastructure According to the Asia Pacific Journal of Research, there are challenges and areas for improvement for India which are listed below. †¢ TelecommunicationShow MoreRelated What is outsourcing Essay2183 Words  | 9 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What is Outsourcing? 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Super Sad True Love Story Essay - 694 Words
Number one: The Apparat. In the near future smart-phones evolved into a hand-held device that governs everything in your life from ranking your personality and appearance so that others know what to except of you to telling you all of major news that you absolutely have to know. So important is the device that it is essential that you wear your apparat around your neck at all times and if you are seen without the device or still carrying an older model, you are mocked. Shteyngart’s dystopian novel almost revolve around the apparat in that, the abandonment of books and reading, the forfeiting of personal privacy and rights, the pornifing of relationships, the inability to construct proper sentences and so on can all to credited to it. The†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Remember this... develop a sense of nostalgia for something, or youll never figure out whats important.†This quote is my number three satirical device because in the movie the â€Å"Blade Runnerâ₠¬ androids take a lot of pictures of the places they have seen and been to just like humans, the purpose of that is to keep and evidence of the past and to create an identity, a human identity, but for a machine. In Shetyngart’s dystopia America, people live by and for their apparat, their ratings, and their credit scores. A quick look at a person’s scores will determine who he or she is, just like looking at computer specs. Shetyngart’s future Americans are living more robotically than androids in movies such as the â€Å"Blade Runner†and â€Å"A.I.†and maybe that’s where we are headed. Number four: the idea of consent. â€Å"By reading this message you are denying its existence and implying consent.†A very similar counterpart to this forced consent would be the pat-downs and x-ray machines now installed all over the country’s airports. These two methods have long been questioned and criticized for their invasiveness and effectiveness. In the novel, when Lenny tried to board the ferry, he is thoroughly questioned and searched by the national guards,Show MoreRelatedSuper Sad True Love Story1410 Words  | 6 PagesSuper Sad True Love Story, America, next to of course god america i, and I, Too, Sing America, are all story/poems that in some form or another address the theme of American exceptionalism and patriotism. In each of the titles, it is established that America is not as revered as it once was or possibly could be and that change needs to take place. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nestle Accounting Practices - 8557 Words
Management Accounting -I Final Project Report Company – Nestlà © India Submitted By Rahul –PGP25259 Praveen – PGP25258 Pratyush – PGP25257 Prachal Mehrotra – PGP25255 Prajeesh Jayaram L – PGP25256 Sanjay Dhir – FPM10013 1. About Nestlà © Nestlà © is a food and package multinational with its headquarters situated in Vevey, Switzerland. The company came into being in 1905, after a merger between Anglo-Swiss Milk Company and FarineLactà ©e Henri Nestlà © Company. The company now has a strong presence worldwide and had an annual turnover of 87 billion Swiss francs in 2008. Nestlà © is the world s foremost Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. Nestlà © India Limited is the Indian arm of Nestlà © SA, which holds a 51% stake in the†¦show more content†¦Annexure to the auditor’s report mentions that the Company has, during the year, not granted any loans, secured or unsecured to companies, firms or other parties nor taken any loans, secured or unsecured from companies, firms or other parties. It has also not made any preferential allotment of shares, issued any debentures or raised any money by way of public issue during the year. Annexure t o the auditor’s report mentions that the Company has adequate internal control systems. It further observes that no major weakness in the internal control system has been noticed. Annexure to the auditor’s report mentions that the Company has been regular in depositing undisputed statutory dues with the appropriate authorities. Annexure to the auditor’s report mentions that the disputed dues of the company include Sales Tax, Service Tax, Income Tax and Excise Duty to the tune of approx. 34 crore including 13 crore of Sales Tax amount which is disputed for the period ranging from 1992-2007. *Influence of Auditors’s* Report on Financial Statements Analysis: All the financial statements and figures can be assumed to be accurate. The entire inventory mentioned can be assumed to be accurate. Since no preferential shares, debentures or public issues have been offered by the company, the share capital can be assumed to be same as that of lastShow MoreRelatedNestle Business Ethics1126 Words  | 5 Pagesfew examples of unethical practices performed by professional organizations. Nestlà © is a Swiss food and drink company. The company’s products include cereal, coffee, tea, water, and other food and drink products. Nestlà © is a very well-known and successful brand. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Jackie robinson 3 Essay Example For Students
