Thursday, May 14, 2020
Super Sad True Love Story Essay - 694 Words
Number one: The Apparat. In the near future smart-phones evolved into a hand-held device that governs everything in your life from ranking your personality and appearance so that others know what to except of you to telling you all of major news that you absolutely have to know. So important is the device that it is essential that you wear your apparat around your neck at all times and if you are seen without the device or still carrying an older model, you are mocked. Shteyngart’s dystopian novel almost revolve around the apparat in that, the abandonment of books and reading, the forfeiting of personal privacy and rights, the pornifing of relationships, the inability to construct proper sentences and so on can all to credited to it. The†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Remember this... develop a sense of nostalgia for something, or youll never figure out whats important.†This quote is my number three satirical device because in the movie the â€Å"Blade Runnerâ₠¬ androids take a lot of pictures of the places they have seen and been to just like humans, the purpose of that is to keep and evidence of the past and to create an identity, a human identity, but for a machine. In Shetyngart’s dystopia America, people live by and for their apparat, their ratings, and their credit scores. A quick look at a person’s scores will determine who he or she is, just like looking at computer specs. Shetyngart’s future Americans are living more robotically than androids in movies such as the â€Å"Blade Runner†and â€Å"A.I.†and maybe that’s where we are headed. Number four: the idea of consent. â€Å"By reading this message you are denying its existence and implying consent.†A very similar counterpart to this forced consent would be the pat-downs and x-ray machines now installed all over the country’s airports. These two methods have long been questioned and criticized for their invasiveness and effectiveness. In the novel, when Lenny tried to board the ferry, he is thoroughly questioned and searched by the national guards,Show MoreRelatedSuper Sad True Love Story1410 Words  | 6 PagesSuper Sad True Love Story, America, next to of course god america i, and I, Too, Sing America, are all story/poems that in some form or another address the theme of American exceptionalism and patriotism. In each of the titles, it is established that America is not as revered as it once was or possibly could be and that change needs to take place. 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