Jackie robinson 3 Essay Jackie Robinson: Breaking the Color Barrier Its April 15, 1947 opening day at Ebbets Field, Brooklyn. Many people have turned out to see one man, the first black person to ever play in major league baseball. He is setting new standards for all blacks now and those to come. His name is Jack Roosevelt Robinson. We all wish him well and hope he can surmount the racial differences. At this time it was unheard of to have a black person treated equally to a white person, more the less it was highly unlikely to have a black person play on the same field as a white person. But for one man who stands alone Jackie Robinsons conquest to break through the color barrier with the help of Branch Rickey has set new standards for all black athletes to come. Jackie Robinson grew up in Cairo, Georgia. Jackie attended UCLA where he played baseball, basketball, football, and track. After collage Jackie enrolled in world war two. After the war Jackie got an honorable discharge. After the end of the war Jackie didnt know what he wanted to do and he was very short on money. Finally Jackie decided he wanted to join the Negro Leagues. In 1944 Jackie officially was on a Negro baseball team.(Shorto,Russell p. 5-10) In 1945 Branch Rickey the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers was looking for a black player to break the serration barrier and rise above it all and join the Major League Baseball Association. Rickey said that whoever the person was to be would have to cope with taunts and insult, with name calling and abuse. Rickey heard of the success of Jackie on the Negro League and sent his scouts to see Jackie. (Ritter, S. Lawrence p. 43-51). After a long meeting with Rickey, Jackie agreed to join the Brooklyn organization. Rickey singed Robinson to a Minor League deal in 1945. Jackies biggest challenge would be to overcome racial issues sought toward him without acting out with everybody looking at him. Jackie had death threats, racial slurs, and people wanting to seriously take him out of the game of baseball. (Rampersad Arnold p. 176) In 1947 Rickey called up Jackie to compete on a Major League level and take his career to a much higher level. When people heard of this, that Jackie was going to play on a Major League level players said that if Jackie was going to play they would strike, even some of Jackies teammates demanded to be traded and during one of Jackies games a barrage of racial insults were directed toward him from the fans in the grandstand. (Ritter, S. Lawrence p. 46) The discrimination continued off the field. When the dodgers played on the road Jackie wasnt allowed to stay in the same hotels has his teammates. He would have to stay in a hotel just for blacks or he had to stay in private homes by himself. In one case Jackie was allowed to stay in the same hotel has his team but he wasnt allowed beyond the pool room and he had to eat his food in his room. (Flanker David p. 167-168) Toward the end of the season things were finally starting to look up. Jackies wife was making friends with the other players wives, and Jackie finally got the respect from everyone now and many people were beginning to feel what it was like to be Jackie Robinson. Robinson won fans over because he could rouse them, but he also won over his team, his league, and the nation, not only by being a lion but by having to be a lamp;. (Flanker, David p. 173) Although having many friends now, Jackie will never forget his long time friends Pee Wee Reese and Ralph Branca who stood by him when nobody else was. Things kept getting better and better for Jackie the pitches at his head when he was up stopped, most of the racial slurs have stopped, and Jackie was finally being treated like a real baseball player not like a black person. Henri Cartier Bresson - Arts Essay Jackie lead the league in steels, ranked second in runs scored, and he won the Rookie of the Year Award which was later renamed the Jackie Robinson Award. That year Jackie also lead his team to a World Series appearance. Nearly a year after Jackie had first broke .
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Monday, March 9, 2020
Hildegard of Bingen, Mystic, Writer, Composer, Saint
Hildegard of Bingen, Mystic, Writer, Composer, Saint Hildegard of Bingen (1098–September 17, 1179) was a medieval mystic and visionary and Abbess of Bingens Benedictine community. She was also a prolific composer and the author of several books on spirituality, visions, medicine, health and nutrition, nature. A powerful figure within the church, she corresponded with Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine and other major political figures of the time. She was made a saint of the Church of England and was later canonized by the Catholic Church. Fast Facts: Hildegard of Bingen Known For: German mystic, religious leader, and saintAlso Known As: Saint Hildegard, Sibyl of the RhineBorn: 1098 in Bermersheim vor der Hà ¶he, GermanyParents: Mechtild of Merxheim-Nahet, Hildebert of BermersheimDied: September 17, 1179 in Bingen am Rhein, GermanyEducation: Privately educated in at the Benedictine cloister of Disibodenberg by Jutta, a sister of the count of SpanheimPublished Works: Symphonia armonie celestium revelationum, Physica, Causae et Curae, Scivias, Liber Vitae Meritorum, (Book of the Life of Merits), Liber Divinorum Operum (Book of the Divine Works)Awards and Honors: Canonized in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI; proclaimed a doctor of the church in the same yearNotable Quote: Woman may be made from man, but no man can be made without a woman. Hildegard of Bingen Biography Born in Bemersheim (Bà ¶ckelheim), West Franconia (now Germany), in 1098, Hildegard of Bingen was the 10th child of a well-to-do family. Shed had visions connected with illness (perhaps migraines) from a young age, and in 1106 her parents sent her to a 400-year-old Benedictine monastery that had only recently added a section for women. They put her under the care of a noblewoman and resident there named Jutta, calling Hildegard the familys tithe to God. Jutta, whom Hildegard later referred to as an unlearned woman, taught Hildegard to read and write. Jutta became the abbess of the convent, which attracted other young women of noble background. In that time, convents were often places of learning, a welcome home to women who had intellectual gifts. Hildegard, as was true of many other women in convents at the time, learned Latin, read the scriptures, and had access to many other books of religious and philosophical nature. Those who have traced the influence of ideas in her writings find that Hildegard must have read quite extensively. Part of the Benedictine rule required study, and Hildegard clearly availed herself of the opportunities. Founding a New, Female House When Jutta died in 1136, Hildegard was elected unanimously as the new abbess. Rather than continue as part of a double house- a monastery with units for men and for women- Hildegard in 1148 decided to move the convent to Rupertsberg, where it was on its own and not directly under the supervision of a male house. This gave Hildegard considerable freedom as an administrator, and she traveled frequently in Germany and France. She claimed that she was following Gods order in making the move, firmly opposing her abbots opposition. She assumed a rigid position, lying like a rock until he gave his permission for the move. The move was completed in 1150. The Rupertsberg convent grew to as many as 50 women and became a popular burial site for the wealthy of the area. The women who joined the convent were of wealthy backgrounds, and the convent did not discourage them from maintaining something of their lifestyle. Hildegard of Bingen withstood criticism of this practice, claiming that wearing jewelry to worship God was honoring God, not practicing selfishness. She later also founded a daughter house in Eibingen. This community is still in existence. Hildegards Work and Visions Part of the Benedictine rule is labor, and Hildegard spent early years in nursing and at Rupertsberg in illustrating (illuminating) manuscripts. She hid her early visions; only after she was elected abbess did she receive a vision that she said clarified her knowledge of the psaltery...the evangelists and the volumes of the Old and New Testament. Still showing much self-doubt, she began to write and share her visions. Papal Politics Hildegard of Bingen lived at a time when, within the Benedictine movement, there were stresses on the inner experience, personal meditation, an immediate relationship with God, and visions. It was also a time in Germany of striving between papal authority and the authority of the German (Holy Roman) emperor and by a papal schism. Hildegard of Bingen, through her many letters, took to task both the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and the archbishop of Main. She wrote to such luminaries as King Henry II of England and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine. She also corresponded with many individuals of low and high estate who wanted her advice or prayers. Hildegards Favorite Richardis or Ricardis von Stade, one of the convents nuns who was a personal assistant to Hildegard of Bingen, was a special favorite of Hildegard. Richardis brother was an archbishop, and he arranged for his sister to head another convent. Hildegard tried to persuade Richardis to stay and wrote insulting letters to the brother and even wrote to the pope, hoping to stop the move. But Richardis left and died after she decided to return to Rupertsberg but before she could do so. Preaching Tour In her 60s, Hildegard of Bingen began the first of four preaching tours, speaking mostly in other communities of Benedictines such as her own and other monastic groups, but also sometimes speaking in public settings. Hildegard Defies Authority A final famous incident happened near the end of Hildegards life when she was in her 80s. She allowed a nobleman who had been excommunicated to be buried at the convent, seeing that he had last rites. She claimed shed received word from God allowing the burial. But her ecclesiastical superiors intervened and ordered the body exhumed. Hildegard defied the authorities by hiding the grave, and the authorities excommunicated the entire convent community. Most insultingly to Hildegard, the interdict prohibited the community from singing. She complied with the interdict, avoiding singing and communion, but did not comply with the command to exhume the corpse. Hildegard appealed the decision to yet higher church authorities and finally had the interdict lifted. Hildegard of Bingen Writings The best-known writing of Hildegard of Bingen is a trilogy (1141–1152) including Scivias, Liber Vitae Meritorum, (Book of the Life of Merits), and Liber Divinorum Operum (Book of the Divine Works). These include records of her visions- many are apocalyptic- and her explanations of scripture and salvation history. She also wrote plays, poetry, and music, and many of her hymns and song cycles are recorded today. She even wrote on medicine and nature- and its important to note that for Hildegard of Bingen, as for many in medieval times, theology, medicine, music, and similar topics were united, not separate spheres of knowledge. Was Hildegard a Feminist? Today, Hildegard of Bingen is celebrated as a feminist. This has to be interpreted within the context of her times. On the one hand, she accepted many of the assumptions of the time about the inferiority of women. She called herself a paupercula feminea forma or poor weak woman, and implied that the current feminine age was thereby a less-desireable age. That God depended on women to bring his message was a sign of the chaotic times, not a sign of the advance of women. On the other hand, she exercised considerably more authority than most women of her time in practice, and she celebrated feminine community and beauty in her spiritual writings. She used the metaphor of marriage to God, though this was not her invention nor a new metaphor- and it was not universal. Her visions have female figures in them: Ecclesia, Caritas (heavenly love), Sapientia, and others. In her texts on medicine, she included topics that male writers usually avoided, such as how to deal with menstrual cramps. She also wrote a text just on what is today called gynecology. Clearly, she was a more prolific writer than most women of her era; more to the point, she was more prolific than most of the men of the time. There were some suspicions that her writing was not her own and could instead be attributed to her scribe Volman, who seems to have taken the writings that she put down and made permanent records of them. But even in her writing after he died, her usual fluency and complexity of writing is present, which would be counterevidence to the theory of his authorship. Sainthood Perhaps because of her famous (or infamous) flouting of ecclesiastical authority, Hildegard of Bingen was not initially canonized by the Roman Catholic Church as a saint, although she was honored locally as a saint. The Church of England considered her a saint. On May 10, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI officially declared her a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. Later that year on October 7, he named her a Doctor of the Church (meaning her teachings are recommended doctrine). She was the fourth woman to be so honored, after Teresa of Avila, Catherine of Siena, and Tà ©rà ¨se of Lisieux. Death Hildegard of Bingen died on September 17, 1179, at age 82. Her feast day is September 17. Legacy Hildegard of Bingen was, by modern standards, not as revolutionary as she might have been considered in her time. She preached the superiority of order over change, and the church reforms she pushed for included the superiority of ecclesiastical power over secular power, and of popes over kings. She opposed the Cathar heresy in France and had a long-running rivalry (expressed in letters) with another figure whose influence was unusual for a woman, Elisabeth of Shonau. Hildegard of Bingen is probably more properly classified as a prophetic visionary rather than a mystic, as revealing knowledge from God was more her priority than her own personal experience or union with God. Her apocalyptic visions of the consequences of acts and practices, her lack of concern for herself, and her sense that she was the instrument of Gods word to others differentiate her from many of the female and male mystics near her time. Her music is performed today and her spiritual works are read as examples of a feminine interpretation of church and spiritual ideas. Sources â€Å"A Contemporary Look at Hildegard of Bingen.† Healthy Hildegard, 21 Feb. 2019.The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. â€Å"St. Hildegard.† Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 1 Jan. 2019.Franciscan Media. â€Å"Saint Hildegard of Bingen.† Franciscan Media, 27 Dec. 2018.
Friday, February 21, 2020
The state of Human Rights in Arab countries Research Paper
The state of Human Rights in Arab countries - Research Paper Example such, their political systems and the means by which existing law impacts upon the way in which issues such as human rights are understood oftentimes have not had time to evolve; at least in the way that other political systems throughout the world have been able to define themselves with respect to the interpretation and understanding of human rights. Essentially, these more recent developments and relatively new and â€Å"young†political systems within the Arab world have effectively created a situation in which many of the Arab states have been reticent to adopt or otherwise engage with widely established norms or agreements concerning the application and provision of broader human rights.1 Thus, the overall level of ratification that many of these states have engaged with is abysmally low as compared to other regions around the globe. Interestingly, recognizing this deficit, there have been several futile attempts by certain Arab states to adopt an Arab charter of human r ights; one that would leverage a fundamentally different and cultural interpretation of human rights based on a shared identity, religion, and culture that is more or less uniform throughout these Arab states. In terms of a case in point analysis, it should readily be noted that in almost all Arab states there exist â€Å"laws of suspicion†and/or â€Å"preventative measures†that significantly stipulate that certain actions must be taken against individuals as a means of preventing the â€Å"potential†for the commission of certain crimes. Naturally, this free criminal behaviour interpretation of the means by which the law should be enforced is substantially different from the way in which many other societies throughout the world seek to punish crime and seek to improve society as a whole. Interestingly, beyond merely contradicting the norms and mores of many nations with respect to human rights, these regulations, evident in nearly each and every predominantly Arab nation, are also often
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
ACCOUNTANT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
ACCOUNTANT - Essay Example One overstated expenses aggressively while the second was the true record. It was hoped that the excess amounts, once approved by the IRS, would result in an excess of reimbursement that could be fed into the revenue stream and form a source of revenue for the business. This falsification of accounts is tantamount to fraud. It is known as a ‘qui tam’ or false claims case (Eichenwald, 1998, 3.1). When the amounts involved are quite large, the danger that Alderson faced, even after termination of employment could range from permanent injury to death threats to himself and his family. After his dismissal from service, Alderson and his family were forced to move from his house in Whitefish to a cramped cottage in rural Montana where they lived frugally. It took 13 years for a decision to be made and Alderson to be awarded with damages that were sufficient enough to cover his expenses and let him live a comfortable retirement. The principle that Mr. Alderson committed himself to after watching a partner sign an Audit Report at Arthur Anderson was that the signing had better mean that whatever was being committed to was correct and true to the best of the accountant’s knowledge and the opinion that they gave was without prejudice and vouched for the integrity of the records that they had checked and
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Expansion Politics Essay
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Expansion Politics Essay This paper will examine North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Expansionlooking at the real benefit of NATO growing. Does it provide leverage that shapes the political and economic development of European countries where democracy and free markets are not yet taken for granted or still growing? As discussed in our regional studies elective on Europe NS 2206, in order to win a NATO membership, the candidate countries must agreed to long agendas of reforms, ranging from ensuring free press and fair elections to protecting minorities and acting against drug trafficking and corruption. Currently NATO is comprised of twenty-eight members, with additional candidates awaiting approval (i.e. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, and Montenegro). NATO had twelve founding member nation they were the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Belgium, France, Iceland, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Portugal, and Norway. Although membership in to NATO is rather difficult to achieve, NATO has added new members through six expansions since its founding in 1949. Throughout NATOs history it has established different programs with the intent to create greater regional cooperation between NATO and its neighbors. These programs include the Partnership for Peace, the Mediterranean Dialogue initiative, and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council. From these programs NATO has established relationships that have led to new NATO members. With the collapse of communism and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, NATO has experienced something of an identity crisis. NATO was originally conceived as a military alliance to deter Soviet expansion into Western Europe, the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the Soviet Union forced NATO to reassess its once clear objective. A former Supreme Allied Commander Europe General Joseph Ralston once said that, For most of NATOs history the strategic problem was easily defined: we could predict where we might fight and under what conditions.But today we have a much different problem. We do not know who the enemy might be, and we do not know where we will fight. [i] As the political and military circumstances changed in Europe, many member nations believed that NATO should adapt and reflect these changes. In 1995, the NATO Alliance published the results of a Study on NATO Enlargement that considered the merits of admitting new members and how they should be brought in. [ii] It concluded that the end of the Cold War provided a unique opportunity to build improved security in the entire Euro-Atlantic area and that NATO enlargement would contribute to enhanced stability and security for all. [iii] The Study further concluded that enlargement would contribute to enhanced stability and security for all countries in the Euro-Atlantic area by encouraging and supporting democratic reforms, including the establishment of civilian and democratic control over military forces; fostering patterns and habits of cooperation, consultation, and consensus-building characteristic of relations among members of the Alliance; and promoting good-neighborly relations. [iv] The Study also concluded that enlargement would strengthen the Alliances ability to contribute to European and internat ional security, strengthen, and broaden the transatlantic partnership. [v] In 1997, the United States Clinton Administration led efforts to invite three former Eastern bloc communist countries, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Poland to join NATO. Since their invitation in 1997, there have been a number of further invitations for membership to newly democratized states seeking membership into one of the greatest military alliances in the world. After this fourth enlargement in 1999, the desire to become a member of NATO spread rapidly both into the Baltic and seven East European countries and they lobbied for NATO membership. Seven of these countries joined in the fifth enlargement in 2004. Albania and Croatia joined in the sixth enlargement in 2009. This pushed NATOs boundaries further east than they had ever imagined. In November 2010, NATO members adopted a new Strategic Concept at the Lisbon Summit. They reaffirmed the Alliances commitment to keep NATOs door open to any European country in a position to undertake the commitments and obligations of membership, and contribute to security in the Euro-Atlantic area. [vi] This NATO expansion is accomplished by each new potential member nation through a Membership Action Plan (MAP) mechanism. This is a procedure where the current members review new members formal applications. The mechanism was approved in the 1999 Washington summit. A nations participation in MAP entails the annual presentation of reports concerning its progress on five different measures: (1) willingness to settle international, ethnic or external territorial disputes by peaceful means, commitment to the rule of law and human rights, and democratic control of armed forces; (2) ability to contribute to the organizations defense and missions; (3) devotion of sufficient resources to armed forces to be able to meet the commitments of membership; (4) security of sensitive information, and safeguards ensuring it; and (5) compatibility of domestic legislation with NATO cooperation. [vii] The question of NATO enlargement has not been made without it debate by its member nations. They have debated the arguments for and against expansion. An expanded NATO, they argue, may provide the military security and political integration necessary to aid the development of these young democracies. [viii] Furthermore, these experts contend that enlargement will help secure a more stable and peaceful future for Europe, which is crucial for U.S. interests. [ix] Critics of expansion contend that enlarging NATO risks diluting both its military effectiveness and capabilities. They argue that the new alliance will lack the cohesion and clearly defined purpose that made NATO in its previous incarnation the most successful military alliance of modern times. [x] Opponents of expansion also insist that the economic price of enlargement far outweighs its benefits. Furthermore, these experts fear that an enlarged NATO threatens to divide the world into coalitions, not to ment ion the very real possibility of isolating Russia and fanning the flames of the hard-line forces that still threaten Russias democratic development. [xi] The six large expansions have made NATO change policies and organizational structure in order to accommodate the newly added states. Some members nations as well as members of the United States Congress have asked what will further expansion cost; who will pay for the costs; is it necessary; how should enlargement be conducted; what is an expanded NATOs purpose? Mr. Sarwar A. Kashmeri tries to answer these questions in his new book NATO 2.0: Reboot or Delete? He provides some insights stating, America has underwritten the security of Europe for over sixty years. It is not a state of affairs that I believe the increasingly pressured American taxpayer will look upon favorably any more. Especially considering that the European Unions gross domestic product now exceeds Americas and the combined defense budget of the Member States of the European Union of around à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬200 billion (over $300 billion) is not appreciably smaller than Americas defense budget after removing the expe nses of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and subtracting the expenses of Americas world-wide responsibilities, a global role that Europeans seem to have no desire to underwrite or assume. [xii] These costs are in effect a return on NATOs investment in these new member countries. The NATO alliances enlargement has promoted stability in Europe by providing a secure environment for new members for further consolidation of democracy and open markets. The progress made in a few years by the latest members to NATO such as Albania and Croatia have been impressive and deserves reward. These countries spent more than eight years in rigorous preparation for NATO membership. Today, Croatia has the most impressive economic performance, and real estate prices, of any country in southern Europe. [xiii] In recent years, Albania has contributed more soldiers to missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and international peacekeeping than most NATO allies. [xiv] These new members have made the trans-Atlantic alliance stronger. Philip H. Gordon, Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Policy at Brooking Institute, said it best in his statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 11, 2008 when he stated, that NATO enlargement has contributed to security and prosperity in Europe. The incentive of NATO membership has led aspiring countries to reform their political systems, liberalize their economies, root out corruption, resolve territorial disputes with neighbors, rationalize their military establishments, and improve minority rights. Once in the alliance new members have contributed troops for vital NATO missions in the Balkans and in Afghanistan and many sent forces to join the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq. In turn, NATO membership has reassured their populations of political and military solidarity with the United States and members of the European Union, enabling them to focus on improving the well-being of their citizens rather than worrying about the types of military threats they had lived with fo r centuries. [xv]Â
Monday, January 20, 2020
Models of Decision Making :: Business Management
MODELS OF DECISION MAKING: ïÆ'Ëœ SWOT Analysis Model ïÆ'Ëœ Poster’s Five Forces Analysis ïÆ'Ëœ PEST Analysis SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is the most common and renowned model for decision making in the business world today. It is used for conducting the audit, study and analyze the overall strategic position of the business and the environment in which the business operates SWOT is an abbreviation of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The main objective of SWOT analysis is to devise the best strategy for the organization, using it to prepare the business model for the company while keeping in view the resources, capabilities and constraints that are applicable. It is in fact used to assess the internal potential of the organization and how it can be utilized to exploit the avenues available in the environment. It takes into consideration all the favorable and unfavorable factors associated with the organization. This tool when used consistently can help in the predicting the future outcome and including those forecasts in the organization’s strategy. Conducting SWOT analysis is not a complex task but includes a very simple and interesting activity. It also includes brainstorming sessions. SWOT analysis may be used to develop the business idea, assessing an opportunity to make an acquisition, analyzing a potential partnership or making decision about a brand, product, an investment opportunity. SWOT analysis is conducted using a template which is usually in the form of a grid and consists of four sections. An example of the template is produced below: STRENGTHS Financial Resources Human Resource Market Access Brands Patents Copy Rights Technology Infrastructure Quality Cost minimization Effective management Geographical edge Expertise and Experience Backward and Forward Integration Other assets WEAKNESS Cash shortage or lack of access to financial resources Lack of access to market Incompetent human resource and management Lack of infrastructure Non availability of technology Lack of competitive strengths Ineffective supply chain management Narrow Product Range Poor Decision Making Huge Debts High employee turnover Obsolete equipment Complex decision making process Large wastage of raw material OPPORTUNITIES New market New Government policy or change in recent policy Lifestyle or industry Niche market Increase in level of income of individuals New Products and services THREATS Political factors Legislative issues Environmental factors High turnover of staff Takeover by a big giant New technology by competitor Disagreement with key contractors and customers Seasonal impacts Change in attitude, tastes or lifestyle International market impacts on local market Change in the market demand Ever changing technology Price war leading to decrease in profitability Increased competition leading to access capacity Lets have a view on each of the four factors: Strengths: Strengths are the competitive edge or the capabilities an organization has to be utilized when competing with its competitors.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Benefits of Not Home Schooling Essay
Parents may have various options for choosing what kind of education that’s best for their children. The know what good be an advantage and disadvantage of sending their children to school or opted to have a home education, whatever their decision is, it would be both beneficial to parents and to their children as well. There are lots of factors that parents would choose not to send their children to school, rather to enroll them in home schooling. Some parents feel that because of the rising tuition fees and the status of public schools made parents to be alarmed and have doubts about formal schooling. Let’s take a look what are the advantages of home schooling. First, parents feel that they have the control of the kind of education their children will get. They will be able to guide their children on the activities and lessons, because they have the ability to look after their children. They also feel that it’s less stressful for children if they are not enrolled in school. Because of financial needs, parents opted to home schooling because it is less expensive, compared to private schools that continues to increase each year. Emotionally wise, People who are involved in home schooling believe that children who get their education at home enable them to develop a stronger bond between parents and children. The very fact that children will be spending more time with their parents because of being schooled in the home enriches the relationship between the generations. This is beneficial to both parents and children. Where in formal schooling, children spend more time in school and when he gets home he is pre occupied with a lot of school works that tends children to become stressed out. There are also tendencies coming from parents to pressure their children to do well in school. But let’s take a different perspective; I believe that children who are into home schooling are deprived of social interaction, especially interaction with their peers. Those who are into home schooling are confined within their houses, children needed to take some time off and interaction is very essential to the development of children in terms of social and emotional aspect. A child will develop her communication skills, social skills, and even cognitive skills because interaction leads to experience, and experience leads to knowledge. School is not solely based books but rather a learning experience. There are lot of things we can learn outside from our home, from our teachers, classmates and friends. We need to socialize and experience certain things within the context of the book in order for us to understand and learn better, theories are not there for us to just memorize rather apply it into our daily lives. Books could not be merely understood just by reading them we have to apply it even on simple things, and experience such events will enable us to learn something valuable. I truly believe that practical experience of learning will help me understand and gain knowledge better compared into being confined within our home. We can balance school and its pressure and our relationship with our parents. Yes, there may have a big gap in financial aspect but we just can’t sacrifice the kind of education we need, for education is beyond learning, it is our future.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Ethical Issues Draft Finding The Right Minimum Wage
Katalia Gensler Fletcher March 2, 2016 Period 5 Ethical Issues Draft – Finding the Right Minimum Wage Minimum wage has only been around in the United States (US) for a short period of time. Since 1938, the minimum wage has undergone many changes in its laws and regulations and has been raised to extreme amounts in some states. Today states must provide at least the equivalent minimum wage set by the federal government. Some states, however, chose to raise the minimum wage rate higher than that set by the federal government. In those states, the citizens will protest to get higher wages so that they can live more comfortably. Protesters demonstrate for higher minimum wages every year. Protesters demand even higher wages than what some employers can handle paying. All people want to be able to live without worrying if they can pay for the necessities of life. We all want to be able to enjoy the high life, which comes with earning more money. Even if the amount of minimum wage cannot benefit us all with great impact, it can a t least benefit those who need the money to rise above the poverty line. Many people don’t understand that there are also negative outcomes of wanting increase the minimum wage for employees. Most people only consider that the money earned will help themselves and their family members. Nevertheless, one thing the people know is that a small wage of 7 – 8 dollars isn’t enough to live well on. Nor is a higher wage of 10 – 15 dollars satisfying enough forShow MoreRelatedEthical Issues Draft : Finding The Right Minimum Wage1705 Words  | 7 PagesEthical Issues Draft – Finding the Right Minimum Wage Minimum wage has only been around in the United States (US) for a short period of time. Since 1938, the minimum wage has undergone many changes in its laws and regulations and has been raised to extreme amounts in some states. 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